Unveiling the Soul's Awakening

Amidst the bustling activities within Ominous's realm, a sinister presence loomed in the shadows. Vulgath, a being of formidable power, moved through the corridors of the dark fortress. His steps echoed ominously, his figure a haunting silhouette against the dimly lit walls. The aura of death surrounded him, a manifestation of his mastery over the macabre.

Vulgath had long been a shade Ominous, drawn to the promise of power and dominion, just like his master. As he wandered through the labyrinthine halls, his thoughts dwelled on the extent of his loyalty. He sought a power that would transcend his current state, one that would establish him as an undeniable force within Ominous's men.

He had watched with keen interest as Ominous conducted his experiments, infusing dragon essence into the Deadra and crafting an army that stood on the brink of unparalleled might.

Likewise, he had felt the potential of the new Deadra, and he knows that if he does not grow and keep up with the trend he will be discarded, even if Vulgath was half undead he could feel that the pseudo soul inside of him just like his body could evolve into something more complete

It only needed some vitality and life essence, something undead creature like him lacked the most, this revelation made Vulgath understand part of the relationship between a soul and a body, an undead was like a fake version of a living person he lacked emotion, taste pleasure and many more and like wise a pseudo soul was a fake version of a soul

Vulgath when created became a half undead which made him have a living body but a pseudo soul, and the simple fact that his body was close to a perfect living body pushed his pseudo soul to try and perfect its self into a complete soul not just a pale version of a soul

seeking his master's approval to embark on a path that could potentially redefine his existence were steps Vulgath took with calculated care. He awaited the perfect moment to present his findings and proposal to Ominous, knowing that the ambitions he harbored aligned well with his master's hunger for power.

In a chamber adorned with relics of dark magic and symbols of death, Vulgath finally stood before Ominous. The air seemed to grow heavier as he began to speak, his voice carrying the weight of his discoveries and aspirations.

"Master Ominous, I bring before you insights I have gained through my studies and observations," Vulgath's words were deliberate, each syllable laced with reverence. "I have come to understand that the fusion of life essence with the pseudo soul within me could lead to a transformation of great significance."

Ominous regarded Vulgath with a measured expression, his crimson eyes gleaming in the dim light. "Explain, Vulgath. What transformation do you speak of?"

Vulgath's gaze remained unwavering as he continued, "By consuming the life essence of living creatures, I believe I can catalyze the growth of my pseudo soul into a genuine one. This would bestow upon me not only the powers of death but also a connection to life, a balance that few beings possess."

A contemplative silence enveloped the chamber. Ominous's gaze bore into Vulgath, his mind undoubtedly weighing the implications of this revelation. After a pause that felt like an eternity, Ominous finally spoke.

"Vulgath, what you propose is a path that delves into the very essence of existence itself," Ominous's tone was measured, his words laden with both caution and intrigue. "To walk this path is to challenge the boundaries that separate life from death. But do you comprehend the risks and consequences that such a transformation could entail?"

Vulgath's reply was unwavering, a reflection of the determination that had guided him to this point. "Master, I am well aware of the risks. To navigate the thin line between life and death is to embrace a power that defies convention. I am prepared to bear the consequences, whatever they may be."

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Ominous's lips, a rare display of approval. "Your resolve does you credit, Vulgath. To seek a fusion of life and death is a pursuit that resonates with the very essence of the Abyss. But remember, such a transformation may alter not only your powers but also your identity. Are you prepared to embrace a state of being that blurs the lines between two realms?"

Vulgath's answer was swift and resolute. "I am, Master. The evolution I seek is not for the faint of heart. To become a living entity with the origins of death is a destiny I willingly embrace."

Ominous leaned back on his obsidian throne, his eyes never leaving Vulgath. "Very well. If you are resolved to tread this path, then do so with unwavering commitment. Embrace the life essence and weave it into your being. Nurture your pseudo soul until it blooms into a true essence, one that transcends the boundaries that bind most beings."

As Vulgath's proposal was accepted, a sense of purpose coursed through him. He understood the gravity of his undertaking, the potential for transformation that awaited him. With Ominous's blessing, he embarked on a series of dark rituals, each one involving the consumption of life essence from living creatures.

With each essence he consumed, Vulgath could feel a subtle change within him. The divide between life and death, once so stark, began to blur. The pseudo soul within him responded eagerly to the infusion of vitality, growing more vibrant with every passing day.

