Pushing limits

The journey towards creating a powerful race of Deadra had begun. Ominous's vision extended beyond mere conquest; he aimed to shape his own army into legendary beings, capable of rivaling even the mightiest of foes, and provide him with more faith. With the essence of dragons in his possession, he had the tools to initiate a transformation that would elevate his Deadra beyond their current forms.

As the process unfolded within his laboratory, Ominous's focus remained unwavering. The dragon blood and essence, carefully extracted, held the key to unlocking latent potential within the Deadra. He knew that this transformation would not come easily.

In his laboratory, Ominous was starting to conduct the experiment in what looked like an empty swimming pool,

He was mixing a pure drop of dragon lord blood and essence with a Deadric egg, most eggs would just melt and turn into a mix of the two bloodlines, he understood that a drop of dragon lord blood was probably too strong for even a baby blooded dragon to mix in his bloodline,

the drop of blood held the genetic potential of a dragon that achieved what most of his race couldn't

So he started deluding a drop of dragon lord blood with the mixture that was already left by the failed eggs that turned into a blood pool, the dragon lord blood was too strong even after melting 200 Deadric eggs into it, slowly it filled half of the empty Pool with the mixed blood

Suddenly an idea pooped in Ominous's brain, If the Dragon lord blood was so strong Ominous would only end up getting some kind of Hybrid Abyss dragon if he didn't think of a way to keep the Deadra a separate race from dragons only having some shared traits and potential

Ominous started to fill the second half of the pool with his own blood, taking breaks every time to cast healing spells on himself as to not hurt his body or essence, after the pool was filled to the brim Ominous could still feel the tyrannical Dragon power of blood fighting against his and the Deadra's blood

Ominous Started fusing his own Deadric power and energy into the blood, while also casting Wishing spell's on the blood to perfectly mix, the power of dragons was not just about physical might, but also about wisdom, magic, and a longevity that surpassed mortal races, they had something called an inheritance in their blood filled with secrets about the life and memories of that bloodline of dragons

Sure, most of the inheritance in the dragon blood would be lost in this forceful mixing and perfecting of the bloodline, but it was worth it, Ominous had other ways to get the dragon inheritance from the Body of the dragon lord plus only a pitiful small amount of Dragon lord blood was used in this experiment.

The mingling of the dragon lord essence would infuse them with the seeds of greatness. But this was not a process that Ominous could rush. Time, patience, and nurturing were essential ingredients for the evolution he sought to achieve.

Finally, after 3 weeks of mixing his power with the blood, Ominous could feel an intimacy from the blood, it was still brimming with power and might, but it was more tame to the manipulation of the demon, he had consumed a lot of power for this to succeed, all the remaining Deadric eggs were put one after the other inside the pool.

Some melted right away, some resisted and persisted inside the pool, and some started absorbing the blood and power, Ominous started feeling a disturbance in the space-time of Demi-plane, the Abyss was attracted by his experiment it started helping the eggs evolve into something new

All Deadric eggs were invested in this experiment by Ominous, his Deadra could make more, so he never cared about failure, soon the pool was empty all blood was consumed by tempering and fusing with the eggs.

The eggs that resisted and persisted till the end looked bigger with dragon like eggshells, the eggs that started absorbing the blood and power radiated a strong vitality, they didn't grow in size but ominous could feel that they were more perfect

Hundreds of Deadra servants started transporting the eggs to a special incubation room that was heavily enchanted and protected, to give the highest incubation chances, Ominous on the other hand had to go back and rest in his chambers, he had accumulated a lot Deadric power from his magic practice and faith accumulation, and being close to powerful dragon essence for a long while had even had some changes on his

A small amount of dragon essence had seeped into his body and dragon like characteristics had stared to appear on his body, he had not noticed while in the laboratory, but his body exuded coercion, his wings and tail looked stronger and thicker, even his Deadric energy was heavier after winning the fight against the Dragon blood

But even so Ominous knew that this was not the path he wanted to take, Titans were more aligned with his aesthetics they looked like Gigantic Human GODS a mix of power and beauty and from what he understood Titans could be born from any world or planet that had magic in it, they were born from the power of the world itself, some powerful and colossal Titans were even bred in the core of some worlds leading to the birth of overwhelmingly powerful Titans, but that was very rare

Dragons and Titans had members in their respective races that could challenge the most powerful beings, a Titan bread from the core of a mid-world could probably face off against a new powerful god like Dracula and hold his ground, and a space-time Dragon who was born with power over time and space could do the same, there are many kinds of dragons that are strong, but few bloodlines could have the potential to rival powerful gods

The main reason he didn't chose dragon blood for himself is that he would need a Space time dragon blood or other rare and powerful dragons to get that kind of potential, but with titan blood the most important would be world essence, he would need to find a suitable place to grow into a nascent titan or a titan seed as they would call it the catch is that he would be a demon version of that.

