447 Fierce Battle on the City Wall_1

Warrior-type professions and spellcasters have absolute differences, even as powerful as a master swordsman, Duke Kamera still could not easily fly in the air.

However, many spellcasters can use magic like flight skill, so most spellcasters have a natural superiority when facing warrior-type professions.

But in this situation, Duke Kamera had a unique way of dealing with the inability to fly.

A strong adult red-headed Chimera was cut in half just a moment after being in the hands of this famous legendary swordsman.

Kamera did the job cleanly and efficiently, the poor Red-headed Chimera barely reacted before it was dead.

Then Kamera stepped on the shattered half of the Chimera's body as a foothold, raising his constantly falling body once more.

Next, he held the sword with both hands, swung his body in a semicircle in the air, and swiftly swept out in front of him.


A swollen red sword aura condensed into a delicate semicircle in the air and swept forward.