Chapter 77

"Cough cough…" Helen covered her mouth and tried to suppress the sound of her cough so that it wouldn't attract any humans. This is the third day since she had escaped from the slave traders. She looked at the wound on her arm. The wound had reopened and was bleeding, with the red blood staining the cloth that was supposed to be wrapped around her wound to keep it close.

Her head felt heavy and her feet felt light, as if she was going to fall down any second later. 'No, I can't fall down here. I still need to get back to my tribe and lead them to the south. That place is warm and doesn't have winter or snow.'

That was what her parents had told her before they died, and they wanted her to carry the duty of leading the tribe. She needed to get back before it was winter or else everyone in her tribe would starve and freeze to death.

"Cough cough… Am I going to die here?"

"I'm… not willing to die here. I will not lose hope. I will ..…"

Helen's vision was blurry as she slowly walked. 'I can't fall down here. I just came out of that prison. I need to find out how my tribe is doing. It's all because of those damn slave traders. If it wasn't for them, then my parents wouldn't have had to sacrifice themselves to save me. I missed you mom and dad.'

Helen didn't have any tears left. She had already cried enough in the past 3 days, and she only had hatred left within herself. Hatred for humans, and hatred for slave traders.

'Why can't humans accept us beastkins? Don't we just eat a little more than humans? Why? Why do you have to treat us like this?' Helen's heart was slowed being corroded by the darkness known as hatred. If she survived, then she might become a beastkin with only revenge in her heart. However, a white light prevent the darkness from completed corroding her heart. The white light in her heart was an image of her parents telling her, ' Helen, you must live. Go back to the tribe and take everyone to the south, where there is no winter.'


Finally, Helen couldn't hold on and fell down to the ground. As she looked at the sky, droplets of tears formed in her eyes, until a stream of tears finally trailed from her eyes.

"Father, mother, I, I've let you down. I can't return to the tribe anymore. I am sorry. Please forgive me."

Helen thought that she wouldn't cry anymore, but the last string that her heart had been holding onto had finally broken and gave her even more despair.

"Who can save me? As long as someone saves me and lets me return to my tribe to finish my parents' last request, I'm willing to serve him as my master, even if…"

"Clip-clop. Clip-clop. Clip-clop."

The sound of horseshoes rang out, making Helen forcibly awaken her body. 'Have the slave traders caught up? Is this the end for me? I don't want to die. Please someone save me.'

"Young Master, this is the last field of wheat in out territory. There's a wasteland past here. We can't grow crops in the wasteland due to very low harvest."

A soft female voice sounded in Helen's ears. This made her realize that the people that had come weren't slave traders but a noble that had come to inspect his territory. Helen had hidden in the wheatfield in order to escape from the slave traders, but she hadn't expected to be in the territory of a noble. She had heard from the slave traders that nobles are the biggest buyers of slaves. They commit all kinds of heinous acts against slaves especially if the slave is a beautiful female beastkin.

"Hmm. It seems like that there will be a good harvest this year. The plants have a good amount of wheat. We can have a good winter this year without anyone dying from hunger. It feels good looking at the field full of wheat." A hypnotic male voice sounded, capturing everyone's attention.

Hearing that, Helen smiled coldly. 'You nobles act like you're kind and good, but who knows how heinous crimes you have committed?'

"Young Master, does the flour used to make the meat buns we eat in the castle come from here?" A crisp female voice asked in a puzzled tone.

'No, how can it be?' Helen thought. Nobles eat polished wheat, which are made by picking the wheat filled with grains in the kernel and grounding them into fine powder.

"Yes, these are the wheat that we use. It's just that we use stone mills to grind the wheat, which makes the flour finer than the others, and that's why the bread we eat tastes better than other breads." The male voice sounded again.

'Lies. You're just saying that to coax and satisfy the girls.' Helen thought.

"Young master, can we plant rice next year?"

'Why does this voice sound familiar? Did I hear it somewhere before?' Helen wondered.

"Yes, we just need to fix the water channel next year to let the water in the fields and then we can plant rice." The male voice replied.

Helen sneered. Rice isn't that easy to grow. She read a book before and it said that rice had an extremely low crop yield rate, it was even less than 10% of wheat's yield rate. 'If you guys plant rice all over your territory, then many people in your territory would starve.'

"Cough cough." Helen failed to suppress her cough, making her pupils shrink. 'It's over. They're going to find me.'

"Protect Lord Lucas. There's an ambush."

"Come out. If you don't come out, then we will shoot you."

"Young Master, I'll go and take a look." A cold female voice sounded.

Helen felt the place in front of her darken, and she saw a face in front of her. 'Ears on top of the head? A beastkin?'

Helen's eyes widened, and then she relaxed. It's fine as long as it's a beastkin. This feeling of relaxation, combined with her fatigue, made her slowly close her eyes.

"It's a beastkin."

"Go tell Lord Lucas."

These were the last two sentences Helen heard. Helen felt that her life was over because the beastkin she thought would save her was the dog of the noble. She would either spend her life in some cage or would become a plaything of the noble.

The dark filled her eyes as her fatigue and drowsiness cut off her thoughts.


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