Chapter 142

"Clip-clop. Clip-clop. Clip-clop." 

A group of people were escorting a carriage toward the castle. Elisa had never seen them before. They didn't have armor and instead wore dark, colorful clothes, but the aura that they gave off made her heart skip a beat. It was the aura that only those who had killed a lot of people gave off.

Elisa tried as hard as she could to reduce her presence in the shadows as she felt a strong sense of danger from the group. She pondered about what would happen if she were to fight them, and soon came to a conclusion she would be able to kill 2 or 3 of them but would get herself killed in the process. Since the person in the carriage has such strong guards, they must be a big noble, Elisa thought as she silently stared at the carriage.

It was already pretty dark by this point. Lucas looked out the carriage window. The commoners had already all gone back home. Today must be doomsday for many of the families here. Many people were killed by horse thieves even with the support from the Sedona City force. 

But compared to other cities which got completely annihilated by horse thieves Sakura City's casualties seems low. Lucas saw many people working together to remove the blood from the roads and houses. He saw many citizens crying over the dead bodies of their loved ones.

"Hmm?" Suddenly Lucas felt that someone was staring at him, so he turned around to look. There was a figure standing in the shadows of the dark alley, and he saw a pair of green eyes. As the carriage continued to move, the pair of eyes disappeared from his sight. 'Who was that? Her eyes were very pretty, like gems- pure and beautiful.'

Interesting. This nobleman is pretty unique. Elisa tugged on her hood. It was the first time that she had seen someone with black eyes. He was also pretty handsome. Elisa soon stopped thinking about it and thought about her next destination as she walked. 'I can't go to the central lands now, those bounty hunters are better than dog beastkins at tracking.

But there really aren't many places to go in the western lands. Winter is near, and I think I can last through the winter if I spend my money wisely. I'll just find a remote city to spend the winter in and make plans after winter is over.'

The carriage shook as it went over a mud pit, shaking the people inside. The shaking got Lucas back to his senses. He put the green eyes that he had just seen in the back of his mind and started to doubt his decision to ride in a carriage. His body felt like it was going to fall apart. This carriage is so uncomfortable, especially when moving through Sakura City's streets. No shock absorbers, no soft cushioning, and nothing but hardwood.

Lucas was starting to miss the luxurious carriage that he had back in Sedona City. He wouldn't feel anything in that carriage when going through streets like these ones. But his only comfort inside the carriage was Mina who was sitting on his lap. 

Lucas kissed her neck which made Mina gasp. Mina turned back and Lucas used this moment to capture her lips. Mina was surprised by Lucas' move but she reciprocated by kissing him with the same passion. Mina's tail wrapped itself on Lucas' leg. After kissing for a while both of them separated from each other and continued to look into each other's eyes.

"Young Mas…."

"Shhh" Lucas shut up Mina before she could say something and wrapped his arms around her waist while pulling herself toward him. Mina let herself be pulled by Lucas as she felt she had no strength left in her body. Lucas also used this moment to adjust his hard member to make himself more comfortable.

"Now I feel at peace." Lucas said while occasionally kissing Mina's neck. Mina said nothing but let herself completely relax in Lucas arms. She knew how hard it can be on some person to kill another person. Even if that person is a horse thief who committed all kinds of bad deeds. Their ride went in complete silence.

They soon arrived in Sakura City's City Lord Mansion. Mina and Lucas both checked their clothes again.

Lucas moved his muscles as soon as he got off the carriage. He walked towards the mansion with Mina and Chris. Lucas soon saw Sakura City's City Lord standing at the door and waiting for him. This was already showing a lot of respect to him as they were nobles of the same level.

Sakura City's City Lord felt that his aura had diminished by half when he saw Lucas's clothes. No matter how he looked at them, he felt that the clothes that Lucas was wearing cost at least a dozen gold coins. His own clothes, on the other hand, only cost 10 silver coins instantly making him feel like he was a commoner.

"Your Excellency, welcome." Sakura City's City Lord said with respect.

Lucas straightened his body, put one hand in a fist, wrapped it with his other fist, and shook his hands. "I'm not late, am I?"

The fist and palm salute was a traditional method of greeting in China on Earth. It had a long history, and it was commonly used for meeting or thanking someone. Bowing was a more formal and grander etiquette. The fist and palm salute was more casual and equivalent to a greeting. Lucas knew about that after reading many chinese novels.

"Uh…" Sakura City's City Lord froze a bit and quickly copied Lucas's salute. "You're not late. The banquet has just finished being prepared."

The people around them looked at the two and all felt that Lucas was the real noble. His clothes, etiquette, actions, etc. were all a level above Sakura City's City Lord.

"This is a small gift from me." Lucas said while he signaled Chris to give Sakura City's lord the gift he had prepared.

Chris handed the canned fish box to a maid, whispering, "This is a delicacy made by our lord himself."

"Oh?" Sakura City's City Lord's eyes lit up in surprise. "A delicacy made by Your Excellency? I must get a taste of it tonight."

"Just something that happened to catch my interest. It's nothing, really, Your Excellency." Lucas said, shaking his sleeves slightly, his action full of elegance.

"Haha, Your Excellency, please." Sakura City's City Lord forced a smile. He tried his hardest to memorize Lucas's actions and planned to learn them at a later time. He felt a bit humiliated as he didn't really have any etiquette.

"Ok." Lucas walked in with Mina while linking his arm with her. Mina felt a bit strange when she saw how others were looking at her. But when she saw Lucas smile she forgot about others and started to walk matching Lucas's steps while tightening her grip on Lucas arm.

Sakura City's City Lord practiced the fist and palm salute. He had a feeling that this was a very important etiquette and planned to use it later when meeting other nobles.

"City Lord, Lord Lucas has already gone in." The knight beside him reminded him.

"Okay." Sakura City's City Lord was a bit embarrassed. Observing another noble and trying to learn their etiquette was a bit humiliating.

Mina, who was walking behind Lucas, whispered, "Young Master, that Sakura City's City Lord is stealing your greeting."

"Let him learn." Lucas said, smiling lightly. Since nobles cared so much about etiquette, he decided to bring over some etiquette from ancient China on Earth. 'Who would dare to say that he wasn't like a noble?' Sakura City's City Lord was living proof of that. In the future, every noble would greet each other with a fist and palm salute.

He would be someone who set the etiquette for this world, and whenever people did the fist and palm salute, they would think of him as the noble with the most etiquette. Of course, the current Lucas didn't have much influence. Only when he was able to influence all the nobles would the fist and palm salute become popular.




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