Chapter 40: Storm (1)

It was late at night within the Docks. Lights were off, except UV lights, signifying that most people were in their beds, fast asleep in dream land.

The only people still awake, were those in the watchtowers, making sure the Night Hunters didn't get in. Unfortunately, they were quite unlikely tonight. Over a dozen Night Hunters were just outside the walls, perching on top of buildings or on the road.

They stared at the walls, flashes of eerily high intelligence within their eyes as they occasionally probed it for weakness. The watchmen were always terrified seeing that. They tightened their grip on their weapons, trying to give themselves a bit more courage.

"Come on you bastards. Try me." Bill looked at them with eager eyes, holding his old sniper rifle with excitement running inside him as he aimed at the leader. He could do it, fire right inside his eyeball. However, he wasn't sure if it would kill him or not.

One of the people in the same tower as him shook their head.

'Crazy old bastard.' He sighed sadly, wondering what sin he committed to be partnered with him.

Within a metal house, two people were standing in front of one another, their lips connected as they kissed each other deeply. Their heavy breaths could be heard, even from outside, as their hands wandered over the other's body roughly.

Seemingly fed up, Jason grabbed onto Alice's ass with both hands and lifted her up. The 'helpless' girl yelped at the sudden action, before giggling and wrapping her legs around Jason's waist.

He carried her over to the small bed that was surely going to be ruined, and roughly threw her onto the mattress like a sack of potatoes.

"Didn't you say I would be in charge?" Breathing hard, Alice spread out on the bed seductively and spoke with a husky voice.

Jason climbed on top of her, throwing his shorts and underwear to the side as he unbuttoned her jeans. They were pulled and off dropped to the floor, her panties following shortly after. His erection bobbed up and down, anxious to find a hole to stuff.

"Technically, I never said such a thing. Besides, you know how I am. I love being on top." He leaned into her neck, kissing it deeply as he whispered.

"Just like you love being on the bottom, isn't that right?" Alice shivered, biting her lip as her lover took off her shirt and bra, letting her breasts free of their prison. He was right, she loved being dominated by him.

Jason lowered his head, grabbing her left breast with one hand, fondling it roughly as his mouth took her right nipple. Sucking it like a newborn baby, his left fingers began playing with her other nipple, twisting it and making her moan loudly.

After a minute, he felt Alice's hands push his head. Going along, she pushed him all the way down to her sopping wet pussy leaking down onto the sheets below.

Without hesitation, he dug into his meal like a starving dog, licking up all her sticky juices as she screamed out in ecstasy. His tongue explored inside her tight cave, trying to find all her sweet spots.

Her hands gripped his hair and pushed his head down with such strength it would crack a normal man's skull open. Her legs wrapped around his head as Jason grabbed her hips to give himself better leverage.


Soon, she moaned louder than ever before, her juices squirting onto his face as she breathed heavily, limbs losing their strength. He backed up, his face covered in her juices as he licked his lips.

Inserting two fingers into her pussy, he stirred them around as a lewd whimper came from her throat. He pulled his fingers out and put them to Alice's lips, letting her taste herself.

"Mm, I taste delicious~" She sucked on his fingers seductively, looking directly into his eyes. Jason chuckled and climbed on top of her, holding his painful erection with one hand.

"You ready?" She nodded quickly, eyes glued to his cock as she spoke with a begging voice.

"Yes! Now fuck me already!" Needing no other words, Jason penetrated her with one deep stroke, reaching her womb with a single thrust.

Instantly, they both felt immense pleasure as they moaned loudly at the same time. Alice wrapped her arms around Jason's neck and her legs around his waist. Pulling out of her, Jason shoved it back in, just as hard and with enough strength to kill someone.

He leaned down, taking her lips as he pounded her into the mattress with no other thought, than to breed his mate. Alice's eyes were hazy, her mind empty and shaken as she felt her cunt get turned inside out.

"Ahh~!" The sound of her pleasure filled voice echoed into the night, another orgasm traveling through her body as her pussy tightened around his cock, not wanting it to ever leave.

