Chapter 91

"Alright, don't give the Young Master a hard time." Nicole said, saving Lucas from his situation. "These foods are still missing a few steps before they are ready. You can't eat them yet right now."

"Missing a few steps from being entirely cooked?" Annie pouted and raised her hand. "Nicole, what steps are missing? Why can't they be eaten?" She instantly believed Nicole because of how delicious Nicole's foods were, especially the egg-fried tomatoes. Her only problem was that Nicole wouldn't add in extra sugar.

"There are still 3 more steps before the food is ready. Look, the tomato is this big, so the inside definitely isn't fully cooked. You'll get a stomach ache if you eat it." Nicole said, bullshitting with a straight face. After all, tomatoes were okay to eat raw.

"Oh, so that's how it is?" Annie embarrassedly got down from the table and then said to Lucas, "Young Master, I will re-cook it next time." Saying that, Annie took out her notepad and wrote on it. Lucas didn't need to see to know that Annie was writing the recipe for egg-fried tomatoes that she had researched by herself.

"Nicole, is there also a problem with my deer antler polished rice porridge?" Mina asked, scratching her head in embarrassment.

"Yep! There's a little problem with it. It has too many deer antlers. You will get a nosebleed if you eat it." Nicole said. Lucas had taught her that one can't eat too much tonics at once.

"Then, the Young Master, you shouldn't eat this. I will put less deer antlers next time." Mina said, quickly taking away the deer antler's polished rice porridge from Lucas' reach after hearing Nicole's words.

"I don't think mine is good either." Helen whispered, looking at the gray lumps.

"It's also missing a few steps. I'll teach you next time," Nicole said softly to Helen.

"Thank you." Helen hurriedly nodded her head.

"…" Lucas wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead and looked at Nicole gratefully for solving the crisis in such a simple manner. He was thankful that he had Nicole.

Nicole soon gave Lucas a dish, and everyone sat down. They were all waiting for Lucas to take the first bite.

"Let's eat." Lucas said, putting a piece of food into his mouth.

"Hey! Mina, that's mine." Annie yelled at Mina.

"You can't eat that much anyways, give me some of this too." Mina said nonchalantly while eyeing another dish of Annie.

"No way." Annie huffed and the food in her hands.

Their lunch for the day was potato and meat stewed with rice. They used pork cut into cubes and potatoes to cook the rice and then added seasoning.

This was the first time Annie and Mina ate the food, and upon taking a bite, they started their daily food-stealing war.

Helen dumbfoundedly looked at Annie and Mina stealing food from each other's bowls. 'What's happening now?'

"Food is tastier when you take it from someone else's plate." Lucas said, laughing lightly and stealing a piece of potato from Helen's bowl.

"Ah!" Helen frantically tried to protect her bowl with her hands. "No!"

"Then you should eat quickly, or Annie will steal your food." Lucas said as he picked up a piece of meat and put it in Nicole's bowl.

"…" Hearing that, Helen froze for a second and saw Annie constantly looking at her bowl, which scared her to immediately stuff the food into her mouth.

"Mmmm~ ahhhh~" Helen felt as if she was going to fly. The rich aroma of the meat combined with the softness of the potato was so delicious that she almost forgot to breathe. "It's so delicious."

She could swear that this was the most delicious food she had ever eaten, right behind the meat buns. She immediately started shoving spoonful after spoonful of the food into her mouth without caring about others.

Lucas smiled as he looked at the three beastgirls eating. He felt as if his overworked heart had been cured. But hearing Helen moan, a certain part of his body started to react. Lucas wasn't surprised because he was daily traveling between Earth and this world to improve his body.

"Young Master, is the food not to your liking?" Nicole asked, a little worried.

"No, it's good. I was just thinking that we are having such a good time." Lucas said, smiling and shaking his head. He then continued to eat.

"It's because of you, Young Master." Nicole said as she looked at Lucas. She then raised her hand, and said, "I can't finish mine, who wants it?"

Her appetite was that of a normal human, and the bowl was a bit too big for her.

"Me." Mina shouted, lifting her head. She still had rice on the corners of her mouth. "Give it to me. I want it."

"Eh? Mina, how come you're eating so fast?" Annie said, glaring at Mina.

"Because I'm growing meat." Mina said as she gave her bowl to Nicole while glancing at Annie's breast, and raised her eyebrows.

"Damn you. You mutated catgirl."

"Mmmm~ ahhhh~" Helen couldn't care less about what was happening around her and was just eating her own food until she tragically found out that her bowl had become empty.

"…" Helen dumbfoundedly stared at her own bowl. After a while, she looked at Mina's bowl and couldn't help but lick her lips. She finally understood what Lucas meant when he said that food is tastier when you steal it from someone else's plate. She now wanted to steal some from too.

"Here, I'll share half of mine with you." Lucas said gently.

Helen looked down and stared at her bowl, which was half full.

"Eat it. I can't eat that much, and we shouldn't waste food." Lucas said with a smile.

Looking at Lucas's smiling face and then at her bowl, Helen felt that her heart was throbbing. 'Maybe what Annie said was true. There really are good people among nobles, like this one who's willing to share with me half a bowl of food.'

Lunch passed with a lot of joking around and laughing, and in the end, everyone, except for Nicole, slumped down on their chairs, having eaten a bit too much.

Then they all had a cup of tea as they contemplated how good life was.

Helen tasted the tea and scrunched her face when she tasted how bitter it was, her ears fell down, but the sweetness that followed made her eyes shine.

"Isn't it just like life? It's first bitter and then sweet." Lucas said as he took a sip of the tea. He smiled lightly, and said, "How can you know how amazing the sweetness is when you don't taste the bitterness first?"

Helen nodded and put down the cup of tea. "Lord Lucas, may I find a job here?" Helen had planned to find a job here, because she felt that it was better to verify things by doing it rather than just seeing with her eyes. She wanted to verify whether or not Annie's words were true.

If she could work in Sedona City and be able to support herself, then she would bring everyone in her tribe here and there would be no need for them to go South, which they pretty much have no knowledge about.

"Yes, what kind of job do you want?" Lucas asked, nodding. He understood part of what Helen was thinking. Having things to do could soothe people.

"I- I don't know." Helen said, blushing.

"Can you read and write?" Lucas asked, spinning his teacup.

"I can, I've read a lot of books and know how to write." Helen said, nodding hurriedly. She had many books in her room in her tribe.

"Then you should be a teacher in my school," Lucas said, putting down his teacup. "The school is short on teachers right now."





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