

Gu Shiyuan, who was oblivious to everything happening in the hall, was in the restroom.

She stared at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes were puffy and red, her nose was a little bit swollen. She looked really pitiful.

She took out her phone and looked at it in anticipation.

Why hasn't anyone called her yet?

She ran away crying, aren't they worried about her?

She frowned and threw her phone in anger. "Ugh... Why hasn't anyone look for me yet? Isn't Yehan supposed to feel guilty and come find me?"

She looked at the mirror again and her frown deepened. She had cried for a while expecting Si Yehan to come find her out of guilt and the pressure of both her parents and Aunt and Uncle Si.

But it's been an hour and half yet nothing!!!!.


The phone that been thrown on the ground started ringing, filling the once quiet restroom with its sound.

Gu Shiyuan's eyes brightened and she rushed to pick it up. Luckily the phone had a protective case so it wasn't broken and she could see the caller ID.

Dad,he finally called!!.

Her lips curled up into a smile. She shook her head and answered the call.

"D... Da... Dad" She was an A-list actress so acting pitiful was a peice of cake for her.

"Where are you?" Gu Yiming's angry voice vame through .

She was stunned and subconsciously looked at the caller ID again.

Yes, this is her father.

But why does he sound so angry?

Maybe he's angry at Si Yehan?

That's probably it.

"I..I'm....." she was stopped midway before she could finish her sentence. "I don't care where you are come out right now!!!!!"

Beep beep.

He hung up. She stared at her phone in disbelief.

She figured something wasn't right so she grabbed her purse and left quickly.

When she got out she found the hall empty. She rushed out side and saw her father in a distance.

"Dad what's wrong?" She asked with a quizzical look.

Gu Yiming's face was red with anger, he pointed his index finger at her "You.... "

He was so angry that he couldn't even say anything.

What else could he say?

Because of his daughter they had said those words earlier and ended up making Si Yehan and Si Xia angry.

Now the entire Si family is against them. They could only pray that Si Xia would be found.

Thinking back, he directed his anger towards Si Xia.

It's all that little brats fault. Wasn't he the one that provoked them first?. He dared to compare his precious daughter to a nobody.

He calmed down and put down his hands. He looked at Gu Shiyuan, her eyes were slightly red and still puffy and her nose swollen.

He stared at her pitiful appearance and his heart softened. He would definetely make that little brat pay!!.

"Shiyuan don't cry anymore come let's go home first." He said in a gentle tone.

Gu Shiyuan breathed a sigh of relief but she couldn't help but wonder.

What exactly happened?

She got in the car and they drove off.


A figure clad in black stood quietly while surveying the vast empty space.


A tranquilizer dart landed on her shoulder. She smiled and pulled it out then threw it on the ground.

It seemed to have no effect on her.


More than a dozen tranquilizer darts were shot towards her. She curled her lips upwards and avoided all of them.

Her moves were fast and nimble.

"It seems like this person dosn't want to hurt me. Hmm, i wonder who's brave enough to trick me and try to ambush me. " She chuckled lightly, she exuded a lazy but murderous aura.

She slowly walked towards the direction where the darts came from.

"Shit!!" A big burly man threw the dart gun down.

"Fuck!! How the hell was she able to avoid all that at once?" another bellowed

"She didn't avoid the first one though but she doesn't seem to be affected"

"Each of these darts contains a double doze. How is she still conscious?"

"Should we attack?"

"But boss said we shouldn't hurt her"

"Are you sure you're even capable of that?"

"That's Shadow!! none of us stand a chace"

"Shit i shouldn't have accepted this mission"

"Can you all shut the fuck up!! Boss just called he said we can attack her he'll be here soon."

"Umm.... Are you sure we should attack? It's shadow we're talking about here. "

"So what? She's out numbered we have strength in numbers!!"

"Yo, guys she's coming this way"

More than a dozen men rushed forward and surrounded Shadow before she could get any closer.

"Oh?.. " She raised her brows.

'They decided to come out. Are they finally going to attack?'

The burly men looked at each other and nodded. They all rushed forward at the same time.

A barrage of punches were aimed at her. Her smile widened as she went on the offensive, swiftly and nimbly avoiding each of their attacks.

"Fuck!!" One of the burly men cursed as they weren't able to land a single blow.

"You guys are so boring..... " Shadow's lazy voice rung out as she appeared at the back of one of the burly men.

"How... How did she get there? "

"Well, i don't have time to play with you anymore,i need to go home to my babies. So... I guess it's my turn"

The man that was in front of her pulled out a gun and aimed it at her. Her eyes flickered dangerously, in the blink of an eye she grabbed the gun from him.

"Didn't your parents teach you?, children shouldn't play with dangerous toys." She spun the gun in her hand.

The man who had his gun taken was yet to react. His eyes twitched.

Who is she calling a child?

He didn't know how old she was, but he was clearly older than her okay?




"Too noisy... " She frowned and tossed it on the ground.

A few of them were already laying lifeless. While the others were dumbfounded.

They finally reacted and each took out their guns.

"Quickly shoot!!!"

Before he could pull the triger a hand grabbed his neck tightly. "Didn't i say children shouldn't play with dangerous toys?"


Blood flowed out of his mouth as his neck was being crushed. She tossed him as soon as he stopped breathing.


Someone fired a shot, but he missed and a kick landed on his abdomen sending him a few metres back, blood spewed out of his mouth as he twitched before giving up a ghost.

"Tsk tsk tsk. This won't do, you can't even take one hit from me. Which dumbass sent you guys?"


Another fired while she was talking. She roughly avoided the bullet, she stood in front of the man that fired the shot and snatched the gun from him.