Visions and memories of the creatures whose essences he absorbed flashed before Vulgath's eyes – moments of life, of laughter, of pain. As the essence merged with his own, he felt a connection to the living world that he had never experienced before.

Days turned into weeks, and the transformation continued. Vulgath's once monochromatic existence began to gain shades of color and depth. The aura of death that had always surrounded him was now complemented by a subtle undercurrent of life.

And then, one fateful night, as Vulgath stood beneath the moon's pale light, he felt a surge of energy within him. It was a sensation unlike any other – the awakening of his pseudo soul into a true essence. His body trembled, his breath quickened, and he felt a rush of emotions that had been absent from his existence until now.

In that moment, Vulgath realized that he had become something more than an undead creature. He was a being that straddled the realms of life and death, a living entity with an origin steeped in the macabre. He had achieved a balance that defied conventional understanding, and his powers reflected this newfound harmony.

With his transformation complete, Vulgath sought out Ominous to share the results of his journey. In the same chamber where their conversation had begun, he stood before his master once more.

Ominous's gaze bore into Vulgath, his eyes discerning and appraising. "Well, Vulgath, I sense the change within you. Your aura is altered, your essence transformed."

Vulgath nodded, his expression a mixture of reverence and pride. "Master, with your guidance and approval, I have achieved a state of being that bridges the gap between life and death. I am a living creature with an essence that draws from both realms."

Ominous's lips curved into a satisfied smile. "You have embraced a destiny that few would dare to tread, Vulgath. Your evolution mirrors the very nature of the Abyss – a realm that thrives on the pursuit of power beyond convention."

Vulgath's voice carried a newfound depth of emotion. "My existence is a testament to your vision, Master. I am yours to command, bound by both life and death, and fueled by an essence that defies the limitations of my former self."

And so, Vulgath stood as a living embodiment of the ambition that coursed through Ominous's realm. His transformation served as a testament to the potential that lay within the convergence of life and death, a potential that Vulgath had harnessed with unwavering resolve. As the shadows of their dark fortress whispered secrets of his achievement, Vulgath embraced his role as a living entity born of death, ready to serve his master's grand designs

With this Discovery, Ominous felt that he could make Pseudo souls evolve into souls before crafting powerful undead, he had tried to make an Undead creature out of the Dragon lord's body but failed miserably many times, his mastery over death was not enough to let him transform that powerful creature into one of his shades, but now with this new-found loophole he had new materials to work with

And so Ominous gathered the most skilled necromancers in his realm from the living ones to the undead one's, he needed all the death and magic energies he could gather for this to work, last time he struggled to fight against the remnant dragon will in the dragon blood on his own, this time he would mobilize the millions of creatures under his command to suppress and overwhelm the dragon will in the body of the dragon lord

Soon His orders spread around the Giant fortress, and all creatures were mobilized to the snow field waiting for their master to give instructions.

Ominous stood at the center of Zephyrion, Vulgath and Vess, his presence commanding the attention of all who had assembled. Vulgath, now a living entity with an essence intertwined with both life and death, stood by his side, a living testament to the potential of their endeavors.

"Servants, I have brought you here for a purpose of great significance," Ominous's voice echoed through the chamber, carrying an air of authority that left no room for dissent. "We stand on the precipice of a new era, an era where the boundaries between life and death can be molded to our will."

The necromancers exchanged curious glances, their loyalty to Ominous leaving them no choice but to listen intently to his words.

"I have discovered a way to transform pseudo souls into true souls, to evolve creatures with undead origins into entities that transcend their initial state," Ominous continued, his words carrying an electric charge of anticipation. "Vulgath, here, stands as proof of this transformation."

Vulgath's presence, his aura a mix of death and vitality, was a living example of the results they sought. His very existence validated Ominous's claims and fueled the necromancers' eagerness to proceed.

"Our goal is to apply this revelation to powerful beings, creatures that once resisted the grasp of death but can now be shaped to our will," Ominous declared. "The dragon lord's body, with its lingering will and dormant power, will serve as our canvas."

The necromancers exchanged another glance, the weight of the task at hand evident in their eyes. The dragon lord's body was a potent vessel, one that had eluded Ominous's mastery over death before. But with this newfound knowledge, the outcome seemed far more promising.

"The process will require an infusion of life essence, carefully harvested and channeled to catalyze the transformation," Ominous explained, the Dragon lord's body was still inside of the space ring on his middle finger, he would make preperations first before starting the creation of the Dragon lord undead.

This undead would be his trup card for now, he didn't even know how powerful this future creation of his would be.