Even after the bed broke beneath them, there was no change in either of them, not slowing down in the slightest or saying a single word. Only when Jason picked up speed, did she know her special icing was coming.

"Cum inside me! I want it all!" Jason raised an eyebrow, placing both hands around her throat. However, there was no strength in them, allowing her to speak.

"Aren't you worried about getting pregnant?" Her mind was filled with nothing but pleasure and lust as she yelled out like a woman possessed.

"I want your babies! Fill up my womb and breed me!" With gritted teeth, Jason granted her request.

The hands around her throat tightened, causing her to suffocate a little as she had mini-orgasms. With another three, powerful thrusts, he emptied his entire load into her awaiting womb. His white and slightly black spunk painted her insides, trying to find any worthy eggs for fertilization.

At the same time, his hands tightened even further, making Alice unable to breathe. Despite that, there was a crazy grin on her face.

"God yeths!" She could barely get those words out as she bit her lip, eyes rolling into the back of her head. Her powerful orgasm rocked her mind, her juices exploding onto his cock and pubic region.

Her claws lengthened as she scratched her breeding bull's back, using her heels to dig into his waist and push him even further inside her.

Jason's cum seemed almost endless as it spilled out of her pussy and onto the mattress. He grunted as he pushed it in even further, bucking his hips and making Alice purr contently like a cat.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jason's dick stopped filling her overstuffed womb. But, he was still hard.

"Again?" Alice cheekily said, breathing heavily as she looked into his eyes with lust and love. He simply chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up. She yelped in shock, moaning as he extracted his cock from her pussy.

His cum, along with her juices, flowed onto the floor. Not wanting to waste all the virile semen inside her, Jason lined up his dick and impaled Alice roughly, making her scream in joy.

"Yes! Fuck me Jason! Fuck me hard!" He grinned savagely, pulling out of her and shoving it back in again. The grip he had on her hips tightened as he used her like a fleshlight.

"Gladly." He snarled like an animal, thrusting up into her and rearranging her guts as he bit her neck with his sharp teeth, making blood appear. She did the same, not willing to be shown up as they marked each other as their own.

Looking into each other's eyes, they laughed loudly and kissed each other deeply, their tongues fighting for dominance as they tasted each other's blood.

The loud clapping sounds of meat colliding, and the primal moans and grunts of two lustful inhuman beasts kept continuing for hours and hours.


Jason's eyes opened groggily as he tried to get up. Unfortunately, a certain koala refused to let him leave, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Untangling himself from his battered lover, he stood up and stretched as he looked at the trashed house. They had fucked everywhere, breaking the place in.

A chuckle came from him remembering the wild night. Looking back at Alice, he saw the marks of their love from last night, still not fully healed. Bruises around her body, especially her neck from when he choked her. Deep hickeys on her throat, along with blood from when he bit her. From her slightly swollen pussy, his white cum was slowly leaking out.

Although he couldn't see it, he already knew her ass cheeks were beyond red. Perhaps even black and purple due to his abuse.

'Hm?' Seeing something, he leaned down just a few inches away from his leaking sperm and noticed some black gunk within his spunk.

"That's… weird. This and the black veins, I'm starting to see a connection." He whispered out, not wanting to wake Alice up yet.

"Oh well."

Shrugging his shoulders, he walked out of the house and came outside, stretching once more as the sun hit his skin. He sighed contently when feeling the warmth of the great big ball of fire. However, a tiny frown appeared on his face when he looked into the sky.

"Little cloudy today." Somewhat dark clouds began gathering on the horizon, a sign of trouble brewing.

'I need to start preparing. Only a few days before the storm arrives.' He already had a plan today and the next few days on how to become more powerful faster. There was a little feeling in the back of his mind that he needed more strength. The Devilish Asura Octopus, and countless Alphas running wild proved that.

"Such a badass name. So fitting too."

He couldn't wait to fight them all, prove to them and everyone that he was the best. The greatest and most superior being.

'Fighting truly is the best thing in this world. After sex of course.'

"Morning." He waved his hand at a passing older woman who took a glance at him. But, when the random lady saw him, her eyes widened as a deep blush appeared on her face. Her eyes drifted downwards, unblinking as she stood there shocked.

