Chapter 78

Lucas was a bit helpless. He had only planned to check the wheat before they were harvested to make some preparations. But he had not expected to find an injured beastkin in the wheat fields.

"Is she a rabbit beastkin?" Lucas asked as he looked at the girl who was in the arms of Mina with her long white ears lying on her forehead.

"Yeah. She's a rabbit beastkin. But she's so tall." Annie said with a lollipop in her mouth in an envious tone. She was only 1.5 meters tall and looked like a child in front of the rabbit beastkin who is as tall as Lucas.

Even though it made her cute and adorable. But standing beside Lucas made her seem like Lucas's little sister which is something she didn't want. 'And if Young Master grows a bit more in the future, won't we look like father and daughter?'

At this point, the words father and daughter were the only things in her mind, and Annie pulled her ears and shook her head in order to throw the words out. 'No, no, that's way too horrendous. It can't happen. No no no…..'

Lucas looked at Annie and seeing her antics made him chuckle. He patted her head and said softly "You're pretty cute the way you are right now."

Hearing Lucas' words made Annie freeze, and she slowly turned to look at Lucas mechanically. "I- I'm not jealous that she's taller than me. I am not jealous. I am really not jealous that she is taller than me."

Nicole covered her mouth and laughed lightly. 'Aren't you just admitting that you're jealous? You've even asked me about how to grow taller before.'

"Yeah, you aren't jealous, you're envious." Mina said from the side lightly.

This line broke Annie's defense. "You, you freaking mutated catgirl." If it wasn't for Nicole holding her back with her hands, she would have immediately rushed over to Mina and given her a taste of her Eighteen Subduing Cat Tickles that she had learned after years of practice and experience.

Lucas smiled, shook his head, and looked at the rabbit beastkin with pink hair in front of him. She was quite tall even Mina, who was 1.7 meters tall, only reached her shoulders. Her face was dirty, so it was hard to see what she looked like. What attracted Lucas's attention the most, however, was the bloody red cloth on her arm. The cloth was drenched in the blood. Some of the blood was leaking through the cloth.

"Quickly get her back to the castle. She is injured. Her wound is still bleeding." Lucas said quickly to Mina.

"Okay." Mina replied. She immediately got the rabbit beastkin onto the carriage and stood next to her so she could immediately react if there was a problem. She understood that the rabbit beastkin was injured by some humans.

'Even if we both are beastkins, I won't let you hurt Young Master.' To Mina, the only beastkins she knew and acknowledged as friends were Annie, Andrew, and the other beastkins in Sedona City who she had lived with before meeting Lucas. Everyone else was a stranger to her.

She and Annie had been betrayed by beastkins before. Some beastkins would rather become slaves for humans than to live in freedom with empty stomachs.

As the group returned to the castle, the War Wolves expanded their scouting area to a few kilometers and eliminated anything that could potentially be dangerous for Lucas.

"Everyone get ready for the punishment when we get back to the castle," Chris said to his companions. "I don't want this situation to happen again. Do you understand? I hope this situation never happens again because everyone will be kicked out of the War Wolves by General Ben if this ever happened again."

"Yes." All members of the War Wolves shouted in unison.

"I didn't think to check that place. I'll take double the punishment when I get back." No. 2 said with a dark face.

"Remember to write the report when you get back." Chris said, patting No. 2 on the shoulder. They all got on their horses and started going toward the castle.

They were talking about Helen's sudden appearance. She was only 20 meters away from Lucas, and that distance was very dangerous. If someone shoots an arrow from that distance it could fatally injure their target or kill.

The whole War Wolves squad was punished if even a single member made a mistake- that was what built up their trust and teamwork. Lucas's safety was the War Wolves top priority, and none of them dared to be careless for the mission.

The group quickly got back to the castle. Mina and Annie washed Helen and changed her clothes before telling Lucas to take a look at her.

Lucas untied the cloth on Helen's arm and immediately smelled something bad. "The wound is inflamed. Looks like it has been infected."

"Inflamed? Infected?" Mina asked, puzzled. She had never heard the two words before. When she got injured in the past, she pretty much just lightly took care of her wound and would get healthy and active again after a few days.

"She didn't clean her wound properly after getting injured. She didn't get enough rest either." Lucas said as he touched Helen's forehead and Mina's forehead but gave Annie, who moved her head towards him, a flick on her forehead. Helen's forehead's temperature was obviously higher than normal.

"She has a fever. We need to get her temperature down. Go and get cold water and a towel." Lucas said to Annie. "Nicole, go to my room and bring over the box with a red sign on it. It is like crossed fingers."

"Okay." Annie said. She went to get a towel and cold water.

"Understood." Nicole went to get the box from Lucas' room.

The two got back after a short moment. Lucas made Annie put the towel on Helen's forehead, and said, "This is to decrease the temperature of a person with a fever. Otherwise it would burn the person's brain and kill their brain cells and they would become idiots."

The girls nodded their heads. They didn't know what brain cells were, but they understood that a high temperature on someone's forehead was an illness called "fever" and needed to be treated with a cold and wet towel.

Lucas immediately opened the first aid box Nicole had brought him. It was a premium version of an emergency kit that Lucas had spent a couple of hundred dollars on it to buy.

"Feed her these medicines." Lucas said, giving Nicole inflammation and fever medicines from the medical kit.

In this world, medical knowledge was basically nonexistent. People that got injured or sick only knew how to invite witch healers to do their "Dance of Gods". They will just dance around the sick or injured person and if the injured or sick person survives then they save him. And if the person dies then the god punished him or her for their crimes.

Lucky people with strong immune systems would be able to live after fighting off the illness, while unlucky people with weak immune systems would die. Witch healers loved it when that happened, as they could just lightly prepare a funeral and earn money while dancing around them.




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