Welcoming party

The passage of time brought growth not only to his forces, but also to the realm itself. The once-ruined Colossal Mountain had transformed into an enchanted and majestic fortress, adorned with opulence and fortified with undead guards. Ominous's throne room and living quarters had moved deeper within the fort, shielded from any potential intruders.

Deadric lord's had already built camps and towns and started recruiting demons all over the Demi plane.

News from the Abyss informed Ominous of Dracula's progress, his rise from a Middle god to a Powerful god. This development hinted at the growth of his own powers, as Dracula's expeditions and achievements contributed to the strengthening of their alliance.

The enigma of the prophecy continued to haunt Ominous's thoughts, urging him to seek understanding. It was during this time that a breakthrough occurred – revelations from the Centigor's memories unveiled a deeper layer of the prophecy. The 378th floor of the Abyss held significance, as it seemed the demon from the prophecy would rise there to claim dominion. The clash in the prophecy wasn't necessarily about physical conflict, but could signify a battle of dominion and influence.

Ominous's gaze was now focused on the demon realm itself, his aspirations transcending the boundaries of his fortress. The newfound knowledge led him to gather and analyze every available piece of information. He used the captured Goat men's blood and essence for experiments, further enhancing his undead creations and seeking to tap into the potential of their existence.

As his dominion over his realm grew, Ominous's quest for power was unrelenting. He was driven to become stronger, to forge his legacy in the Abyss.

Ominous could already feel that his body was ready to evolve at any moment, but in a timely manner as if to hand him a helping hand the Abyss informed him of a visit from the vampire realm Dracula was sending him some gifts to fulfil his pact

A blood portal opened in front of Ominous's Fort, one could feel the power oozing out almost breaking the space of the fragile demi-plane, without a doubt it was the power of Dracula if he stepped inside of Ominous's plane right now, his presence alone would be enough to shatter the plane

From the portal, Serena came out looking as attractive as the last time she visited, it was the same vampire that Dracula sent into Ominous's realm to bring him the Books about death, necromancy and undead creation, Serena was escorted shortly into Ominous's throne room by some Deadra

Serena's arrival brought an air of anticipation to Ominous's throne room. As she stepped through the blood portal, her presence commanded attention, her beauty and elegance matching her previous visits.

"Lord Ominous," she addressed him with a respectful nod, "I come bearing gifts from our master, Dracula, as a symbol of our alliance."

Ominous reciprocated her nod, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and gratitude. "Serena, you are always welcome in my realm. Your presence is a harbinger of significant developments."

"Thank you for your warm welcome," Serena replied, her tone poised and respectful. She extended her hand, revealing a small, ornate ring adorned with intricate engravings. Within the ring's shimmering energy, the forms of a dragon and a titan could be seen, both bodies encased in suspended animation.

"In this ring," Serena explained, "Dracula offers you the essence of a dragon lord and a titan king. Their bodies have been contained within, waiting for the moment when you are prepared to harness their power."

Ominous's gaze intensified as he regarded the ring and its contents. The potential of having a dragon's and a titan's essence at his disposal was a concept that ignited his ambitions.

"A dragon and a titan," he mused aloud. "Two beings of immense power and significance. Their essence will undoubtedly elevate my dominion over the Abyss."

Serena's lips curved into a subtle smile. "Dracula recognizes your ambitions, Lord Ominous. He believes that the power within the ring will aid you in your pursuits and further solidify the bond between our realms."

Ominous nodded, acknowledging both the significance of the gift and the understanding between their realms. "I am deeply honored by this gesture, Serena. This ring holds the promise of true transformation and power."

Serena's gaze met his with a thoughtful expression. "Dracula sees the potential in you, Ominous. It is only fitting that we offer our support, you helped our master greatly"

Ominous's determination burned brighter as he gazed at the ring. The dragon and the titan encapsulated within were a testament to his progress and the opportunities that lay ahead.

"Please convey my gratitude to Dracula," he said. "His generosity is not lost on me."

"Of course," Serena replied. "But there is more. Dracula also wishes to extend a personal invitation to you. He proposes that you join him and serve him if your life is ever in danger."

Ominous considered this proposal carefully. A meeting with Dracula held the potential for further collaboration and understanding. "I am open to the idea," he responded. "Such an offer would undoubtedly be enlightening if the need arises."

"Excellent," Serena said with a nod. "I shall relay your willingness to my master."