In the abyss, every creature did it's best to maximize its power, and he would do the same, many didn't have the chance he had, most demons couldn't get a hold of a titan's body until they were powerful enough and have already no chance at a new evolution, and powerful demons would never help another demon grow more powerful than themselves

He was lucky, Dracula was looking for a quick way to achieve Powerful godhood and made a deal with him, Dracula couldn't miss an opportunity to be at the Top of the Forces in the abyss, in Ominous's mind he would never give a chance for another creature to have a higher potential than himself

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Ominous observed the progress with calculated anticipation. The eggs showed signs of change – a heightened aura, a subtle shift in energy. These were early indicators that the transformation had taken root and Babies were forming inside

The first to hatch were the Bigger eggs,the ones that had absorbed less of the dragon essence. Their eggshells cracked open, revealing the newborn Deadra that bore the unmistakable traits of dragons. Scaled skin, wings of various sizes, and in some cases, horns and tails marked their transformation. Their eyes glowed with a primal fire, a reflection of the dragon's power that now coursed through their veins.

Ominous watched as these newly hatched Deadra took their first breaths, their vitality and strength evident even in their earliest moments of life. They emitted an aura of power that resonated with the Abyss itself, a testament to the successful fusion of dragon essence and Deadra bloodline, they screamed their true names just like Ominous got his true name after eating his eggshell, they would be called true Deadra.

As for the eggs that had absorbed most of the blood and essence, their transformation was equally remarkable. These Deadra emerged from their shells with a different set of characteristics. They were not as visibly dragon-like as their counterparts, they looked like horned human babies, but their aura exuded a mix of strength and potential that hinted at their hidden might. Their bodies were more defined, their forms more honed, and their energy more focused, even if they had true names they didn't scream them out loud hinting at their intelligent, they would be called High Deadra.

Ominous observed them all with a sense of pride. The months of patience, the meticulous process of blood fusion, and the intervention of the Abyss had yielded results beyond his expectations. These newly transformed Deadra were the embodiment of his vision – a race with the potential to rival demons and gods and make up for his the lack of foundations in the Abyss.

With this Baby bloom, Ominous started to feel a shift from the Pseudo priesthood, as he arranged the composition of the Deadra race in his mind, even if High Deadra are born with a better potential and power than True Deadra and normal Deadra kin they would all have to do their best to surpass each other it would go down to personal effort in the end

But as long as a Deadra didn't show any kind of spark it would still be under the service of true Deadra and the same thing would apply to true Deadra with High Deadra, just like how some Deadra with great effort and training started to rule over other Deadra and lizard men and became Deadra lords with their own towns and base camps in his realm

The next phase of their growth required guidance. Ominous knew that these beings, infused with the essence of dragons, required a unique approach to training and nurturing. He took a hands-on role in their development, guiding them in harnessing their newfound powers, honing their combat skills, and understanding the blend of Deadric and dragon traits within them.

In parallel to their training, Ominous continued his quest for power and dominion. The enigma of the prophecy still lingered, and he sought to uncover its deeper meaning. The alliance with the vampire realm remained intact, and the gifts of dragons and titans served as reminders of his ambitions. The desire for greatness and the yearning for power were interwoven with his actions, a constant driving force that fueled his journey within the Abyss.

As time passed, the newly transformed Deadra began to mature and display their potential. They exhibited unique abilities that reflected both their Deadric bloodline and the dragon essence within them. Some displayed mastery over fire, others over wind or darkness. Their wings allowed them to soar through the air, and their strength rivaled that of even the mightiest of lower demons.

Ominous found himself forming bonds with these new creations. They were not just instruments of power; they were extensions of his vision, walking embodiments of his ambition. He knew that their growth would contribute to his own evolution, and that their achievements would shape the destiny of the Abyss.

Among these transformed Deadra, there was one that stood out – a being whose potential seemed to transcend even the powerful bloodline it had inherited. This High Deadra, named Zephyrion, displayed an innate mastery over elements that exceeded all expectations. With a touch, he could manipulate fire, freeze water, and command the very earth itself using gravity. His wings radiated power, and his eyes held a wisdom that belied his age.

Ominous saw in Zephyrion the embodiment of his vision, a being that could bridge the gap between Deadra and dragons, between power and wisdom. He took Zephyrion under his wing, guiding him personally and imparting knowledge that would aid in his growth. Their interactions became a reflection of the mentorship and guidance that Ominous provided to all of his transformed Deadra.

As Zephyrion's power continued to grow, he began to develop the ability to commune with the Abyss itself, Ominous had left a lot of backhands in the very essence and blood of these Deadra so he was never afraid of their betrale in their mind he was god, he was the world itself, he was heaven and hell.

Zephyrion soon grew to a level of power even stronger than Ominous himself, but everyone knew he was limiting his evolution for a better future, Zephyrion looked like a young man with silver hair and his eyebrows, nose and smile sharp like a model, even his hornes were silver the same color of the dragon lord in Ominous's space ring, the only diffrance is that his eye's refflectd Dark magic fire and tyrany.

He took charge of all Deadra lifting a burden from Ominous's shoulders, their training and religious indoctrination was one of Zephyrion's tasks as he was a fanatic beleiver of Ominous and provided him with the most faith when taking charge of prayers and sacrifices.

What pleasently surprised Ominous is that the most powerful High Deadra even if they looked human were actualy the real monsters, they could actualy turn into Dragon forms to fight and train, the presence of beings like Zephyrion by his side prooved to Ominous that he was on the right path.