Chapter 3: Week One - Week Two

My little session of being a lazy bitch didn't last long. Needed to get moving. First things first, turn on the news. I grabbed my remote on the table in front of me and turned on the TV while lowering the volume to almost zero.

I switched to a news channel I liked for certain 'reasons' and turned on subtitles. Two people were sitting together. One was a sexy newswoman, and another was some old guy with glasses in a lab coat. Pretty obvious who he might be.

"So doctor, both myself and everyone else want to know, what in the world is happening?"

"Well. We haven't been able to gather much information. We do know however, that this is a virus. One that is spreading throughout the globe at an unprecedented rate. It seems to cause a behavioral change in the infected individuals similar to rabies, causing them to attack others and... consume them."

"Hold on. Are you saying that these are... zombies?"

"No. Commonly, zombies in comics and movies are the dead that have been brought back to life. These infected however, are very much alive. Although they do share a slight similarity-"

"A headshot to kill them right?!" She seems so excited. I guess some zombie fans must be creaming their pants right about now.

"Uhh... yes. But it's not so simple. If you hit the wrong part of the head, you might need two or three shots. And technically, they can be brought down by purely bodyshotting them. Though it would take destroying most of their body for that to happen, and even then it might still crawl towards you. It seems as if the virus tries it's absolute best to keep their host alive."

Coughing could be heard from the audience.

"So, what else can you tell us about this virus?"

"Like I said, we don't have much information. But I can share a few things and some personal theories. We have been able to trace some of the first cases to Hong King Kong in Chinna. The cau-."

"Is this a biological weapon from Chinna?! Just like 2019! I knew it!"

You could practically see the steam radiating from his head. She might be hot, but damned if she's not annoying.

"Phew. No. I was going to say that the cause of the virus seems to have come from the Asagold Comet that fell just last night. Though, cases had already begun to prop up before it had landed. Thus, we believe that the virus is airborne."

"Wait, can we be infected at any time?"

Another cough from the audience? Damn man cover your mouth. Learn some manners.

"From what we have gathered... we might already all be infected. Like I said before, it spreads at an incredible pace."

No way. Am I doomed to die, before even having sex? What a cruel world.

"Now. Although we all 'might' be infected, there are some things to consider. Not everyone needs to be so concerned. Those with weak immune systems are the ones who seem to change the most. While the virus is inside you, it seems to be in a sort of dormant state. However, a bite from the infected will activate the virus. The rate of turning seems to vary depending on the person. We have seen some change in twelve seconds, and some not change for an hour.

As for symptoms one shows in the midst of turning? Thus far we have seen coughing first, leading into fever and hallucinations. But the ones who change quick don't seem to experience these symptoms, only those who take more time to turn."

"So doctor, how long before things get under control?"

"Yes... under control. It shouldn't take long, although it sounds scary there really isn't a need to panic. All I can say is to stay in your homes and avoid any contact with infected individuals. Ha, before you know it this will all be yesterday's ne-"

Screams started erupting from the audience. The camera turned from the duo and showed a man biting into another person sitting next to him.

"D-Doctor?! Hold on wait for me!"

"Fuck off of me dumb BITCH! My genius can't fall here! I'm too young to die!"

Don't think so. I mean, you look 70 years old easily. I turned off the TV. What's the plan? I don't really know what to do. To be honest, think I'll just sit here and wait this out. I'd like to believe that the government will solve this but in every zombie story they always lose. I got up and checked the kitchen. 

I don't know when this will be solved so it'll be good to check how long I can last with what I have. I got 4 cans of tuna fish, half a bag of Special K cereal, a bag of pretzels, and a bag of the best chips on Theia, Funyuns! I got one and a half loaves of bread, two microwaveable pizzas in the freezer, microwavable chicken tenders, chocolate ice cream, and finally the holy land of food.

The greatest thing on this maggot infested planet, Vanilla Sugar Wafers. Just smelling them makes me bust a fat one. Also got 6 water bottles left.

Doesn't really seem like much. Could try rationing it. The tuna will be saved for last due to their long shelf life. But the other stuff can't last too long. Maybe I should save up water before it goes out. Just in case this really is the end of the world as we know it.

I returned to my room and went towards my computer. Every true gamer must have the legendary... Graveyard Of Bottles! Myself only having a meager 8 water bottles laid out across my desk. A disgrace to all my fellow gamers. I snatched them all, returned to the kitchen, and began filling them up with tap water.

