446 Fierce Attack Begins_1

The sky gradually brightened, and the early morning of Mel City was often shrouded in thick fog. Today was no exception.

While most of the monster armies were still sleeping, goblin Gaz had already mounted his warg, and his gaze towards Mel City was very solemn.

Last night, the kobolds and burrowing worms working underground had all died miserably underground.

Just a moment ago, some kobolds above ground had unearthed a few corpses of their companions. Gaz had seen the bodies first-hand, and their appearances were too horrible to describe, almost reduced to a puddle of mush.

Without a doubt, there must be a highly skilled expert in Mel City, at least no less powerful than the Legend rank.

But coincidentally, not long ago, Gaz had successfully broken through the limitations and entered the realm of the Legend, fulfilling his promise and becoming a goblin Sword Saint of Legend.