Look For Mommy

"Dad..... " Si Xia rushed up to his father, he was slightly out of breath, his eyes were shining brightly as he looked at his father.

"Little Xia are you okay?"

"Little Xia what's wrong?"

Su An and Si Ming who had been originally keeping quiet as they ate, both stood up in fright when they saw Si Xia rush up to his father in a flustered manner.

Si Yehan was the last to react, he stood up from his chair then squatted down to look at Si Xia. He used the back of his hand and placed it on Si Xia's forehead.

No fever.

He seems to be fine but.....

He retracted his hand and stared at his bright eyes which reminded him of a certain someone.....

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Dad I..." Si Xia paused.Those words came to his mind 'Little Xia i have to go now'

She left?

But why?

It couldn't have been a dream right?

No, it wasn't. I'm sure of it but..... why had she left? Doesn't she want me anymore?

She left on her own accord. Could it be that she doesn't want father to find her?

Then, i shouldn't tell father right?

I won't, i'll look for mommy myself!

But..... how am i supposed to find her? Should i run away again? She would come look for me right? But how will she know that i've run away?

Should i... tell father? It would be easier with his help.

But..... he might not belive me.

No, no, I won't!!!

I will find mommy myself!

"Si Xia, Si Xia?" Seeing that he didn't react to his question Si Yehan called him a few times.

"Si Xia what's wrong?" He looked at the boy whose eyes were shining brightly with determination. He didn't know what the little guy was thinking about.

Si Xia recollected his thoughts, he hung his head low and clenched his little fists. "Dad..... I had a bad dream.."



The curtains were open and the sunlight shone in through the French windows.

The figure on the bed had her eyes tightly shut, her brows were furrowed deeply and beads of sweat gathered on her forehead. Her jet black hair spread across the pillow like seaweed.

As the sunlight bathed her in its radiance, her skin looked somewhat transparent, her lips were pursed tighly and drained of all its colour. She looked like a fallen goddess.

No one knew what she was dreaming about but it was clear that she was in pain.

Knock, knock,

"Little Junior Sister breakfast is ready" It was the voice of the little lolita, Tang Ruqin.

Seeing as there wasn't any movement she knocked again then opened the door slightly.

"Little Junior Sister?" Tang Ruqin walked in and saw the deathly pale figure on the bed.

"F*ck, Little Junior Sister, Little Junior Sister!!" She rushed to the bedside and tried waking her up but she didn't respond.

Her brows furrowed deeper and she was completely drenched in sweat.

"What to do?"

"Tang Ruqin what's wrong? , what are you doing here?" Zhou Lifei stood at the at door and frowned.

"Fourth Senior Sister! Something's wrong with Little Junior Sister."

"What?" Zhou Lifei quickly went to the bedside. Her eyes darkened "Go get Ji Xiruan now!!"

Tang Ruqin nodded and quickly left the room. Zhou Lifei worriedly paced back and forth until she heard Ning Xi grunt softly.

"Little Junior Sister are you okay?" She asked as she walked closer to the bed.

Ning Xi slowly opened her eyes and surveyed the room then her gaze finally stopped at the figure by her bedside.

"Little Junior Sister?"Zhou Lifei noticed that she was staring at her but she felt that there was something wrong with her gaze....

She brushed off the thought then took the glass of water thst was placed on the bedside table and stretched out her hand. "Here, little junior sister have some water"

Ning Xi didn't move, her gaze still fixed on Zhou Lifei. She raised her hands slowly but then paused.

Ning Xi what're you doing?

Her other gand grabbed the already raised hand. "Let.. go..of.. me" She said through gritted teeth.

Zhou Lifei was confused. She should let go of her? But she wasn't even touching her. Her gaze then landed on her hands. A wave of uneasiness spread out through her entire body.

Ning Xi's mind was a mess, she could hear two voices, one was faint while the other was clear.

The clear one was saying: Stop it!!

While the faint one was saying: Kill!!!

The faint voice grew louder and louder until it overshadowed the other voice.

The hand that was grabbing the already raised hand released it from its grip.

Just as she was about to reach for Zhou Lifei, Tang Ruqin came in.

"Fourth Senior Sister, Brother Ji is here." She paused. "Little Junior Sister you're awake, you almost scared me to death. How are you feeling?"

Tang Ruqin stopped abruptly as she felt a chill run down her spine as she saw the smile on Ning Xi's face.

This was the smile she usually directed to her prey.

And now the smile was aimed at her!!!!!!!

She subconsciously stepped back.

Zhou Lifei also noticed the smile and froze "Little ninth?"


Zhou Lifei's entire body went through the french window countless shards of glass scattered on the floor, if not for the railing at her back she would've fallen off.


What just happened?

She struggled and finally stood up. There was blood at the corner of her mouth and standing in front of her was a crazy Ning Xi!!

In the blink of an eye she appeared in front of her and threw a punch, fortunately she managed to move to the side and avoid it.

"Little Ninth are you mad?!!!" Zhou Lifei yelled and her veins bulged.

Ning Xi didn't stop there as she threw several attacks at lightning speed, some of which Zhou Lifei was fortunate to dodge and others she took head on.