After those were done I put all of them together in a cabinet. Hmm. It doesn't really seem like enough. I opened another cabinet and saw my mountain of tupperware which numbered 18 in total. Can't fathom why I have so many, especially when I don't even use half of them.

Maybe it's like when you're in a game and you collect a shit ton of junk items but never get rid of them. Deluding yourself that these will be useful in the future. These 500 toe nails will definitely be for a quest in the future...

I filled them all up with water and put them with their superior brethren of bottled water. I guess that's everything for now. Time to chill. Either this will be solved or I'll be screwed. I just went back to my room and decided to play on my phone and check out social media and whatnot. Then, my phone started to vibrate. It was a number I hadn't seen before.


"Jason? Where are yo-."

I hung up and blocked the number. Knew that voice. It belonged to my cunt of a sister. There was a reason I lived alone and away from them. Now I feel like shit because of that stupid bitch. I don't even know how she found my number since I had it changed.

I ignored what happened and started going through my phone. The whole world was in chaos. Not even a single country was spared from the outbreak, not even cold places like Iceland. Maybe because they aren't zombies the cold doesn't really effect them?

Social media was going wild with all kinds of posts. Even saw one that showed Elon Musky get into a rocket and fly off, only to randomly go in circles and crush into the ground exploding. The conspiracy theorists that were once mocked are now gaining traction. I suppose this is their time to shine.

Even Youtubers were making content. Which doesn't make sense to me, but who am I? Scrolled past a video by Mr. Beast about 'If you escape from this infected, you win $10,000!'. Always an evil fuck as usual. Like that time he paid 1000 people 10k if they blinded themselves. Made for good content though...

The days began to blur by. The screams and gunshots had quieted down, with an occasional one here or there. I still hadn't stepped a foot out of my door, nor had I blocked it with anything. Was scared to move anything and make noise. Zombies were attracted to noise and so were these things, if 2219 was anything to go by. It didn't feel right to call them zombies. I wasn't good at naming so I just called them the Infected.

There was a post on Twitter, or the dumb ass name X, about a refugee camp set up in a school just a few miles away. It was set up by the government and currently held a few thousand people.

They were urging people to make their way to the camp while avoiding contact with the infected. Are they dumb? This just smells like a recipe for disaster. If even one of them was infected inside the camp the whole thing would collapse.

I certainly won't be going. Probably won't even make it out the building.

Started making a journal for the weeks. Just writing whatever I could think of. If I was religious I'd pray to whatever being out there that this gets fixed.

Another helicopter flew by. They're becoming less frequent. After week one, things started to become quiet. Too quiet. The inside of the apartment was deathly silent. But the rare scream and gunshot could still be heard from outside. Social media had less people posting. Are we dying that fast or what? It's starting to feel like I'm alo-


Holy shit! I could hear a massive ass explosion not so far away! Not just that, but there was constant gunfire! The military? I hope so. I don't want to get close to the window or balcony... but my damned curious pale cat nature wants to take a peek. When I opened the balcony doors and stepped out I looked in the direction of the explosion.

The street has some infected here and there, along with the wrecked cars and some torn up bodies. I looked down the end of the street and saw a massive horde of infected go from the left corner to the right and start running towards the gunfire. My god that's terrifying. Easily a few hundred in size.

The explosions and gunfire lasted for a while. There were bouts of silence only for it to erupt again. This went on for days until it was silent again. I doubt whoever was fighting the infected won.

The second week is almost done and a problem has crept up. My food is running out. The pizza, chicken tender, The Holy Funyuns, pretzels, Special K, and Godly Wafers are gone. I only have the chocolate ice cream, 2 cans of tuna, and half a loaf of bread. I suck at rationing. That means... I have to go out. But that's tomorrow me's problem, not mine. I sat at my computer and started up TF2. There were surprisingly still people playing.

When I was in the middle of a godlike killstreak, my computer and light next to it turned off.

"What the flying fuck!" As much as I wanted to rage and scream, I knew I had to keep quiet. Lest the monsters come and find me. So it was down to an angry whisper.

I took a peek out my window. Just yesterday one could still see lights, not only on the street by also in buildings showing that some still lived. But now... The city is dark and lifeless.