Chapter 141

The sun was setting in Sakura City.

Two people rushed into a dark alley. The bald man was furious as he stared at the empty alley. "Damn it! Where is that woman hiding?"

"We lost her again. We've chased her all the way from the central land to the western lands. We've already wasted 2 months. If this continues, we'll have to get more money." The guy with the big mustache said with frustration.

The two of them were bounty hunters. Bounty hunter is a profession where people would do anything for money. If enough money was offered, they would even assassinate the king. It had been done before. This time, they were trying to complete a very difficult bounty mission as long as they completed it, they and their future 3 generations wouldn't need to worry about money, and this was on the basis of them living in the capital.

Within the circle of bounty hunters, there is a list of the 100 most famous bounty missions according to the money. The more the money the higher it's rank on the list. The ones that people were most crazy about were the top 10 bounty missions. Completing just one of them would allow them to live a satisfying and carefree life without even ever needing to worry about earning money.

These two bounty hunters had their eyes set on the rank 10 bounty mission, which offered 1,000 gold coins. How much was 1,000 gold coins? Well, a baron's net income for a year was only 100 gold coins. 1,000 gold coins was a count's net income for a year. A normal family of five could live well with just three silver coins, and one gold coin was 100 silver coins. 1,000 gold coins was something that even some nobles in the capital didn't have. 

There were many bounty hunters who were looking to complete mission 10 as it was the easiest one among the other missions. But many bounty hunters weren't able to enter Sakura City as the city lord increased the city's security while some managed to get inside early before the security tightened.

"We need to find a way to lure her out. She just disappears every time we get information on her." The bald man said angrily.

The big mustache guy said helplessly, "What can we do? The closest that we've ever gotten to her was seeing her back. If it wasn't because our tracking techniques are amazing, we would have lost track of her long ago. And there are also many other bounty hunters in the city as well. We need to be careful."

"Then do we just give up?" The bald man asked. "We've already put so much of our savings into this." 

"…" The big mustache guy thought for a while and said. "We have to find her weakness."

"Weakness?" The bald guy scratched his head, and his eyes lit up. " I heard that the White-Haired Enchantress really likes to rescue other elves."

"But where do we find an elf? Even a normal one would cost 50 to 100 gold coins in the slave market." The big mustache guy said, rolling his eyes. The plan is good, but we need money for it which we don't have much left.

"He he he…" The bald guy laughed maliciously. "We don't actually need real elves. She would take the bait even if we spread fake news."

"Right. It's said that she previously made a scene in the capital and even killed a duke for an elf." The big mustache guy said, his eyes lighting up. "We'll just have to make a trap and then let out the fake news and wait for her to take the bait. I am sure that she will fall for the trap. Dude you are a genius."

"Oh yeah?" A cold voice rang out from behind the two, making them shiver. They immediately turned around to see a figure in a black robe standing on top of the roof. They couldn't see what the person looked like because of the lack of lighting, but their intuition told them that she was their target.

"You're the White-Haired Enchantress." The bald guy said, taking out his sword.

"That's her. She's in the same disguise as last time." The big mustache man said, taking out his sword. He was also holding a rope in his other hand.

"You guys are really annoying." Elisa said, pulling back her hood. Her white hair flowed with the wind as she stared at the two with her green eyes. Her white hair was shining in the moonlight. She had originally wanted to play hide-and-seek with the two bounty hunters but lost interest when they had decided to play dirty.

"It really is you. Great, you actually dared to come out." The bald guy said, his eyes full of joy as he remembered her description from the bounty list.

"Come here bitch." The big mustache guy yelled, throwing the rope that had a stone tied to it at Elisa.

"Today's weather is going along well with the wind." Elisa said, smiling. She wanted to get rid of these bounty hunters and today she got a nice chance. She jumped off the roof while dodging the rope, and with a bow in her left hand and an arrow in her right hand. She shot the arrow in less than a second while in the air.


The big mustache guy was shot in the left eye, the arrow tip penetrating through his skull and out the back. Blood leaking through his eye and head. He couldn't even scream before he fell down onto the ground. 


As soon as the sound of the corpse hitting the ground rang out, Elisa kicked the wall with her foot. She turned around in the air while putting another arrow on her bow, and under the bald guy's horrified eyes, shot an arrow into his mouth before he could even scream or recover from his partner's death. 


Elisa flipped in the air and gracefully landed on the ground. Her white hair slowly settled down as the bald guy's corpse finally fell down.

"I don't even have to clean the corpse today since there are so many dead bodies in this city today." Elisa walked over to the corpses and searched them. She only found a few silver coins, a few copper coins, and a roll of sheepskin.

"So poor." Elisa stuffed the coins into her pocket and opened the sheepskin scroll. Her pupils shrunk slightly as she read it. "Bounty missions list."

She immediately saw the mission in 10th place and read to herself in a small voice. "Title: White-Haired Enchantress; species: elf; estimated age: 30 to 100; characteristics: white hair, green eyes, pointed ears. Mission target needs to be captured alive without missing any limbs… Mission reward: 1,000 gold coins."

"Ha. They think really highly of me." Elisa shoved the bounty missions list into her pocket and put her hood back on. She walked out of the alley. "Seems like I can't stay in this city anymore," Elisa said, standing in front of the entrance to the alley. "Where should I go next?"


Elisa's body flickered as she went to hide in the shadows of the alley, looking at the direction that the horse's footsteps came from.





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