Chapter 41: Storm (2)

Ten minutes later, the trio appeared outside of a warehouse that had two separate doors leading inside. On the right was a sign that said 'Women Only' while the one on the left said 'Men Only'.

"Think it's pretty obvious where we go." Lily said. The other two agreed and headed inside their respective entrances.

When Jason entered the men's door, he was met with a wide open space filled with shower heads. At the end of the room was a giant pool of water that one could bathe and soak in.

To the immediate right was a metal wall that separated the two 'bathhouses' and over on the left, he could see hundreds of clothes. Some were neatly folded on shelves, while others were thrown about, clearly unloved by their owner.

In a couple large baskets, there were over 400 towels, just waiting for someone filthy to come along and use them up. Clean and pure towels that wanted to be ruined against their will.

"Hm, this seems nice." Jason whistled a tune as he headed over to the clothes pile, took off his own, folded them up, and left them on a shelf as he headed into the showers area. Already, about 170 men were cleaning themselves while talking, more entering every minute.

"Hey Jason." Hearing his name, Jason looked over and saw Carter waving his hand before returning to his conversation with someone else. For a brief moment, Jason got a look at the swinging anaconda between his legs.

'Holy shit. Easily gotta be a foot on that man.' He wasn't envious, just impressed by Carter's absolute shlong. It just looked so weird on him though, almost alien-like.

With new suspicious of Carter's origin, he eyed him like a detective, looking for any faulty parts.

In the women's section, Alice and Lily were sitting next to each other in the pool. The big sister sighed in relief, laying against the wall with her eyes closed.

Her large and perky tits floated on the water's surface, making Alice a little jealous. She looked at her own pair of chesticles, feeling depressed.

'Still not bigger than this cow's udders? I wonder if Jason likes them bigger?'

"Ah~ Fuck me that's nice~" Alice giggled at her sister's vulgar words, looking around the place curiously.

"I hope the guys on the other side don't peek at us." She didn't want any other men to see her naked. Well, she didn't want anyone other than Jason to see her naked, but it was a necessary sacrifice to clean herself.

"They better not, or I'll rip their dicks off and make them eat it." Her sister said, venom leaking from her voice as her fists tightened. The other women looked at her strangely, deciding to create some distance from this crazy lady.

Suddenly, Alice felt Lily's hand take her own. Confused, she looked over and saw her big sister looking at her with concern. She leaned in, whispering lowly so only they could hear.

"Are you, you know, okay showing them?" Alice knew what she was referring to. Her scars left by their 'mother'. Unfortunately, her regeneration didn't get rid of them yet. 

'Maybe I need more Night Hunters for something like that.'

She squeezed Lily's hand, smiling fondly at her big sister with a couple tears in her eyes. But those, were tears of happiness.

"I'm fine Lily. When I showed Jason, he accepted me without hesitation and that made me realize something. I shouldn't give a damn what others think about them, their opinions don't matter. All that matters is that you and Jason don't think any less of me." Lily hugged her sister tightly, whispering into her ears.

"It doesn't matter what you become, or what scars you have, I will always love you Alice. No matter what." Alice couldn't help but shed a few tears, hugging her warm sister even tighter.

As for Lily, she began thinking of Jason even more than before. The fact that he accepted Alice despite her ugly scars made her like him even more.

Her mind couldn't help but wander to last night when they danced briefly. Their bodies just an inch from touching, and their eyes were locked together, trying to draw the other in. 

However, she didn't let her thoughts linger there and separated from Alice, a blush on her face that didn't go unnoticed by the little sister.

To get her mind off that dangerous train of thinking, she looked at Alice and checked her out.

"You certainly had a wild time last night huh?" Lily's emotionless tone made Alice freeze up.

'I forgot about the marks of our love! Am I a fucking moron?' She gulped and peeked at her sister, who had none of the usual fire to her. Instead, there was an eerie blankness that scared her.

"Listen… Lily…" She tried to come up with some reasonable explanation, but couldn't find the words to say.

Seeing her struggle so much made Lily smile as she laughed.

"Calm down Alice, I'm not that mad. I know you're not my sweet little angel anymore. That this type of thing would happen eventually. Hell, I was your age once. Full of all those confusing teenage hormones." A sigh came from her as she looked at the relieved Alice patting her chest.

She truly wasn't the little girl she had to protect from their father, the pedophile, or any other random asshole that wanted to take advantage of her. All grown up and ready to become her own woman.

'Oh my fuck. I feel so old all of a sudden.' Shaking her head free of such depressing thoughts, she spoke up about a question she really wanted the answer to. For no other reason than research purposes of course.

"So, how was it?" Alice looked at her, confused. But then, a slight blush appeared on her face.

"Oh I don't… uh…" She was a little embarrassed to talk about how she screamed for Jason to breed her last night, and how wild their sex got. Especially to her biological sister.

