
______At Black Diamond Entertainment______

Bo Jin, Gu Shiyuan's manager, looked at her with a flattering smile.

"Third Miss, President Si is really good to you"

Gu Shiyuan smiled but sneered in het heart. This so called manager of hers was the first to throw her to the curb when everything went sour.

Whatever, she couldn't be bothered to deal with him now, she'd have to change her manager soon.

"Shiyuan, I know you only just bounced back but i think it'll be good if you accepted to go on one of the shows that asked you to be their guest."

Gu Shiyuan nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then which are you going with?" Bo Jin asked.

He was referring to which sgow she'd be going on.

"Just pick one yourself" Gu Shiyuan waved her hand signalling that she couldn't be bothered with such matters.

__Later that day___

"Gu Shiyuan what an honour it is to have you here." The host said with a smile.

Gu Shiyuan chuckled "Well, I'm glad to be here Sis Li"

Li Hua was the host of the show 'Scoop' which was a very famous show known for having 'la crème de la crème' as its guest.

From A-lister actors/actresses, to famous K-pop idols. Even those from the business world weren't exempted.

The show basically tries to gather information from their guest hence the name 'Scoop' and they also help promote their guests.

Gu Shiyuan was very satisfied with Bo Jin for choosing Scoop. She had been here once before when she had newly debuted and won her best newcomer of the year award.

"Miss Gu you're looking great as always" Li Hua said with a flattrering smile.

"Thank you Sis Li" Gu Shiyuan smiled back.

"So, Miss Gu everyone has been dying to know what happened between the Gu and Si families. Rumors say that the two families have fallen out is this true?" Li Hua asked then the cameras zoomed in on Gu Shiyuan to capture her expression.

Gu Shiyuan purposefully showed a guilty expression. She hung her head low and acted pitifully.

"Miss Gu are you okay?"

Gu Shiyuan raised her head and showed a bitter smile "I'm alright Sis Li. It's just, the rumors are not that far-fetched."

"Oh really. What could've caused it? The closeness of both families is not a secret."

"It was my fault." She sighed, then continued. "I said some things that made Brother Si and Little Xia angry which caused Little Xia to run away on the night of Uncle Si's birthday banquet."

'Oh so the little prince ran away. No wonder Si Yehan did all that.'she thought.

"Oh, so that's what happened. Well it seems like President Si is really forgiving"

Si Yehan is known for his ruthlessness in the business world. She knows this 'cause... well, who doesn't?


"Miss Gu, Prsident Si really cares about you. Even though you're the one at fault he still made the first move"

Gu Shiyuan blushed. "No, Sis Li you've misunderstood Brother Si didn't do it because of me."

Li Hua raised her brow "Really? Then who? Miss Gu you can't keep hiding it from us, it's pretty obvious that President Si treats you differently."

"He just treats me like his younger sister that's all" she said shyly.

"Really? Then he must really like this younger sister of hs. I heard he's the investor of the movie you'll be acting in"

"It's Starlight that's the investor"

"Isn't Starlight under the Si Group? And isn't Si Yehan the President of the Si Group? So technically he's the investor. Rumors also say that Starlight's CEO had originally wanted to invest with 250million but President Si raised the amount on the condition that you'll play the female lead role is that true?"

She nodded.

"I also heard that the amount was raised to 5billion!!"

Gu Shiyuan was quite surprised. Just how in the world does she know about this?

She must really hand it to her. The name 'Gossip Queen' really suits her.

"Yes, that's right. I promise that Brother Si wouldn't regret his decision, i will work hard to improve myself and to make this movie a success for both my fans, Dirctor Lin and Brother Si." Gu Shiyuan pumped her fists with a determined look on her face.

Li Hua chuckled lightly "I'm sure President Si wouldn't care as long as you're happy."

Gu Shiyuan turned scarlet "Sis Li what're you saying?"

Li Hua just smiled meaningfully and diverted the topic "Miss Gu if i remember correctly you were involved in a scandal not too long ago correct? Do yoi have to say anything about it?"

Gu Shiyuan turned apologetic. "Yes, I would like to formally apologize to all my fans and of course Fu Chen the junior in question. I was really upset that day because of ehat happened between Brother Si and I. It was wrong of me to lash out on a junior. I have already apologized to Junior Chen and j'm glad she was able to forgive me."

"So it was because of the quarrel between Prsident Si and you?"


"Alright then I understand and I believe your fans would too. I mean who wouldn't feel bad after they had quarreled with their partner. " Li Hua said with asly smile.

"S-sis Li w-what're you saying Brother Si isn't my partner" Gu Shiyuan was as red as a ripe tomato.

"I never said he was did I?"


"Alright i won't tease you anymore. Our time is up, thank you for being our guest Miss Gu" Li Hua stood up and stretch out her hand for a handshake.

"Thank you for having me Sis Li"

They both shook hands and that signaled the end of the show.

Later that night on Weibo, Gu shiyuan successfully took over the top trending searches.

#GoddessGuandPresidentSi #Perfectcouple #Nation'sfirstlove #Dotingelderbrother were all trending.

To sum it up,

Gu Shiyuan and Si Yehan had a CP together and had gathered a lot of CP fans.


At Si Group's headquarters someone was brooding