Little Xia

"Ha ha ,Yehan I never knew you were a doting elder brother." Cheng Xiyue was sitting across Si Yehan who had a dark expression on.

He glared at Cheng Xiyue coldly.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not the one who gave you the title. Besides, at least you're trending now."

"Take it down" Si Yehan's cold voice rang out interrupting Cheng Xiyue's laughter.

"C'mon they're just spouting nonesense no need to take it seriously."

Seriously doesn't this guy know how to take a joke?

"I want it all down by tomorrow" Si Yehan said, leaving no room for objections.

Cheng Xiyue's lips twitched " You know i'm not your lackey right? Why don't you get someone from Starlight to settle this, why must it be me?"

Si Yehan thin lips curved into a cunning smile "Young Master Cheng, I can see you've been a little too free lately. Does Old Master Cheng know about this?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me"

"Fine i'll take care of it. There, are you satisfied?" Cheng Xiyue threw his hands up and surrendered.

If the old man knew he'd been having a lot of free time, he would definetely make sure he works till he croaks.

Seriously, am I really his biological grandson?

"By the way, are you still going on that trip?" Cheng Xiyue's countenance turned serious.

"Mhm" Si Yehan hummed in response.

"You're not going to find what you're looking for and you know it."

Si Yehan didn't respond he just leaned back and closed his eyes.

Cheng Xiyue sighed "Why don't you just give up?"

A few seconds passed by before Si Yehan responded.

"I can't"

Where there's a will there's a way.

As long as there's a possibility I'll keep believing it. No matter what.


"Little Xia, the Gu family is here. Come greet them" Su An knocked on Si Xia's door but got no reply.

She frowned "Si Xia?"

She tried opening the door but found it locked.

Could he be asleep? But why would he lock the door?

She knocked again, this time with a little more force. "Si Xia, open the door for grandma"

Soon she heard the sound of footsteps.


The door was unlocked. She opened the door lightly and walked in only to find the room shrouded in darkness.

"W-what? Little Xia turn on the lights"

The sounds of footsteps could be heard again as Si Xia walked over to the light switch and turned it on.

Su An squinted her eyes due to the sudden brightness but quickly recovered only to see a pale and sickly looking Si Xia.

She forgot avout everything else and rushed towards him. She bent down so she could be on the same level as him then place the back of her palm on his forehead clumsily.

"Are you feeling okay? Do you have a fever?"

Si Xia shook his head.

"Does anywhere hurt?"

He shook his head again.

Noticing how he wasn't speaking she frowned "Do you have a sore throat?"

He shook his head.

"Then do you perhaps know what's wrong?"

This time there was no response

"Can you tell grandma?

He showed a conflicted look then shook his head.

" Su An what's holding you and Little Xia up?" Si Ming walked in with a frown.

Everyone from the Gu family was here amd yet, as the hosts thet were all absent.

He didn't even care to look closely at Si Xia, he just saw that he was putting on pyjamas so he walked over to the closet and picked a black formal suit.

"Here, let him wear this. You both shouldn't keep us waiting, also get your son to come back now." He said and was about to walk out when Su An snapped at him.

"SI MING!!! Are you going blind from old age or do you not just care? Si Xia is as pale as a sheet yet you still want him to attend your so called family dinner." She bellowed.

Si Ming wrinkled his brows and looked at Si Xia only then did he notice his deathly pale skin.

Worry filled his heart.

"What's wrong with him?" He adked worriedly. "Let's take him to a hospital before it gets serious"

"What about the Gu family?" Su An asked.

"We can reschedule, my grandson is more important"

Suddenly Si Xia shook his head vigorously.

"Little Xia what's wrong? Are you hurting anywhere?"

He shook his head then went over to his bed side table and opened the drawers in search of something.

"Su An, what's wrong with Si Xia? Why has he stopped talking?"

"I-I don't know"

Both of their faces were filled with fear.

Sometime ago when Ning Xi had 'died' Si Xia had refused to speak and associate with others except his father, if anyone were to touch him he'd breakdown. He was suffering from psychological trauma.

After sometime he progressed and was willing to communicate but he still wouldn't talk so the only way he would communicate was through his writingwriting tab.

It started from one word to short phrases to full sentences until he finally spoke.

The couple were beyond happy.

If he was to revert back to how he was then...

"Call Si Yehan tell him to come back now"

Su An nodded and went to make the call.

When she got back, Si Xia had finally found what he was looking for.

He walked over and in his hand was....his writing tab.

Su An's legs gave up but before she could fall Si Ming held her waist to support her.

Si Xia wrote on the tap and turned it towards them.

Two words were on it 'No Hospital'

"Y-you don't want to go to a hospital?"

He nodded and wrote 'Yes' on the tab.

Su An covered her face with het palms and cried "Not again, t-this can't be happening"


Gu Dongliang had a grumpy expression on. He felt like he has been stood up.

How dare they make an elder like him wait?

"You, where's your Sir?" He asked one of the maids serving the dishes.

She bowed her head and answered respectfully "Old Master Gu, Sir is in the Little Young Master's room"

His frown deepened.

"Is your miss there also?"

She nodded.

"Grandpa, don't get angry, maybe something is wrong with Si Xia. " Gu Shiyuan said coaxingly

She couldn't let him get angry lest they leave, she wouldn't be able to see Si Yehan if they did.

She couldn't go looking for him at his office and he's usually always there. She didn't know if her going there would upset him so she cancelled the idea.

Gu Yiming and Guan Ziyao on the other hand both had calm expressions.

"Dad, just be patient would you?"

The Old Master harrumphed.

Gu Jingze didn't attend as he was busy dealing with some matters and Gu Jiming went back to the army. So it was only the four of them.

Just then the sound of hurrried steps could be heard.

With his long legs he walked in with quick steps. His black hair was slightly disheaveled, his usually indifferent eyes were filled with panic.

The two top buttons of his shirt were undone showcasing his sexy collarbone.

He was a feast for the the eyes and could send girls in a frenzy.

It was of course no one but Si Yehan.

Gu Shiyuan's eyes lit up like a thousand suns.