As the conversation drew to a close, Serena began to make her exit, the ring still shimmering in her outstretched hand. Ominous watched her depart, his mind already racing with plans for utilizing the dragon's and titan's essence.

Left alone in his throne room, Ominous held the ring up to the light, marveling at the potential it held. The enigma of the prophecy, the gifts of power, and the alliance with the vampire realm were all pieces of the intricate puzzle that defined his journey within the Abyss. With the dragon's and titan's essence now at his fingertips, Ominous knew that his evolution was on the brink of fruition, and the dominion he sought was within his grasp.

The departure of Serena left Ominous's throne room cloaked in an aura of potent anticipation. The ring she had brought was a harbinger of immense power and potential, containing the essence of a dragon lord and a titan king. As the ring shimmered in his hand, Ominous could feel the energy radiating from it, an energy that resonated with his own ambitions and desires.

As he continued to gaze at the ring, a shift occurred within him. The exchange with Serena had awakened not only his hunger for power but also his primal desires. The allure of the vampire's presence, her elegance and grace, stirred something deep within him. The dark energies that surrounded him seemed to respond, echoing the surge of his inner passions.

With a subtle movement, Ominous set the ring aside and rose from his throne. The room itself seemed to pulse with energy, mirroring the tumultuous emotions coursing through him. The echoes of the recent conversation mingled with his growing desires, creating a complex symphony within his mind.

As he moved through the dimly lit chamber, images of Serena flashed before him. Her alluring smile, her commanding presence, the way her eyes bore into his with a mix of respect and understanding – all of these images fueled the fire that burned within him. He found himself yearning for more than just power, for more than just dominion. He yearned for the embodiment of his primal desires, a union of darkness and passion.

The fortitude of his desires surprised even him. As a being focused on conquest and dominion, such emotions had rarely taken precedence. But the enigmatic vampire had stirred something that transcended the boundaries of his ambitions, something that resonated with the very core of his being.

Yet, even as these desires churned within him, Ominous was not one to be consumed by them. He had learned to master his emotions, to channel them toward his goals. And so, he directed the energy that surged within him toward his pursuit of power, his evolution, and the dominion he sought to establish.

His thoughts returned to the dragon's and titan's essence contained within the ring. They represented the very embodiment of power, a power that he could wield to reshape the Abyss in his image. He knew that his journey was far from over, that challenges and battles lay ahead. But with the gifts of power and the understanding of his desires, Ominous felt more prepared than ever to face the trials that awaited him.

As the fort's shadows deepened around him, Ominous's gaze remained fixed on the ring. He understood that the path he walked was one of darkness and determination, a path that would lead him to the dominion he craved. And within the depths of that darkness, his desires and his ambitions converged, intertwining to shape his destiny in ways he had yet to fully comprehend.

Ominous gave out an order to Vulgath, Vess and the Deadra to bring all the Deadra eggs to his laboratory, he had already improved the Lizard men it was time to improve the Deadra into a legendary race that would only serve him, he had the blood and essence of higher beings now, Dragons and titans in most worlds were born powerful with the ability to speak and use magic at birth and could probably fight a small army of imps, when they grew up to the apex of their race's they could rival newly ascended gods in some cases

The abyss told him that Long ago, there was a titan group Known for hunting and killing gods who enslaved titans as their faith race, so no god wanted to mess with titans that much, he was already very lucky to find a weak world with titans in it, now he got the chance to have Powerful members of their race as experiments for his evolution and army growth

Dragons of the other hand were very common all over the worlds, they liked to spread their seeds and didn't care much about their offspings most of the time, they are gready for life and love to accumulate riches and power, truly powerful dragons that could kill gods always kept to themselves and sometimes even became gods, it was very hard for 2 powerful Dragons to stay close to each other without fighting

He wanted his Deadra to have that kind of potential, The dragon lord essence and blood would help them boost their potential but they would have to live up to it, a Dragon can become a Dragon lord because he survived Thousands of years defeated many foes and learned lots of magic

A titan can become a Titan king by being the Most mighty titan in his race or clan, Ominous knew that there was many Dragons and titan with power levels above titan kings and Dragon lords but his deadra would have to find their own way to that kind of Power, it would be enough for them to have the potential of Demi-gods just by living long enough like some lucky races

The rest they would have to acquire by their own means, and so Ominous started extracting some Dragon blood and essence to transform the Deadra eggs