Jason was confused at first, but a chilly voice from behind made everything clear.

"Jason. Put some clothes on." Turning around, he saw an unamused frosty Alice dressed in a t-shirt and panties, her arms crossed as she glared at the woman still staring at her lover, dumbstruck.

"Keep walking bitch! Or I'll claw your fucking eyes out and feed them to your children!" She yelled at the milf harshly, making her snap awake as she hurriedly walked away ashamed, full of fear.

"Oops. Didn't even notice that." He shrugged his shoulders lightly, clearly unconcerned with showing his naked body.

"Hmph, sure you didn't." Alice pouted and turned around, walking back inside as he followed her. His eyes were glued to her bubbly ass, watching it jiggle slightly with lust creeping up inside him. Just as his outstretched hand was about to grope it, she grabbed his wrist.

"Not now Jason, because I know if we start, we're not gonna stop." Alice, feeling his lustful glare, bit her lips with arousal growing within and put her jeans on.

Jason sighed, as if a cruel punishment had been delivered upon him and got dressed quickly, still shirtless with Zach's shorts. He definitely needed new clothes. That, or go full primal wild and be naked all the time.

'On second thought, that doesn't seem so bad.' He could already imagine it. Walking around like a complete badass, outfitted with weapons across his body and thick, heavy armor covering him like clothes. Jason grinned excitedly at such a thought.

"What are you so happy about?" Somehow able to sense his joy, Alice asked with a confused face.

Jason chuckled and hugged her tightly, bending down and kissing her deeply on the lips.

"I have the most beautiful woman in the world right in front of me. How could I not be happy?" Alice smiled sweetly, love in her eyes.

"And I have the most handsome man as my boyfriend. I truly am blessed." One more kiss later, and Alice felt Jason's arms around her tighten. She was confused, but then saw a slight sadistic grin on his face.

"Shall we get started on your training, darling?" There was no fear in her eyes, staring up at him like a heroic queen about to slay a beast.

"Try to keep up huh?" It was meant to be just a little joke, but she did falter slightly when seeing that grin become wider.

"I'm kidding? Please?" She used her Ultimate Puppy Dog Eyes attack on him, completely confident in it's power as it always worked on Lily like a charm.

But that did nothing to save her from the coming ass-whopping.

After a quick hour long workout, which involved Jason beating the shit out of Alice once more, they left the house together hand in hand. Unlike last time, Jason made sure not to trash her pretty face by giving her a black eye. He didn't want to have to deal with the whole, 'You woman abuser!' nonsense.

Suddenly, a bell rung out through the whole camp, startling the two lovers. They looked at each other before following behind some people who knew the way. By the looks of it, they seemed to be heading for the middle of the camp.

Eventually, they found themselves mingling with a crowd of almost six hundred people that surrounded a metal platform, and on that platform there was a massive antenna, satellite, and a home-made radio. 

"Hey! Alice!" Lily, once she saw her sister, waved her over with a happy smile. Alice left Jason after getting a nod from him and ran over to her big sister with joy, hugging her tightly. Being in Lily's embrace was always such a pleasant feeling to her.

'I love Lily...' There was a fond and warm smile on Alice's face as she snuggled deeper. 

'I wish we could be together, forever.'

However, unlike previous times, Lily had a frown on her face as she sniffed her little sister.

'That smell…' She could smell the heavy stench of sweat and sex coming from her sister, confirming her previous fears. If that wasn't enough, she could also see the hickeys and other marks on her body despite the attempt to hide them.

Already, she had begun to suspect that her sister had changed. Becoming somehow, more womanly seemingly overnight.

'Fucking bastard! She didn't even tell me when I asked if something happened! That fucker's corrupting my sweet Alice to hide things from me!'

Jason sensed a hatred filled gaze from the direction Alice went. Looking over, he was beyond confused when seeing Lily glare at him as if she wanted to eat him alive.

"What did I do?" He mumbled to himself with a low whisper, not wanting to incur the demoness's fury. However, he did notice other emotions within her.

