Sherly tails Annabelle to uncover secrets

She parked her car in the designated area and made her way towards the restaurant. Her heart raced with anticipation as she walked in, scanning the area for her brother. Spotting him sitting at a corner table, she couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She hurried over to him and enveloped him in a tight embrace, not caring about the attention they were drawing.

"I've missed you so much, brother," she confessed, her voice filled with pure love and longing.

Alex chuckled, gently teasing her. "Stop acting like a baby, Annabelle. Sit down before you drag everyone's attention."

Realizing that he was right, Annabelle broke free from the embrace and obediently took her seat. She glanced around the restaurant, noticing that they weren't alone. People were enjoying their meals, engrossed in their own conversations.

Curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't resist asking about her gift. "Where's my gift?" she asked, stretching her hand out towards Alex expectantly.