Chapter 33

The busy day was over as the sun set.

Hmm… A crowd of hungry people were now waiting for food.

Andrew felt a bit dizzy and walked unsteadily. He hadn't eaten any food yesterday, not to mention that he had also worked this whole day. It was too much, even for a beastkin like him.

He couldn't fall down now, for that kg of wheat. He needed to bring the wheat back to his companions, and Annie was very hungry because she had been eating very little these days.

Others took about half kg of wheat to eat a meal on the site, but Andrew saved all the wheat.

He saw double images when looking. He moved mechanically, following the flow of people numbly.


Andrew couldn't hold on anymore and fell down to the ground. When he fainted, he heard the female voice that made his heart beat faster.

"Everyone, go and get your wheat. I'll take care of him."

When Andrew opened his eyes, he subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth and tasted vegetable soup. Before he could indulge in the aftertaste of the vegetable soup, a girl's voice came from the side.

"You're awake?"

Andrew's body suddenly stiffened. He mechanically turned his head and looked at the girl staring at him. He recognized her as the freckled girl that had helped him register for work.

Andrew broke out in cold sweat, because he was facing an unprecedented crisis. He felt more uneasy than when he faced a tiger beastkin, because he had been exposed. The cloth on the side was the one used to cover his horns.

"Why aren't you speaking?" the girl tilted her head, looking at Andrew weirdly. Her eyes looked at the bull horns on Andrew's head.

Andrew's throat squirmed a bit. "What do you want to do? Do you want to sell me as a slave?"

"Hey, you spoke," the girl smiled. "Why would we sell you as a slave?"

"Uh…" Andrew was speechless and looked at the girl in disbelief. He said bitterly, "I'm a beastkin. Look, I have a pair of horns, aren't you supposed to hate me?"

He remembered that there was a rumor in the human race that the existence of beastkins was the god's punishment. Beastkins were the combination of humans and beasts, they were a hybrid race.

The reason that many people in the human race didn't have enough food to eat was the existence of beastkins, because beastkins ate too much food.

Andrew also thought it was right. If he was allowed to eat as much as he wanted, he could eat two or three times the amount of food that humans could eat.

"Why should I hate you? You're so weird." The girl said, giggling. "I remember that your name is Andrew, right? Do all beastkins look like you?"

Andrew couldn't hear anything. The only thing in his head right now was the sentence, "Why should I hate you?".

She actually doesn't hate me? Andrew suddenly felt that the girl's smile was very beautiful. At this moment, Andrew felt that the ordinary freckled girl in front of him was more beautiful than big sister Annie and second sister Mina.

Maybe this is the beautification effect of being in love? Andrew felt his heart beat faster. He had never had this feeling before.

This was the first time in his life where a human told him that they don't hate him. Previously in the other cities, as soon as he was exposed, the humans would try to chase him down.

"What's wrong?" the girl asked worriedly. "Do you still not feel well?"

"Ah? N- no…" Andrew hurriedly shook his head and immediately sat up. He was a little dazed right now.

"Are all beastkins as strange as you?" the girl chuckled and said softly. "Everyone calls me Sophie. You can also call me Sophie."

This was the second time she had seen a beastkin. The first one she saw was Mina, who had been following City Lord, as there were hardly any beastkins that came to Sedona City. She thought that beastkins aren't really that different from humans, all they had was just a pair of horns.

Or like Mina, who just had a pair of cat ears. She thought that Lady Mina was actually quite pretty instead, more pretty than all the girls she had seen in the village.

"Not weird, we're not strange." Andrew waved his hand quickly after he heard her. He was a clumsy teenager. He didn't want Sophie to think that beastkins were weird, but more importantly, he didn't want her to think that he was weird.

"Why didn't you eat today? You even fainted from hunger." Sophie said, making a face.

"Right, where's my wheat?" Andrew shouted anxiously, looking around.

"It's here." Sophie pointed to the corner of the bed.

Andrew grabbed the wheat and held it tightly in his arms. "Thank you."

Sophie shook her head. "I have to leave. There are many things that I have to arrange."

She was a manager. Literate people had a 20% increase in salary and could be a manager. She thought that it was the City Lord's greatest decision.

After Sophie left, Andrew sat there in a daze for a while, and then hurriedly wrapped the cloth around his head and covered his bull horns. Then he carefully walked out with the wheat in his arms.

He discovered a series of sheds behind him when he walked out. He had slept in a small shed.

Andrew quickly found Sophie's silhouette at a place not far away. She was currently allocating the sheds. They were the people who had moved out to rebuild the houses and they had to temporarily live in the sheds.

Andrew stared at Sophie's back in a daze, and then walked out of Sedona City under the setting sun. His footsteps were light and faster than ever before. He wanted to go back immediately and tell big sister Annie that there was a human girl who didn't hate him.

Moreover, while he worked today, he had gotten the news that he wanted, and that his second sister Mina had been caught by Lucas, the noble of Sedona City. He wanted to quickly tell the news to big sister Annie.