Chapter 32

"Hey, Ho. Hey, Ho." People were yelling as they worked together.

Lucas looked at the demolishers below, the houses were demolished one by one, and the useful and useless things were placed separately.

The action of demolishing the houses was very fast. After all, the houses were mainly made of wood, and the houses with earth walls were almost the same. The scene of more than 1,000 people working was hard to see. Looking out from the window of the study room, Lucas seemed to be watching ants moving and working.

"Young master, at this speed, we should be able to finish constructing about one third of the houses in time for autumn harvest." Nicole said softly.

"Are there enough steel bars?" Lucas thought about the most important part. If there are not enough steel bars then the house will be a little dangerous.

"According to your design, along with some emergency production of the steel bars, we have just enough for the supply." Nicole said, flipping through her notebook.

"That's good. Except for the ones we need to keep, put all of them in the new houses. We need all the houses sturdy enough for the second story."


The two story buildings that Lucas designed weren't all made of steel bars. For example, the second floor uses less steel bars, and the first floor uses a lot of steel bars, mainly for load bearing.

With this kind of design, there is no problem living in the houses for 30 to 40 years. These buildings were only there as the first phase of Lucas's plan. After 10 to 20 years there will be tons of buildings that will be dozens of meters high in the city.

"Tell Aiden to add a few more cement furnaces and keep a close watch on them. I don't want the secret recipe to leak out." Lucas said. "And as for the steel furnaces. Arrest whoever tries to come close to them."

"Big brother has taken the soldiers to that place to train. Whoever comes close to that place will be arrested and killed if necessary." Nicole said with a serious face.

Everything was slowly going on the right track, which made Lucas breathe a sigh of relief. He sat down and closed his eyes to think. Nicole massaged Lucas's shoulders.

"Those grain merchants aren't making trouble. are they?" Lucas suddenly said.

"No, they are all very quiet." Nicole could feel that Lucas was a little tired.

"Alright, let Jack keep an eye on them. Let the Longbow team take action if they dare to make trouble." Lucas said coldly.

He wasn't afraid of those grain merchants now. He didn't expect that it would only take the recruited hunters 3 days to master the recurve bow. They still needed to learn about team cooperation, but they were good enough to kill the grain merchants without any problem.

20 people equipped with recurve bows formed a team, the Longbow team, led by Jack.

"Okay." A trace of compassion flashed through Nicole's eyes. Young master had too many things to do, but her abilities were limited, so she could only help with small things.

"Right, I want the wheat that's being shipped back to be put in the storage in a low-key manner. I want to see if they will come out and make trouble."

Lucas understands that the interests of some people will definitely be touched this time, and he doesn't mind some big cleansing. Sedona City only needed a man's voice, and that was his order.

"My father had already ordered it." Nicole said softly.

"Hu…" Lucas let out a sigh of relief and leaned his head back and pressed it against Nicole's boobs. Realizing what he had done. As Lucas was about to remove his head for Nicole's boobs. She wrapped her arms over his chest.

Time seemed to stop. Smelling the sweet fragrance of the teenage girl, Lucas slowly fell asleep. After all, he was working very hard for his and the city's future.

Nicole quietly hugged Lucas's body without making any noise. She turned her head slightly and looked at Lucas's sleeping face.

She thought about the first time she met Lucas. She had been on the mountains to pick up wild vegetables when she met a lone wolf. When she thought she was going to die, Lucas suddenly appeared and drove away the wolf.

The cliche hero save beauty event, with Lucas living in her house for a month, and the fact that Lucas often gave her delicious snacks in secret made the teenage girl unknowingly give her heart to Lucas.

Mina wasn't here today because of some work, so Nicole was a bit more courageous. Looking at Lucas's handsome face, the girl's soft lip lightly touched Lucas's cheek, and she quickly pulled back and stood straight with a blushing face.

"He's not awake, right?" Nicole's closed eyes slightly opened and carefully observed him.

"Hu… Not awake."

"Success, young master's first kiss is mine… My heart is beating so fast, just like what the book said."

Nicole remembered a book that she had read, titled "The Love Diary of a Noble Girl."

Her father had brought the book back from the capital for her 15th birthday. Even though the book was only made up of about a dozen sheepskin rolls, the love story recorded in the book made her yearn for it a lot.

The book also had a scene just like this one. The heroine had also secretly kissed the prince just like this.

"Mina shouldn't have kissed the young master yet, right? Probably not." Nicole muttered. Her eyes involuntarily looked at Lucas's face, and she blushed again. She then gave another peck on Lucas's face.

"It should be alright if I do it again, right? Then, then I'll do it one more time."

"I haven't kissed here before, why don't I kiss here as well? Alright, I'll kiss here once again."

"Great Princess Lucy, thank you for your great teachings in your book."

Lucy was the author of "The Love Diary of a Noble Girl". It was said that she was the daughter of the king, a princess.

Nicole was a fan of Lucy. Like Nicole, there were many teenage girls who were fans of Lucy and her books.