Chapter 90

After dealing with Ryan and thinking about the city. Lucas started to make his way towards the dining room. It was time for lunch. Lucas had just sat down in the dining room when he heard laughter from outside.

"He he he… don't run, take this princess's… cough cough, take my Eighteen Subduing Rabbit Tickles!" Annie said to Helen while laughing.

Hearing their laughter, Lucas smiled lightly, and said, "Seems like they're getting along pretty well."

"No! You pervert… he he… you can't catch me."

A scream rang out, followed by a triumphant voice, and Helen soon ran into the dining room escaping from Annie. She entered the dining room.


Helen saw Lucas as soon as she ran in, sitting on the main chair of the dining table. She stopped laughing and froze as if someone had pressed a pause button that made her stop. Her ears started shaking and her fingers started to twiddle as if she was a kid that had been caught eating food that she wasn't supposed to eat.

"Am I that scary?" Lucas asked with a wry smile on his handsome face to Helen.

"No, no…"

Helen's mouth shook in nervousness as she tried to speak and she frantically waved her hands, but she couldn't say anything to Lucas.

"Ha ha ha… got you."

Annie ran in the dining room and laughed smugly. She pounced on Helen and started to tickle her.

"Ah! No! Annie, you pervert." Helen's face reddened and she hurriedly pushed Annie away. She took two steps back and looked at Annie's hands warily.

"He he he… I caught you." Annie said smugly, shaking her ears.

"Cough cough…" Lucas coughed lightly, making Annie freeze knowing Lucas had seen her. She slowly turned her head to look and made eye contact with Lucas. Her heart skipped a beat and she quickly turned away her face, blushing.

"It seems like you're having a lot of fun." Lucas said, the corners of his mouth lifting. The way that Annie was playing gave him a bit too much temptation.

"Cough cough… yeah, very fun." Annie said, pretending to be serious, but her constantly swaying tail exposed her embarrassment. 'Ahhhh…. What should I do? I let Young Master see that. I'm really not a pervert.'

Annie tried to comfort herself in her heart. She then looked at her flat chest and couldn't help but shake her head and feel defeated. She had grown but it was nothing compared to Mina's, Nicole's or Helen's chest.

Nicole then walked in with a plate full of food. Seeing Helen's reddish face, she smiled lightly, and said, "Seems like Annie caught you."

"What's going on?" Mina asked, appearing behind Nicole. She saw Annie and immediately laughed out loud. "Annie, you can stop looking. It's not going to change no matter how much you look."

"Ahhh!" Annie grabbed her ears, and shouted angrily, "You mutated cat girl. Watch out for loss of balance. You might fall when walking because of those weights."

"Ugh! I don't know what's happening these days, but my shoulders have been really sore recently." Mina waved her arms and said with a stressed expression, but the corners of her mouth that had curled up clearly told the others that she was just pretending to enrage Annie.

"You, you…" Annie opened her mouth, and her brown eyes were filled with envy. She pouted, saying, "That's what you get."

Helen dumbfoundedly stared at Annie and Mina bickering. Her eyes were filled with questions. She looked at Nicole with hope that she might answer her questions.

"It's okay, they might be fighting, but these two actually have a really good relationship with each other," Nicole said enviously. "For some people, the more they bicker, the closer they are. It's another way to show that they have a very good relationship. Sometimes I even envy their relationship."

Lucas rested his chin on his hand. He felt as if he was watching an anime, and his mood was getting better without him knowing.

"Is that how it is?" Helen asked, grabbing her ears, confused.

"Well, don't dwell on it. We can eat lunch now." Nicole said softly.

As soon as Nicole said that, Mina and Annie immediately sat down at the table and looked at the maids that were carrying the food.

"Sit down." Nicole said, pulling a chair out for Helen.

"Bring over the food." Nicole said to the maids which were carrying food.. She then placed the plate that she had been carrying in front of Lucas.

"This is?"

Lucas looked at the peculiar dishes in front of him in confusion. He then turned his head to look at Annie, Mina, and Helen, only to find them looking at him with their eyes full of anticipation.

"Could- could it be that you guys made these?" Lucas asked warily. He had a bad premonition. Sure enough, his premonition became true in the next second.

"Yes! I made the egg-fried tomatoes." Annie said, immediately raising her hand and pointing at the whole tomato on the plate. "Young Master, look, the whole tomato definitely tastes better than the cut ones."

"I made this bowl of deer antler polished rice porridge. Young Master, you've been tired recently. You should eat this as a supplement." Mina said worriedly, clenching her hand.

Lucas looked at the plate of egg-fried tomatoes. 'Putting aside the uncut tomato, could all that sticky liquid in the egg be syrup? Also, that deer antler porridge. Wouldn't my nose be spraying blood if I ate those whole pieces of antlers?'

"Phew…" Lucas took a deep breath. 'Okay, these two are fine. But what the heck are these 2 lumps of gray things in front of me?'

"What about this?" Lucas asked as he took one of the gray lumps. He tapped the table with it, causing thumping sounds. He did not want to hear that these 2 lumps of gray were food.

"That- that- that's the bun I made," Helen said, raising her hand nervously. She then whispered, "It's a meat bun."

Lucas's bad premonition became true again. 'This thing that could be used as a weapon is actually a bun?'

Lucas's eyelids twitched, and he turned to look at Mina. "Mina, is this what you were trying to keep secret?"

"Yeah! It's the surprise that we wanted to give you. The three of us researched this by ourselves without bothering Nicole. We also made this especially for you without anyone's help." Mina said, ears twitching and her face full of anticipation.

The top half of Annie's body was laying on the table. She said expectantly, "Young Master, try it and see if it tastes good."

"Surprise…" Lucas glanced at Nicole, who was covering her mouth and giggling. This is more horrifying than surprising. He could imagine what would happen next if he really ate the food: Lucas, dead, lived for 17 years. Cause of death: Food.

He had to think of a way to get out of this situation without breaking their hopes.





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