Family Reunion

"Alright, thank you I understand" Gu Jingze ended the call with a perplexed look on his face.

Gu Dongliang frowned at his expression "What's wrong?"

Gu Jingze blinked and turned to look at him and his father "Well... I'm not quite sure myself. Dad did you by any chance talk to Si Yehan or Uncle Si?"

"No, umm..Dad did you? " Gu Yiming looked over.

Old Master Gu scoffed "Of course I did, am I supposed to sit behind and watch the company I built crumble down? Besides, I didn't really say much."

"Oh.. No wonder" Gu Jingze sighed. He then looked at the two elders who were giving him questioning gazes, he chuckled and smiled. "Si Yehan is giving the B City bridge project to the Gu Group and Secretary Song came over to give us the contract to preview and sign, she also said if we have any qualms about it they'll rectify it"

Gu Yiming let out a laugh "Well, this is quite a nice peace offering. Don't you think so dad?"

"Hmph, it'll have to do for now." Old Master Gu raised his head up there was a smile playing on his lips.

He knew Si Ming quite well, he has been like a father to him all these years, so of course he wouldn't want to ruin the relationship between both families.

He always knew Si Ming felt like he owed them.

"What happy event is going on here?" Guan Ziyao walked down the stairs as elegant as ever, the smiling faces caught her eye and piqued her interest.

She walked over and sat beside Old Master Gu "Dad come on tell me what's going on or is it something meant for only men?"

She was really curious as to what would make them smile and laugh so happily at a time like this. She raised her brow and waited for the answer.

Old Master Gu chuckled and smiled. He was really fond of this daughter-in-law of his.

He took her hand and patted the back of her palm "Ziyao, it is indeed good news but it's meant for everyone not just us men."

He then told her about Si Yehan's decision.

"Oh, so that's why. Well I knew brother Ming wouldn't do something so silly to ruin both family's relationship." She smiled.

"Where's Shiyuan she's been so down lately surely the good news would brighten her mood." Her heart wrenched for her daughter.

Gu Shiyuan had shut herself in and refused to come out although she hasn't refused to eat, she would nevertheless spend her time crying.

Why wouldn't she? The poor girl has been carring a torch for Si Yehan ever since she was little and now the two families were at logger-heads with each other and she's technically the cause.

Of course the Gu family would never push the blame to their little princess.

They all felt bad for her as even her career had taken a turn for the worse.

As if on cue, Gu Shiyuan rushed down the stairs hurriedly. Unlike her formally dejected look, she looked vibrant and full of life.

Her cheeks were filled with a rosy glow, her hair was held in a ponytail showcasing her smooth and fair forehead.

She wore a red tube dress that reached just above her knee and a white fur coat over it.

"Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Second brother" She walked over with an ecstatic smile.

"Shiyuan... Are you okay?" Guan Ziyao asked with a puzzled look.

'Is this the same person that was crying her eyes out earlier? '

Gu Shiyuan blinked innocently and tilted her head "Of course mom, why wouldn't i be?"

"Why're you all looking at me like that?"

"Ahem Shiyuan are you heading out?" Old Mater Gu tactfully changed the topic.

Her eyes brightened at the question "Yes I am. Manager Bo just called, Director Lin is giving me the female lead role in his new movie."

"Really? That's great" Guan Ziyao beamed.

"Wait, I thought the Si Group are the investors for that movie?" Gu Jingze asked thoughtfully.

"If what you said is true then wouldn't that mean Si Yehan..... " Gu Yiming added.

Up at this point it was pretty obvious who did it. They were both pleasantly surprised and happy about it.

Gu Shiyuan's eyes shone like a thousand suns when she heard them.

'Hehe, I knew Brother Yehan cared'

You could practically see pink bubbles above her head "I'm going now bye" She walked out with a spring in her step.

Guan Ziyao sighed, she knew how much Gu Shiyuan liked Si Yehan.

She couldn't bare to think of what the outcome would be for Gu Shiyuan if they didn't end up together especially as Si Xia would pose a threat to her.

Just then, Gu Yiming's phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID and smiled

"Hello, Brother Gu" Si Ming's voice came in through the recreceiver.

Gu Yiming chuckled "Brother Si we were just talking about the gifts Si Yehan surprised us with. Did you know about this?"

"Just a little. I knew he was going to give the bridge project to the Gu Group but he solely made the decision, he didn't even discuss it with me I had to find out on my own." Si Ming sighed.

'Seriously, did this kid even consider him as his father?' Even though the company has been handed over, he's still the founder right?

"Oh so you don't know about his investment to Director Lin's movie and giving the female lead role to our Shiyuan?"

"He did that?" Si Ming let out a hearty laugh.

He really tends to go all out huh?

"Brother Ming, I called for a different reason"

Gu Yiming paused and raised his brow " Is that so?"

"I was wondering if you would like to have dinner tomorrow night. The entire family that is."

"Sure why not"

"It's settled then, I'll book the place and let you know."