Little Junior Sister

A hole appeared in between his brows. She tossed the gun and looked around.There were only three men left.

'I need one of them to tell me about their boss.'

Without waiting for them to react she rushed towards them she swiftly got rid of two of the men and made her way towards the last man.

"Congratulations you are officially the last man standing" He felt a chill run down his spine as she smiled at him. Without giving him any chance to escape she grabbed his neck tightly.

"If you tell me who sent you then there might be a chance for you to live. Do you accept the offer?"


"Ahhhh!!!" Shadow suddenly screamed, she released him from her grip and covered her ears.

"M.m.make it stop!!"

The man coughed vehemently and stared at her. 'What's wrong with her?'


"Ahhh!! Make it stop!! make it stop!!!!" Shadow fell to her knees,her hands still covering her ears, her body was trembling slightly.

"Turn it off, turn it off"

A silhuoette gradually approached her, he bent down and lifted her chin up "Xiao Xi" his voice was gentle and low.

"You.. Wh-who are you? Ahhh!! You-you're the one doing this. St-op-stop it!!!!" She screamed, her grey eyes were red and carried a hint of fear.

He smiled slightly his gaze carrying a hint of gentleness "Xiao Xi, don't be scared okay?"

"Please, please make it stop, it hurts, it hurts so bad" Her voice was low and her body was trembling uncontrolably.

She raised her head up, the man's face was blurry "Wh-who are you?"

He stood up and looked down at her "Don't worry you'll be coming with me so you'll find out soon enough"

"D-don-don't touch me. Ahhhh!!"

"Xiao Xi, it's time for you to sleep." He snapped his fingers and she lost consciousness.

Everything turned black.

"Ahhhh!!!" a girl bolted up from her bed, her forehead was covered in beads of sweat, her grey eyes trembled uncontrollably with fear, her hands were clutching her ears, her breathing was unstable and her skin was deathly pale.

It's just a nightmare

It's just a nightmare

It's just a nightmare

She repeated the sentence in her mind and finally calmed down. She removed her hands from her ears and it was covered with blood. Her hands trembled slightly.

Suddenly a murderous glint appeared in her eyes, she got down from the bed and went to the bathroom.


In the living room.

"Is little junior sister okay? I thought i heard her scream just now"

A lady seated on the sofa looked at the stairs worriedly. She had short black hair and a pair of dark brown eyes. Her skin was slighty tanned.

Other than her there were three other people there. "I heard it too. Fourth Senior Sister do you think something happened?" It was a cute little lolita that spoke up her hair was tied up in pigtails and her skin was fair.

"Ever since Ji Xiruan found her and brought her back she hasn't been herself, she usually has series of nightmares, i think it's about what happened to her. " A man said. He was wearing a pair of glasses, a laptop was placed on his laps and his hands were swiftly moving across the keyboard.

"Just let her be" Another man spoke up, he was tall and slender, he had short black hair and a pair of dark obsidan eyes, he was standing in front of the floor to ceiling windows with his hands in his pocket.

After he spoke up, no one said anything else.

Tap tap tap.

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs garnered everyone's attention.

Ning Xi walked down, she was putting on a black trenchcoat, underneath it was a black turtleneck and black trousers, she wore a baseball cap and a black face mask. She was comletely covered in black leaving only her pair of grey eyes and her ears visible. She had an extremely murderous and deadly aura

"I'm heading out" She ignored everyone and walked out directly without saying anything else.

"The fuck?" The cute lolita cursed "What's wrong with little junior sister? Why did she look so scary?"

"Ji Xiruan..... " Zho Lifei, the short haired lady, looked at the man that was standing in front of the floor to ceiling windows.

He frowned but didn't say anything.

Zhou Lifei clutched her fists and stared at the door.

"Fourth Senior Sister are we really going to let little junior sister go out alone?" Just thinking of her murderous aura made the lolita shudder.


Si Residence.

Si Yehan and his parents along with the chief security of their residence were inside the control room.

"Young Master, i can't find the little young master in any of the footage"

"What do you mean by that?!!" Su An yelled.

"Madam it seems like the little young master avoided the surveillance cameras"

"How is that possible?" Si Ming asked "He couldn't possibly know where all the cameras are stationed."

"Yehan..... " Su An looked at Si Yehan worriedly.

All this while he has been silently looking at the footage where Si Xia ran out.

He took in a deep breath and walked out of the room.

"Si Ming, would Yehan be able to find him?" Si Ming pursed his lips and didn't answer.


Si Xia sat in front of Ning Xi's grave. He hung his head low as tears flowed down his eyes. He sniffled then used his hand to wipe his tears and stared at the grave.

"Mommy, do you know what day it is today?"


He continued "It's grandfather's birthday, he hosted a banquet. Father and i wore matching suits. Father gave grandfather a really expensive watch and i gave him a calligraphy that i wrote myself. Mom my calligraphy has gotten better recently, i even prepared one for you on your last birthday. Today, grandmother wanted father to get closer to third aunt Gu, i think she wants him to remarry but don't worry mom, father isn't interested in her or anyone else except you. "

Ning Xi, who was quietly listening to Si Xia while hiding in the dark smiled, her murderous aura from earlier was now completely gone. She had seen Si Xia walking alone while crying when she arrived at the Si residence so, without a second thought she followed him here and concealed herself in the dark.

"Mommy, grandmother asked me if third aunt Gu looked pretty today, guess what i said?" He paused

Ning Xi who heard this raised her brows slightly.

"I told her that she is indeed beautiful but pales in comparison to you. Grandmother was very angry at me."

"Pfft..." Ning Xi laughed softly

This kid...

"She told me to apologize to her but i didn't so grandfather asked father to reprimand me. Do you know what father said ?" He paused again, he really believed that someone was listening and someone was, but he didn't know that.

"Father said that i should apologize because what i said was rude even though it was the truth"

Ning Xi froze and the tip of her ears turned red.

"Grandfather Gu, Grandmother Gu and Second Uncle Gu were very angry so they said bad things about you. I got angry and ran away, that's why i'm here. Mommy, don't worry i won't let anyone bully you, I promise"

Ning Xi felt something collide in her chest. She really missed them.