Chapter 4: Week Three: Monday

It was the beginning of week three, the morning after the city went dark. Is this real? It feels like some fever dream I can't wake up from. I went towards the window that overlooks the street and took a gander. There weren't many of them out there, maybe half a dozen or so?

They were either standing still twitching creepily or shuffling across the road at a slow pace. That was the case, until a a bang echoed out from an alleyway. They all sprinted towards the sound like rabid dogs, and a scream erupted before it returned to silence.

Today was the day I had to go outside my little saftey space. I really hope people ran out of the building, because that would mean there's less for me to deal with. Logically I shouldn't be the only one in the building that hid in a corner and prayed it would all work out. That might not be a good thing though.

I needed a weapon before braving the dangers in the hallway, but was stumped on what to choose. I had it down to two options. A big kitchen knife, or a hammer. Always had a love for knives, swords, and whatnot, but the hammer feels like a safer bet. Like, what if I shoved the knife into their head only for it to get stuck? I'd be shit out of luck. Once my ponytail was on, I was ready to go!

I took a peek out into the hallway through the hole. Nothing there. If you ignore the blood all over the place. Definitely a better look than the boring gray walls of the past. I put my hand on the doorknob and slowly pulled it open.


Of all the times to creak, you think now is a perfect time? The door was not fully open yet, just enough that I could poke my meaty head through. Then the smell hit me. The smell of death. I had the pleasure of sniffing this odor back when my dog had died during the night and was left there for hours. At first it smells bad, then it leaves an almost addictive aftertaste. Christ, what an edgy thought...

It was time. I was scared. Seeing them in action was terrifying. But I needed to nut up or shut up! I peeked past the door and looked to the right first. Aside from the blood on the walls and floor there was nothing.

There were two other apartment doors before the end of the hall. One of them were closed but one was open. That's... worrying. It could be that something is in there, or is already gone. At the end of the hall was the elevator and the doors that lead to the stairwells. The door directly in front of mine was closed.

To the left... was a body. Safe to say it's dead, considering most lf its body was eaten. First time seeing a real dead body outside of websites like LiveLeak. Ignoring whoever he was, there were six more doors before the end of the hallway. I couldn't see the state of all of them.

Alright, guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I pulled the door open fully and took my first step into the bloody hallway. My plan was to try the door in front of me first. I put my hand on the handle and tried to open it. It's locked.

"Hello? Someone there?" After waiting a few seconds I gave up.

"Guess not, Plan B."

I didn't have a Plan B.

Should try the right hand side first. I slowly walked towards the open door, making sure not to step on anything like a character out of a horror movie and get murdered because there was a piece of glass on the ground or some shit. A peek inside revealed... nothing. This might be safe.

Is what a naive person would think. I took a step in and lifted my hammer up, ready to crack any unlucky bastard's skull wide open! The apartment was pretty much identical to mine except for the furniture and such, so it was easy to find everything. The kitchen and living rooms were clear. But the door to the bedroom was closed. I went up to the door and tapped it with my hammer. These things love sound right?

After hearing nothing for a tense minute I resolved myself and opened the door. The gods smiled upon me. Nothing here and nothing in the bathroom. Should I start praying from now on?

There was a free bag on the ground that would make carrying the food a one way trip. Forgot to bring one from my room. This guy must not have gone shopping before shit hit the fan. The kitchen had a few cans in the cupboard and some moldy bread. Yum.

Most of the other things had expired already. I went into the fridge not expecting much, but I did find some soda that was a little empty. Fanta Orange and Pepsi. I liked both so I took them. Don't see a point in watching my health now.

Easy and safe trip. I got back to my place and put it all away. This could all last me a few more days so I could just sit here. But...

Although I was scared out of my mind this was the most I've ever felt alive, even though nothing happened. I made up my mind. Clear the hallway!

I came to the door across the apartment I just cleared and tried opening it. Locked. I went down towards the six doors I hadn't tried. The door next to mine was closed, and locked. Are all these doors locked?! 

The one across from this door was... 2219. It was also closed. But there's a problem. I might be wrong, but I think there could be an infected in there. When I was alone for those two weeks I had plenty of time to think about what happened.

My theory is that she noticed the commotion outside and stepped out of her room. From there, an infected in the hallway charged at her and when she tried to close the door it didn't work, then he got inside. She fought with him and somehow managed to get away but got bit in the shoulder.

She then closed the door behind her and heard my alarm go off. I'm not gonna claim to be some smarty pants, as I am dumb as hell, but if I'm right the door should be unlocked. I gripped the doorknob and turned. It's unlocked. I pushed the door open and got myself ready.

"Oh SH-"

As soon as the door opened someone charged into me knocking me into the door behind me! I had dropped my hammer and wrapped my hands around his throat! He kept snapping at me while scratching my arms with his nails. I couldn't stay like this!

I pushed with all my might and threw him back into the apartment. He tripped over himself and fell to the ground. My hammer! When I picked it up he was already back on his feet charging at me like an angry bull. I held my hammer above my head and smashed it down with all my might!


His head split open and he fell to the ground on his face. He grabbed onto my ankle and tried biting me once more! I smashed his skull again. And again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Until his head was nothing more than a meaty pancake.

"Hahahahaha FUCK YOU!" 

How exhilarating! I was so happy! The most happy I've felt in such a long time. Little concerning given that I just beat a 'person's' head in, but those are just details you know?


Huh? Was that... a growl? I looked down the hall. From the hallways last open door, something emerged.

"No fucking way."

A jacked pit bull that was bleeding from it's eyes! This... this is unfair! The infected hound charged at me and I did the only thing that felt right in the situation.

I ran the fuck away! I bolted back to my room and shut the door behind me! I left a little crack open, deciding upon a stupid plan. The pit bull rammed into the door and almost made me lose my balance at the strength it had! It wasn't a crazy amount of strength, but it's far more than what a normal dog had.

I pulled back on the door slightly, trying to let the dog's head through. This was a dangerous game I was playing but it's all I could think of in the heat of the moment. The 'barking' was loud, and terrifying. It didn't really even sound like a dog.

Once the head was far enough in I slammed with all my might against the door, pinning his head. It was horrifying watching it snap at me. Holding the door with one arm, I raised the other and starting smacking the dog's head with my hammer caving his skull in! With each strike he lost more and more fight, before finally collapsing. I didn't let up, just in case. Only when another meaty pancake was on the floor did I relinquish.

"Fucking dogs now? What's next? An infected grizzly?" Shouldn't play around like that. Knocked on wood just in case.

Tried my best to pick the corpse up without leaving more of a mess, and put it on top the other one. I don't know what I'm gonna do with these three bodies. It's not like I can do a Breaking Bad and just melt them in a barrel. Looking at 2219's apartment, I said the only thing that felt right in a situation like this.

"Time to loot."