'Envy and jealousy? What is going through this crazy witch's head? Oh, is she on her...' His eyes flickered down to her groin, wondering if she was going through that time of the month.

Before he could think about that red fishy subject any longer, a man appeared on the platform and fiddled with the radio. After a few seconds, an all too familiar voice came through.

"Welcome back my lovely kitty cats! I'm your host, Crazy Seven, and your listening to Infected News Radio! Got lots to talk about, and some of it pretty bad unfortunately. But have no fear, for I am here!... to deliver some good news as well." Jason listened with relish, finding Crazy Seven an interesting person and commentator.

"First things first, let's get the really bad news out the way. A deranged cult of psychopaths calling themselves, The Chosen, have appeared on the west coast of America. These absolute morons worship the virus, and see it as a necessary evolution that will push humanity to the next stage. What nonsense am I right?!

If you meet them, be on guard my little kitties! They have been known to kidnap people, of all ages, race, or gender, and force them to become infected. Those who don't turn, are indoctrinated into their cult, seen as apostles who have been chosen by the virus. It is easy to identify these lunatics by the Ouroboros carved onto their foreheads.

For some strange reason, they've actually been gaining a lot of traction recently. Shit is nutty folks." Gasps could be heard from the spectators as they listened, finding the new information horrible.

'The Chosen? Delusion humans.' Jason shook his head, amused at these cultists. He thought something like this might happen eventually, just… not so soon.

"I'll keep you updated on these nutjobs as we learn more. Next up, we'll be talking about something… amazing." Those listening waited with bated breaths, knowing what came next must be something big if he was acting like this.

"So, my source within the government came to me with something I didn't believe at first. It wasn't easy for him to get this, as it was some top-level mumbo jumbo secret. But, he was able to find out that there was some kind of infected helping the government! I know right? Fucking crazy!

Apparently this, Unique Infected as they call it, is a special infected on the side of humanity! Now, I don't have very many details but if this is true? This… might be what keeps us for extinction. Because I'll be honest folks, it's not looking good. For example, I learned a few hours ago, that New Zealand is gone. Gone in the sense that, no living humans remain there.

And that's not all. Several other countries are on the verge of following after their footsteps. These are dark days indeed."

That news first filled the people listening with joy, which soon turned to horror. Jason saw a few people crying within the crowd and from using his super hearing, found out that some had family in New Zealand. Others simply cried at the loss of life. After all, over five million people were confirmed to be dead, replaced by monsters that wanted to eat them alive.

Seeing those heartbroken humans, crying in pain, brought a vicious grin to Jason's face. But, he soon caught it and kept it down.

'I knew I was always a little sadistic, but it seems to be becoming worse and worse. Not that I'm saying that's a bad thing.' In fact, he had noticed this during his time with Alice last night.

Thankfully, she just so happened to be a submissive masochist for him in bed. But he had noticed the wide grin on her face when she inflicted pain on him during sex, biting his throat or clawing his back and arms. Which, if he had to be honest, was very arousing.

Turning his head towards her, he noticed she was trying to suppress the smile on her face. Eyes filled with joy as she stared at them like a cruel hunter.

"Okay, enough with the bad news huh folks? Let's get into some good stuff!" However, it did nothing to lift the people's spirits. The so-called 'Good stuff' was in fact very basic stuff.

Soon enough, Crazy Seven ended the broadcast and his voice was replaced by static. As people began dispersing, Jason walked up to Lily and Alice who were talking to one another.

"Now there's some bullshit cult turning people? Fucking assholes!" Lily, ever the fiery wildcat, yelled out with gritted teeth as she punched her own hand. When she noticed Jason, she gave him the stink eye while linking her arm around Alice's.

"Come on Alice, let's go to the showers." Her words stunned the two lovers.

"Showers? What do you mean?" Alice said, hope within her heart. She hated being so dirty.

"You mean Edward or Carter didn't tell you? We get showers once a week apparently, every Monday. Which just so happens to be today." A fat happy smile appeared on Alice's face, dragging her sister away.

"Well?! What are we waiting for?!" Jason shook his head and smiled, following after them. He too wanted to wash the grime and dirt off him.