"Oh come on Alice, don't hold out on me. Is he big? Small as a pinkie? Does he satisfy you? Tell me all the juicy details." The word juicy just made Alice even more embarrassed, deepening her blush as she put her head under the water, only leaving her eyes out like a scared crocodile.

But after a few more tries, Lily finally got Alice to start talking. The details of her passion filled night, and that of her virginity being stolen, made Lily widen her eyes in shock. Not only that, but some of the women bathing and showering couldn't help but listen with relish, lust building inside them.

While the women worried about Peeping Toms and listened to Alice's story, the men on the other side were talking to one another. The atmosphere surrounding them was wholesome and filled with brotherly love. It was as if they cared very little about being twenty feet away from over 200 naked and wet women.

"Wow, nice biceps brother. Don't you work in construction? Must be a tough job huh?" One Korean guy said to another white man, who then nodded his head.

"Yeah, it can be pretty hard I guess. Especially with the new stuff Edward has us working on. Anyway, what about you? Those abs and nice hair make me jealous." He rubbed his own balding head, glaring at the Korean guy's luscious slicked backed hair.

Such conversations were happening all over the room. There was no homosexuality nonsense happening, just appreciating each other's physiques and whatnot.

"Hey Michael. You've got a damned good body on you, clearly the product of hard work. Mind telling me your workout routine?" The cold and heartless boss raised an eyebrow at Jason's bold request, finding it odd. 

"What do I get in return?" Jason paused for a second, not expecting him to say that.

"What do you want then?" Michael smiled a little, thankful he took the bait.

"Oh, just your word you'll help me down the line when I ask." After thinking about it a little, Jason agreed.

"You got yourself a deal. Just don't ask me anything that goes beyond my bottom line. For example, asking me to hurt my sister-in-law, girlfriend, or... friends? Oh, no rape as well." Michael's eyes gleamed, but went unnoticed by the clueless Jason who was thinking of the word friend.

'So what you're saying is everything else goes? If I asked you to, oh I don't know, kill everyone in this camp besides me, the Reapers, and those you call friends, you'll do it? Interesting.' However, he didn't make his secret thoughts known, beginning to think about his workout routine.

"Well, first let's start with leg day-" There was a serious look on Jason's face as he listened to the near-perfect muscled gang leader go on and on. Eventually, his eyes widened slightly. 

'Jesus! This guys a proper psychopath!' After hearing about Michael's grueling and masochistic training regimen that pushed his body to the limit, he had a whole new level of respect for him. The willpower it would take for something like that, isn't something a normal man had.

On the other side of the room, Timothy and Tyrone were getting to know one another. Surprisingly, they turned into fast friends because of their similar love of wine, women, and poker. Though, Tyrone never was a playboy like him. 

"God, I'd love to get a beard like that. But…" Timothy sighed depressingly, rubbing his smooth baby face. There were so many women he could get into bed if he grew one.

Tyrone smacked his shoulder with one hand, while his other stroked his Zeus-like beard, acting as if he were some sage-like expert. 

"Don't you worry kid. I like you, so I'll let you in on my family's beard growing recipe. Come close, and learn the Heaven's secrets." Timothy leaned in, widening his eyes when learning the information he had been searching for. His eyes watered as he hugged the man who made his life shine with hope.

"Thank you, God amongst us puny mortals! You are now my sworn blood brother!"

Unfortunately, the only person not having a great time, was Zach. He was currently lying in the pool, a hand over his head with his eyes closed.

"Ugh, it hurts. Hungover… dying…" The memories of last night flashed through his head, making him blush in embarrassment when remembering the things he did.

"God what am I? Some kind of animal?" He groaned lightly, leaning further back against the wall.

As he laid there with his eyes closed, his mind drifted elsewhere. Or rather, to a certain someone he spent a lot of time with. Someone he cared for deeply.

"I miss Kevin." Zach had a sad look on his face, as if he were about to cry. He moved his head under the water, hoping to drown out those depressing thoughts.


"Be careful okay sweetheart? If you know you can't win, there is absolutely no shame in getting the fuck out of dodge. Remember what I taught you, and trust your instincts."

"Yes mom." Alice rolled her eyes, but couldn't hide the happiness within them listening to Jason drone on and on. His care always warmed her heart.

Currently, the two of them were just outside the wall, preparing to split up and find their own battles. Jason was beyond worried, looking like an anxious mother sending their child off to college.

"This is serious Alice! I won't be there to save the day like the handsome knight that I am. You have to be extra careful, and pick your battle wisely. Watch them for a bit, figure out their strengths and weaknesses. You never know which bastard has what hiding up his sleeve." He chided her for her nonchalant attitude.

