Chapter 2: Week One

Bubbling sounds could be heard coming from the giant cauldron in front of me, and the cackling of the witch beside me. I was sitting on a chair paralyzed and unable to move, with her sitting next to me on a chair big enough for three people.

The only part of me that could move were my eyes. I stopped looking at the cauldron that was too high for me to see what horrors await within, and turned my gaze over to the giant witch.

She seemed human at first glance until you got a better look. Massive in size, even while sitting down she towered over me. She was so fat that even her rolls had rolls. Her skin didn't even seem real, more... stitched on. If anything she looked like some lunchlady demon.

Real question was, why was she naked? And why was I aroused? Ignoring the frightening information I was finding out about myself, I noticed she had a ladle in her hand as she stirred the contents of the cauldron. She seemed to notice my gaze as she looked at me and spoke in this awful grating voice.

"Awww you poor baby! You look so thin. We'll have to fatten you up nice and good, isn't that right sweetie? Here, have a sip."

Having said that, she lifted the ladle and scooped up whatever was in there. However, she didn't bring the ladle to my lips and instead held it over my thigh. I could see her grin with that stiched on face before tipping it over and letting the liquid land on my thigh.

A searing pain erupted on my thigh. It hurt so much that I wanted to thrash and scream, but couldn't... I was paralyzed after all. I looked at my thigh and could see it dissolving from the liquid, which I now know is acid. First the skin, then the muscle, then bones, and could even start seeing the floor through the hole in my thigh. I could hear the bitch cackling as all this was happening. 

Looking over to her I could practically see the joy on her face as she took pleasure in my pain and inability to do anything about this situation. She went back into the cauldron and fished some more acid out. 

I was scared she was going to continue dissolving portions of me, one at a time. Instead, she held the ladle over the top of her head and poured it onto herself. I both heard and smelled her flesh dissolving. She laughed harder than ever, turning her head that had pieces missing and spoke one last time to me.

"Have fun down there sweetie."

I looked below me and saw that the acid had dissolved the floor, and in loony toons fashion only started falling after I looked down. Then, everything went black.

I was standing outside of a door, dim lighting all around. This time I could move my body. For some reason I instinctively looked to my left and saw a woman standing there looking at the same door. She was dressed in some sort of ghost busters costume with a shotgun in her hands. I saw her turning her head towards me and opened her mouth, seemingly about to say something. But what came out weren't words.

They were screams. Screams and gunshots. What was happening?

I was startled awake by the sounds of those same screams and gunshots going off outside of my window. I was so drowsy and disoriented that when trying to get off my bed I fell onto the floor instead. I got off the floor and walked out of my room, into the living room, and headed towards the balcony doors. I opened them and froze.

Swarms of people running on the road below, trying to escape something. Cars were either running through the crowd not giving a shit about who they'd hit, or were already totaled.

I could see some of the people tackling the others and biting into them, kinda like the meth head from last night. This can't be real. Only way to know for sure is to do a test. I held my hand up in front of me palm facing my way. Looked away. This was a trick I did in a dream to be able to control it.

When I looked back it was just my normal hand. Fuck. Just to be extra sure, I slapped myself in the balls. Ah yes! Extreme fucking pain and a murder count in the millions! 

I looked through the mess of people and focused on a cop. He ran up to a man on top of a woman biting her face off, literally. He wrapped his hands around his waist and yanked him off, throwing him a distance away and allowing me to see the woman's face. It was almost completely gone, the only thing left was a bloody mess. Could even see her bones.

The cop pulled out his gun and yelled at the man who got up and rushed at him. The cop emptied his whole mag into the guy's chest, who barely flinched. He was tackled to the ground and ripped apart. 

I then saw the faceless woman start twitching. Her arms started flailing and she got up in this bizarre manner, running up to another woman tackling her. She then proceeded to give her a big old kiss Mileena style on the shoulder.

Huh? Is this some fucking zombie shit? I mean, aren't zombies suppose to be slow as a snail. Suppose to be such easy pickings that even a child named after a marine animal could deal with them.

But these ones are fast as hell! They full on sprint after their victim and throw their bodies at them. How do you defend against that?! I even saw a zombie jump onto a car and bash their head into the windshield, smashing it and getting inside to have breakfast.

Suddenly, someone stood in the middle of the street. This thing was the personification of a reddit mod and a discord mod come to life. Clearly, he was a part of the illustrious Meatball race. One that I used to belong to until I handed in my Meatball I.D years ago.

Fatass, neckbeard, looks like he hasn't showered in 3 weeks minimum, white shirt that has some suspicious yellow stains, and on that shirt was some anime girl. And then, he started posing.

"Hahahaha!! It's my time to shine! For I am the MAIN CHARACTER! I will have a harem of both healthy and zombie waifus! But first... God of Fire, hear my prayers and grant me your power to incinerate my enemies! Fireeeee BALLLLL!"

Jesus fuck. I think I felt a little piece of me die while watching that cringe. Shockingly nothing happened. Guess that even the zombies didn't like that, because 3 of them started chasing him. He clearly never ran before, and it showed when he got 4 feet and was then ripped apart. Guess Columbus was right about cardio.

"I'ma just Island boy, I'ma just Island boy." A sound started coming from my room, a sound I dreaded to hear on normal days but now terrified me to the core. My alarm. I bolted to my room and immediately turned of my alarm.

Was I quick enough? If they are out on the street, I know damn well they're in the building. I walked out of the room on my tippy toes, trying my hardest not to make any further noise. I stared down that little hallway, looking at the door. That door seems a hell of a lot scarier now.

It was tense. I could hear the screams outside, but I could hear them inside as well. There were shadows under the door, clearly people running by. It was a few seconds later when I breathed out a sigh of relief I didn't know I had inside me.


A sudden banging on the door scared the shit out of me. I flinched so hard I nearly tripped over my feet.

"Please please please open the door! I need help! Please help me!" The sound of a familiar voice. It was her, the girl from 2219.

I rushed for the door. Just as I was about to open it I freezed. Didn't she say she needed help? I looked through the peephole. On the other side was that beautiful faced with disheveled hair. There was some blood on her cheek, and I could see her holding her shoulder that was clearly bleeding like a fountain.

I- I can't. If I open the door and she turns... what am I to do?! Smash her head open like a fucking watermelon?! What if she bites me? I don't wanna die! I don't even know her! Might have had a crush on her, but no way in hell am I risking my life for something like that! Besides, isn't she already dead?

Blood started to drip out of her nose. She held up her free hand and wiped away the blood and began looking at it. Her eyes were beginning to bleed the same as her nose.

Her head suddenly snapped backwards, looking up at the ceiling. Her body started twisting while her bones cracked and popped. Her head went left and right, cracking all the same. She looked down slowly and unhinged her jaw like some demon in a horror movie.

Out came some guttural roar before she banged her head against the door. I stepped back away from the peephole because of that sudden jumpscare. When taking a peek back into the peephole I could see her beating her head into the door. Then she shifted into using her elbows and shoulders. What kinda scary shit is this?!


A scream from down the hall. She looked to her left and roared before running towards that unlucky woman. I walked away from the door and went towards my couch. I just sat there... staring into nothingness as screams continued all around me.

What the fuck is happening?