Chapter 81

The sun had just risen for a short while, but there were already sounds coming from the military camp in Sedona City.

"Start! Turn left! Jog!"

"One two, one two, one two."

"One, two. One, two."

The uniform sound of the footsteps paired with the voice gave the people a sense of intimidation.

The sounds also woke Helen up from her sleep. She yawned, stretched, and rubbed her eyes. In the next second, she froze remembering everything. She quickly scanned the room and slowly relaxed after seeing that there was no one else in the room beside her.

"I actually got tired from moving and fell asleep. Damn it. Helen, how could you let your guard down like this and in this place?" Normally, she would only have done her previous actions in her tribe, but the soft bed and blankets took away most of her vigilance.

Helen's ears straightened up and they twitched from time to time. The noise from outside entered her ears, making her curious about what was happening so early in the morning. Helen sat up and realized that it was much easier to move her body compared to the previous night. It was as if her strength had returned, and her head was only a little bit dizzy.

She slowly turned her head and looked at the door cautiously. She got down from the bed and realized that she was wearing a short sleeve white cloth.(Lucas's t-shirt).

Helen was 1.8 meters tall, so Mina's, Annie's, and Nicole's clothes didn't fit her, and so Nicole got one of Lucas's clothes for Helen to wear after cleaning her body. Helen was also currently wearing a short skirt and an extremely short pair of pants that only covered her butt, so her long, white legs were fully exposed. It was a pity that no one was there to appreciate the sight.

Helen touched the clothes on her body. These clothes have a light fragrance. She liked this faint fragrance very much. She then walked toward the window and looked outside from it. The sun had just risen, and it was the most beautiful time of the day. She liked this kind of scene very much. At this time, nature is at its best. The golden rays of the sun give a bright color to the clouds and meadows, mountains and the city.

She also realized how naive she was the previous day when she looked outside from the window. The room was about 7 or 8 meters tall, and if she had tried to jump out of the window, her legs would most likely break.

"One two one two, one two one two, one, two, one two."

The noises attracted Helen's attention and she quickly looked over to the source of the noise. She could see a group of about a few hundred people jogging around the city while wearing some different clothes.

"What are these humans doing? Are they too full from eating and have nothing else to do?" Helen was puzzled as most of the people in her tribe would minimize movement as much as possible to make the food they ate support them as long as possible.

"Crap! What am I doing? I need to get out of here quickly." Helen grabbed her ears and scratched her head.

'But I can't just walk out like this. I would attract a lot of attention and expose myself.' Helen walked over to the bed and grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around herself. 'This blanket would help. Besides, it would be great if I could bring this blanket back to my tribe.'


Helen slowly opened the door and looked around. 'Good. There's no one here.'

"Hey! Where are you trying to go?"

The sudden sound startled Helen, giving her legs an explosive burst of power and taking her off of the ground. Helen jumped up from the ground reflexively. Then an accident happened with Helen.


Because of how tall Helen was, she hit the top of the door frame when she jumped up. But fortunately she wasn't able to release her full strength when she hit the door frame.

"Ahh, It hurts." Helen rubbed the part of her head that had hit the door frame. She felt that it had swelled up a little from the hit.

"What an idiot. You've grown so tall for nothing. Of course, I'm not envious that you're taller than me or anything."

"Who's there? Come out." Helen said angrily. She looked around for the source of sound but found no one. She ignored the blanket that had fallen to the ground giving the full view of her long legs to everyone.

"Hey hey, down, I'm down here." Annie said angrily. 'What's up with you and your eyes that only look straight ahead? Is there a problem with your eyes?'

"Down?" Helen looked down and stepped backward, startled. "H- how did you suddenly appear?"

Annie's mouth twitched. 'How did I suddenly appear? I've been at the door from the moment you opened it, and you just saw me? So what if you're tall? What's the big deal? When I grow tall, hehe…'

"Phew…" Helen breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw Annie's fox ears and fox tail. 'Oh, so it's just a small beastkin. So short. She should be about 12 or 13 years old.'

"Hey hey… are you thinking something rude about me?" Annie asked, her eyes narrowing and her tail swinging.

"No, I wasn't thinking about how short you are." Helen said hurriedly, waving her hands. She immediately realized what she had said and covered her mouth. She embarrassingly looked at Annie, who was pointing at her with her finger shaking in anger.

"Huff huff." Annie suppressed her urge to use her 18 Subduing Rabbit Tickles on the bunny girl and said, "Come with me. We'll get your clothes changed and then go to eat breakfast with everyone."

"Huh? Change clothes? Eat breakfast?" Helen asked, her eyes blinking in confusion. But she hurriedly picked up the blanket and followed Annie without asking any questions.

"My name is Annie, what's yours?"

"I'm Helen," Helen answered. She scanned the surroundings and didn't see a single person, so she asked curiously, "Where's the cat beastkin from yesterday?"

Annie raised her head and glanced at Helen. "You're talking about Mina, right? She's with the Young Master right now."

"With Young Master? A human noble?" Disgust flashed through Helen's eyes. 'I thought so. No noble would spare such a pretty beastkin. And a few years later, when Annie grows up, the noble probably wouldn't spare Annie either. Should I bring her with me? She'll agree, right? After all, all beastkins hate nobles.'

"Um, have you ever thought about leaving this place?" Helen asked, trying to find out what Annie would think. "If possible, we can get away from here together and run away to a place which has no humans."

Annie's body stiffened for a second and softened. She said with a soft and relaxed voice, "No, there doesn't exist such a place. Besides… This place is the last haven for us beastkins. And I don't think that there are any other place than this where we can live safely. You can live safely here."





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