"I understand Jason, sorry." Alice understood that she was making light of a serious situation. She was just so excited to go out and experience her own epic story.

Seeing her being so remorseful, he gained a smile and brought her into his arms, kissing her lightly on the lips.

"One last thing. Never underestimate your opponent. Especially one that might have a few scars, or is more unique than the others. They've most likely gone through plenty of battles, and have more than enough experience to put you on your ass." After one last hug and kiss, they said their tearful goodbyes and went on their way.

Jason was going back to the apartment to check on Killgore and gather his musical instruments that have been sitting in a room collecting dust. He planned to use the noise to draw in specials, while improving his own skill at the same time.

As for Alice, she was going in a complete opposite direction. There was a mountain of excitement bursting within her, seemingly ready to conquer the world. There was no doubt she loved Jason deeply, but sometimes, it was nice to be alone. This was also her one chance to truly prove herself, to show she didn't need to rely on her lover for everything.

Meanwhile, back inside the camp, a gloomy and frightfully wrathful Edward was glaring at the two pools of blood. The surrounding people were just as angry, fire spitting out of their eyes.

"Which cold-hearted bastard would do this?!" One man exclaimed furiously. He was the Captain of the WatchDogs, Erik. A Scandinavian man that upheld justice at any cost. He was easily 6ft 5in, and looked as though he could snap a tree in half with his bare hands.

"This is the second time isn't it? Since murder has happened within these walls." Carter spoke up, none of his usual joy and kindness found within his face. Instead, a serious and dark look replaced it.

The first time someone was killed, it was easy to track down who had done it. It started as an altercation between two men, which soon led to one killing the other.

Happening in broad daylight and plenty of witnesses? Easy case to solve. This was different.

Edward gritted his teeth, but then he breathed in and out, calming his emotions as he thought about this rationally. He made his thoughts known to the dozen people around.

"Let's think logically about this. We have three main suspects. Jason, Alice, and the Reapers. It's not 100% guaranteed, but they are the most suspicious since the day they arrived, someone was killed. Also, we can't rule out the possibility an infected climbed out of the water and did this." Many nodded at his deduction.

"Erik, I want you to round up some men and keep the Reapers under lockdown. Keep them there until the investigators arrive. Explain the situation to Michael, and I'm sure he'll understand." The large man saluted his leader.

"Of course Edward. But… who are the investigators? And what about those other two you mentioned?"

"Find Lily and Saul. They used to work in homicide, so they'll be best for the case. Give them anything they need. As for Jason and Alice? I was already informed that they left the walls. When they come back, let Lily approach them first. Don't provoke them." The big man nodded, running off to complete his task. Edward then looked at Carter.

"Carter, I want you to lock this area down and don't let anyone contaminate the crime scene. And for God's sakes, don't let them see it. Last thing we need is people panicking. One more thing, add some lookouts armed with weapons along the water line. Just in case those... bastards, are trying to come on land."

Carter nodded, feeling some worry for Edward's mental health. Whenever he spoke of the aquatic infected, he always had an eerily dark vibe around him.

As if he could sense it, Edward smiled lightly and waved his hand nonchalantly.

"I'm fine Carter, truly. It doesn't bother me much anymore." The footlong shlong owner nodded, but wasn't convinced.

'If it doesn't bother you, why do you still look so sad and angry? Her death still effects you, doesn't it?' But Carter didn't call him out on his bluff. However, he did ask a question.

"What about you though? What will you be doing?"

"I have other things to worry about. The wall needs my attention, along with half a dozen other matters. I'll be leaving this in your and Erik's capable hands." With that, he was on his way, off to deal with the improvements to the wall.

One thing he didn't mention though, was the sheer increase in infected. In the last few hours alone, at least one hundred and fifty new common infected were killed at the walls. There were also the Night Hunters from last night, trying harder than usual to break in. Six people died to keep them out. Thankfully, the special infected that did come haven't been too strong. But what if that changes?

It was strange though, almost as if they were trying to get at something inside.

'I should keep it under wraps for now, until it gets worse or keeps happening. No reason to cause alarm and paranoia. Especially with a murderer on the loose.' He looked up into the sky, sighing deeply.

"Just when things were going so well..."


Outside Washington D.C., in the same cave Hiroshi visited with his now dead Cyborg Infected, two massive figures were lying together on a makeshift bed. The both of them were naked and alone in a 35 meter tall, 45 meter wide, carved out room. A boulder was placed by the entrance, acting as a door.

"Cain, are you sure about this?" The 15 meter tall female figure said, concerned for her lover. She had large breasts that would make any woman jealous, but also worried for their shoulders. Her thick thighs and wide hips were practically made for breeding, making any man who saw her go into a lustful state.

