Annabelle’s meet up with her brother

Annabelle's ringtone was vibrating on the table, disrupting the peaceful silence of her room. She slowly opened her sleepy eyes, trying to adjust to the light that was filtering in through her curtains. As she started to regain her senses, the familiar sound of her ringtone registered in her ears. She reached her hand out for the phone and picked it up, still half asleep.

Clicking the answer button, she placed the phone on her ear and muttered a groggy "hello," rubbing her eyes and yawning at the same time. Her voice sounded tired and sleep-filled, evidence of the nap she had been taking before the call interrupted her.

"Hello cupcakes," a warm and familiar voice sounded on the other end of the line. Annabelle's eyes sprang open, instantly recognizing her brother's voice. It had been a while since they had spoken, and his unexpected call brought a surge of happiness to her heart.