Chapter 80

So, here is your extra chapter. You guys completed all the goals. So now it's time for set new goals. But before that here is your chapter.



Note: You can view characters image in auxiliary chapter.


It was extremely quiet in the castle as there was almost no one walking around, except for the people that were doing their required patrolling.

In the room Helen struggled to open her eyes in the darkness. Her head felt light and dizzy. As she saw the darkness around her, her heart sank and her senses dulled.

'Of course. I'm in that noble's hidden, dark room, am I not? Either that, or I am in his dungeon.' Helen thought. Helen felt that her whole body was weak and she found it very hard to move. The pain that came from her arm actually gave her a bit of comfort as it basically told her that was still okay and not crippled.

"It seems like my body has gotten a bit better than before." Helen said, confused. 'That's weird. I thought I would die.' She had heard from beastkins in her village about many beastkins that died from an illness where their head would become dizzy and their forehead would become hot.

"Of course, because the Young Master cured you from your illness."

The sudden voice in the darkness made Helen's heart skip a beat. She hurriedly turned her head and stared at the place where the sound came from.


Helen was a bit uneasy. 'This is the voice of the cat beastkin I saw before I fainted. Did she already become the noble's lackey?'


There was a scratching sound followed by the appearance of a small flame. Soon after a candle was lit, which made the flame bigger.

Helen saw the owner of the voice. She was a catgirl with long, black hair and purple eyes filled with sharpness. 'I've only seen these kinds of eyes on an elf before.' These are the eyes of an expert who can easily kill a dozen people. The elf with those eyes killed a dozen super strong wolves with only a bow and arrows.

"You're awake? How do you feel?" Mina asked. She had been here the whole time as she didn't dare to be careless when beastkins were concerned.

"It doesn't feel very good.." Helen said, a bit surprised by Mina's attitude. She tried to probe Mina's thoughts and asked, "Where am I right now?"

Mina glanced at her and said, "In the Young Master's castle."

"That human noble?" Helen said, disgust flashing through her eyes. 'I knew it. This is such a joke. To think that I would be in the hands of the corrupted and brutal human nobles as soon as I escaped from the slave traders. It's laughable. I literally just saved them from the process of selling and sent myself to a noble doorstep.'

"Get a good rest. If you want to talk about anything then we can do it tomorrow." Mina said, turning around and leaving the room. She decided to give Helen some time to think.

"Wait…" Helen said, but then stopped herself.

Mina stopped for a moment before leaving the room. The room sank into silence, with the only movement being from the flame of the candle.

Helen looked around for a bit and was surprised. This isn't a dungeon or a hidden room? She had heard about hidden rooms from her mother before. It was usually built underground and filled with tons of torturing tools. It was built for nobles to play with people.

Her parents rushed to save her as soon as she got caught by the slave traders. They stalled the slave traders so that she would be able to escape. 'If they didn't save me, then I would probably be in the hidden room of a fat noble.'

There were tears in Helen's eyes. 'I shouldn't have gone out to pick fruits. If I hadn't gone out, then I wouldn't have encountered slave traders.' She had only been trying to get more food to be stored for the winter for her tribe, but it had caused her to encounter slave traders.

"Father, mother, it's all my fault!" Helen's mind was filled with guilt. After feeling guilty for a while, Helen wiped away her tears and thought about how to leave this castle.

After observing the room, Helen came to a conclusion- the room wasn't a hidden room, as she could clearly see the dark night outside through a window in the room. The room was furnished neatly, and under the reflection of the candlelight, the room was beautiful enough for Helen to think that it was the most elegant room that she had ever seen. 'It's much better than the caves my tribe lives in. This bed? It's so soft! It's as if someone is gently stroking my skin.'

"Why is this happening? What is the noble scheming? What is he plotting?" Helen's body suddenly stiffened. She suddenly remembered what the catgirl just said now 'It was the young master who saved you.'

Her light red eyes were filled with disbelief. 'The human noble saved me? How could that be? Nobles wanted beastkins to become their slaves or die, why would a noble save me? Is he lusting after my beauty? Yes! That must be it. After all, I am the most beautiful female in the tribe.' That was the only explanation Helen thought of.

'What should I do? Do I have to be tainted by the noble? I need to run away! Yes! Run away…'

"Damn it."

Helen found it hard to put strength into her body, let alone move it. It was as if the blankets had sealed her in the bed. 'The window is so close, but I can't even reach it.'

"I still need to go back to the tribe and lead them to the South. There's no winter there… why… why…"

Helen finally stopped after half an hour. She was already exhausted, so she gradually fell asleep again.

Soon after Helen fell asleep, Lucas and Mina walked into the room.

Lucas looked at Helen's pale face which was no longer pale as afternoon, nodded his face, and said, "She has already gotten through the life-threatening period. She just needs to rest for a few days and she will be healthy again." He had already understood how amazing beastkins' physiques were, especially after seeing how much Andrew had grown just after a few days.

"Young Master, what are you going to do with her?" Mina asked in a small voice, looking at Helen.

"That depends on her. She seems to have some bad memories, so after she gets better and wants to leave, don't stop her. If she wants to stay, then give her a tour and let her find a job that she likes. It should be enough for her to support herself." Lucas said. He didn't think much about it as he thought that there would be a lot of beastkins in Sedona City in the future.

The better the lives of the people in the territory, the better the territory develops, the more they will love him as their lord, and the better his life will be. Whoever wants to remove him from this position would be beaten to death by the commoners of the city.

"Understood." Mina said, nodding. This is indeed the best way to deal with things. 'I think that I and Annie both decided to stay here on our own will. Not everyone can resist the Young Master's charm.'




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