Crazy Little Ninth

"JI... XI... RU... AN"

Zhou Lifei was feeling out of breath, she knew Ning Xi's real strength and she could tell she was holding back a lot.

Zhou Lifei is ranked fifth in the world ranking of assassins, her code name is Thousand Blade.

She's known for her knife skills and ruthlessness, in terms of combat she isn't weak either, but compared to Ning Xi she's just average.

When Ning Xi is using her full strength, she could barely take ten blows from her.

Ning Xi wasn't even using half of her full strength, so that's why she could hold on longer, but nevertheless even with Ning Xi's current strength she was still at the losing end.

Zhou Lifei failed to block one of her strikes and ended up flying a few metres back, her face was covered in bruises and she coughed up a lot of blood.

Ning Xi's eyes were full of killing intent. She licked her lips and smiled cynically, she slowly walked up to the half dead Zhou Lifei.

Just as she was about to deliever the final blow, a hand suddenly grabbed her hand.

There was a frown on the man's frace, his brows were furrowed deeply, his expression was cold and his pair of dark eyes seemed like it could freeze people with just one look.

"Xiao Xi" His deep voice called out with a hint of gentleness.

Alarm bells were going off in Ning Xi's head. She tilted her head and blinked, she instinctively acted cute like a little girl which was different from the crazed murderous look she had on earlier.

'This man, who is he? '

'My mind keeps telling me not to hurt him. He's probably someone inportant to me right? But why can't i recognize him? '.'Alright I won't fight him but....the others....'

Seeing as she had calmed down Ji Xiruan let go of her hand.

"Xiao Xi are you..... "

Before he could complete is sentence a voice cut him short.

"Damn it!"

Ji Xiruan's lips twitched, Ning Xi was no longer at his front. He turned back and sure enough, Tang Ruqin was laying on the floor with blood spewing out of the corners of her lips.

Tang Ruqin aka Trigger, she's ranked third in the world ranking, known for her impeccable aim. In terms of combat she was weaker than Zhou Lifei.

She could only take about two to three strikes from Ning Xi when she isn't using her full strength.

Ning Xi was currently facing her Second Senior brother, Luo Wei. Luo Wei is not an assassin but the number one hacker in the country.

In terms of combat he is cosidered stronger than both Zhou Lifei and Tang Ruqin. So he could still go up against her.

"Ning Xi!!" Ji Xiruan stopped her next attack,he wrapped his arm around her slender waist and pulled her to him, his other arm was holding down her hands.

Ning Xi blinked then shook her head. "Bro-brother Ji?". He voice was soft. She looked at him with a confused gaze and tilted her head. Her grey eyes were bright and her jet black hair clunged to her skin like seaweed.

Ji Xiruan sighed in relief but didn't dare to let his guard down. " Ning Xi are you okay?"

"Huh? Of course i am. Why wouldn't i be?" She blinked and stared at him curiously. He was taller than her and she was barely reaching his neck so she had to tilt her head up.

His head was hung down as he was looking at her, their faces were close and their breaths interwined with each other.

"Umm..... Brother Ji" "Hmm?"

"Your.. Your hand is gripping me too tightly. " Ning Xi lowered her head and her ears turned pink.

Ji Xiruan's eyes darkened, he had been focused on stopping her so he had pulled her closer to him, not noticing how intimate their position was. He looked down at her, she was wearing a thin spaghetti strap night gown that barely reached her knee.

One of the strap had been pulled downwards exposing the pearl white softness underneath. Her chest was pressed unto his and her head was hung low with her ears pink, she rarely showed her emotions to others but he was different, she didn't know how enticing she looked right now.

His adam's apple bobbed, he forcefully looked away and released her.

"G-Go wash up" He said with a hoarse voice.

She nodded and frantically rushed to her bathroom and slammed the door shut not noticing the three other people who were in the room.

Ji Xiruan ran his hand through his hair and exhaled deeply, then looked at Zhou Li who was lying unconscious on the floor.

"Luo Wei go carry her." His voice was stern and cold. Luo Wei nodded and went to pick her up, he was better off than them, with just a few bruises on his cheek.

"Tang Ruqin can you stand up?". Tang Ruqin was curled up on the floor, she was still conscious and was groaning in pain.

Ji Xiryan sighed then picked her up, then they went out of the room.


" Xiruan , Miss Zhou has four broken ribs, a dislocated arm and a some internal injuries while Miss Tang has one broken rib and suffered no other injuries. They will both need to undergo surgery as soon as possible" A man in a white coat walked out of a room. He was handsome and had a gentle apoearance.

Ji Xiruan was rubbing his temples, Luo Wei sat next to him there was a band aid on his his cheek but other than that he looked fine.

"Okay thank you, Luo Wei will take them to the hospital"

The doctor nodded "Alright if that's all then i'll take my leave"

"Ji shu wait" Ji Xuran called.

"Is there anything else?" "Hmm, let's go to my study" He stood up and Ji Shu followed behind.