Little Ninth's Condition

"What is it you want to talk about?" Ji Shu asked, he was seated on the chair across the table. Ji Xiruan was seated opposite him with a serious expression.

"It's about Xiao Xi." He said.

*Oh....I see" Ji Shu was in deep thought "She's still having nightmares?" He asked.

"Yes... but it's worse than that". Ji Shu frowned "What else?"

"She does still have nightmares like usual, but.....this time whenever she wakes up she's doesn't seem like herself. It's like she's being controlled or something, she's always filled with killing intent and the previous times she managed to suppress it, but today....." He stopped.

Ji Shu's frown deepened, even if he didn't continue he could pretty much guess what had happened just by Zhou Li and Tang Ruqin's condition.

But he couldn't quite understand.What could have triggered her behaviour? Being controlled? He knew it probably had something to do with that day.

"Ji Shu, could you find a way to get her to talk about what happened that day?" Ji Xiruan looked at him.

Ji Shu sighed and shook his head. "You should know that Ning Xi is resistant to hypnosis, even if i were to do it without her knowing it won't work, her mind is just too alert."

"I see..."


Ning Xi was lying on her bed with a pained expression on her face.

Knock, knock.

Ji Xiruan walked in a with a tray. He walked up to her and sat on the bed. "Xiao Xi are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Ugh..... Brother Ji why does it feel like i got hit by a truck?" She said in an aggrieved tone.

After changing , she suddenly felt sore all over.

Ji Xiruan paused. 'It seems like she doesn't remember anything.' He already expected that, so he didn't think about it much.

Seeing her pained expression, he didn't know if he should laugh or cry. What was he supposed to tell her? That she went bonkers and almost killed Zhou Lifei and Tang Ruqin?

Seeing the smile on his face, Ning Xi pursed her lips. Why is he smiling? can't he see that i'm in pain?

Noticing her gaze he realized that he had unintentionally smiled.

"Alright don't be mad okay? Here have some porridge then i'll apply some ointment on your limbs." He coaxed.

"Hmph... Feed me!" She pouted and stared at him.

"Okay" He chuckled then picked up the chopsticks and began feeding her slowly.

She rarely showed people this side of her, even her senior sisters and brothers. Usually she would be cold and aloof, even if she was in pain she would never cry or complain, whenever she was sad she would never ask for comfort.

He was really happy that he was the only one she would show this side of her to.

Ji Xiruan smiled broadly as she continued to act like a spoiled princess.


Si Group Headquarters.

Si Yehan was sitting on his chair in his office with a young and handsome man sitting across him.

"Ai, Young Master Si wasn't this a bit much? Did the Gu family really deserve this?".

Si Yehan looked at him coldly.

Cheng Xiyue shuddered "Kidding, i was just kidding. What I meant to say was that they deserved it!! How dare they slander sister-in-law like that. Hmph... You were even too nice. "

Cheng Xiyue sighed " Ai, just a word from you and the Gu family's already in this state. Remind me to never get on your bad side."

Si Yehan took a sip of coffee and didn't comment.

Cheng Xiyue didn't mind, he continued "Sigh, the Gu family are pretty much done. Did they really think that you wouldn't do anything just because both your families are close?Tsk.."

Si Yehan was known for his ruthlessness.

In the eyes of others he was very good at scheming. Many big CEO's look up to him because he was already at the top at such a young age and stablized his position as the head of the Si family, clearing the doubts of the other branches.

Of course there were some who always seek his downfall and waiting for him to make any small mistake.

Cheng Xiyue sized him up. He was staring at his phone.

Cheng Xiyue curiously leaned over to see what he was looking at.

It was a picture of Ning Xi and Little Xia. She was lying on the hospital bed with a tiny baby in her arms she looked at him with a loving gaze.

Even through the picture you could tell how much she loved the child in her arms.

Cheng Xiyue sighed and looked at him solemly.

He was one of the people that saw how Si Yehan and Si Xia were after they heard of the news of Ning Xi's death.

Both were locked up in their rooms. One locked himself in his closet and cried non-stop while the other drowned himself in alcohol. They both refused to eat and come out for a week. If not for his father ordering them to break down the door he would have probably wasted away.

Due to the consumption of too much alcohol, he was in a coma for two weeks luckily his kidney and liver were still intact. When he woke up from the coma he buried himself with work. He would stay at the company and would only go back every few days.

Si Xia on the other hand refused to talk for a couple of months. He would hide in his closet every now and then but he would still eat and go to school normally.

But gradually they both got better but, of course they were still not over it yet.

Cheng Xiyue was also one of the few people who saw the body. It was something that was hard to forget.

The body was completely mangled, it didn't even look like a human anymore, they could only identify it by the pair of familiar grey eyes.

Si Yehan had collapsed on the spot, fortunately Si Xia wasn't there at that time. It was truly an unpleasant memory.

Cheng Xiyue shook his head to stop him from thinking about it.