Her bubbly ass was just begging to be spanked and slapped. Across her entire body, were bulging muscles that made her seem more masculine than feminine. However, her stomach was enlarged, as if pregnant. Despite that, she had a full set of six pack abs. This, was an Alpha female Juggernaut who clearly was with child.

The so called Cain nodded his head, confidence surrounding him.

"Very sure. I know, I don't trust that weakling anymore than you. But if it works out? Imagine the power we would have." Already he could envision them growing vastly stronger, getting closer and closer to ruling this planet. Everything, bowing before him as the Supreme Being.

He was soon broken out of his delusions of grandeur by his mate.

"But… what if you fall?" Cain looked at his wife, Tai, and stroked her cheek lovingly.

"Do you have so little faith in me? In my strength? Besides, I will not be alone. My entire army is coming with me to counter whatever he brings. With him being weakened by the gas, it will be my victory!" He smiled arrogantly. Nonetheless, Tai was still worried.

"What of our son though? I do not wish for him to grow without a father." She caressed her stomach with a hand, looking at it fondly with a motherly smile.

Her voice squeaked out, a low whisper that Cain barely heard.

"And I do not wish to lose you…" For a brief instant, and for the first time in his life, he hesitated. There was a part of him saying not to go, to stay here with his wife and unborn child. But he held firm.

"I have to do this Tai, you know that. This is a chance we might never get again. It's a risk I must take." The strong determination in his voice silenced her. She knew how stubborn he was. There was no point in arguing further.

Instead, she looked at him lustfully, her hand grabbing his soft 65 inch bitch breaker and slowly stroking it. For some reason, being pregnant sent her into constant heat, needing a thick meat stick to stir up her insides.

"Hmm~ Why don't you show me just how strong you are? Make me change my mind." A sultry smile was on her face as Cain looked at her with arousal. With the horns on his head, he looked like a true Minotaur ready to breed his princess.

Not saying a word, he carefully climbed on top of her as to not hurt the child, and pierced her already wet cave. Despite his size, there was no pain on her face. Only bliss.


High above the atmosphere of Theia, beyond the Planetary Shield keeping the deadly virus contained, Captain Jara' Xeroia sat in the Command Chair as he stared at the numerous videos with an emotionless face. Yet, underneath that stoic exterior, was a complex blend of pity and empathy.

Hatred flowed through him having to watch this tragic fate happen all over again. Innocent beings running for their lives, watching their friends, family, and loved ones turn into flesh consuming monsters hell bent on ripping them apart. It reminded him of his own experiences with this filthy plague. 

'If only... I had the courage to stand up, and do what's right. To wipe out this parasite!' 

'But if I do so, my remaining family will die horrible deaths. They do not deserve such a cruel fate, after barely surviving the last disaster.'

He sighed out of his jawless mouth and slumped into his chair, feeling powerless. Sensing his distress, one of his tentacles came down and rubbed itself on the side of his head, trying to soothe him. Although he couldn't smile, the tentacle felt his happiness in it's gesture.

Looking back into the videos, he watched as the humans of this world put up a desperate struggle against certain doom. Realistically, there was no possible way of them winning. Even their advanced civilization lost over a hundred, well defended worlds to this horrible virus, much less these primitives. And that was only in a short 20 year timeline.

Even moreso when considering the fact the virus seemed to be far more active than previously, developing quicker than before.

Despite that, he still risked execution by handing over top-secret information about the known weaknesses of the virus to the humans. However, he did not regret it. If found out, only he would take the punishment. Sure, his family would be labeled as traitors, but they would continue living. That's all that matters in the end.

'I have tried my best. Maybe you can still live through this if those bastards get their heads out of their asses.' A flash of annoyance and rage overtook him when thinking of his superiors, his dreadlocks swinging through the air wildly. They should have wiped out this virus immediately, not study it and try to control it.

"Captain, there's a transmission from an unknown sender. Shall I patch you through?" Hearing his subordinate, Jara already knew who it was. Sighing, he got ready for the mental torture of answering to his bosses.

'Dear Zah'Cret give me strength.' 


"Where is that fucking mole!" Larry's outraged voice made some others frown as well. So many of their secrets were being divulged to the public without their consent. 

"Hm, we need to find this person immediately and quiet him. Michelle, I'm putting you in charge of this." President Jones solemn voice echoed out, hushing those speaking. 

The black woman in a suit and tie, with an emotionless face, nodded. She was in charge of anything spy or covert related. If anyone could find the mole, it was her.

"Let's move on to the next topic. Fenrir, how is your progress?" President Jones looked at the seven meter wolf-like monster sitting in the corner on a customized chair.

The others stared at this creature with fear running through them, despite his guarantee and promise he would not harm them.

"Good, Mr. President. Although I can no longer get new powers, I am still able to upgrade the ones I have. Within three more days, at my current pace, I should reach an Alphas level." The one speaking had a deep voice, making the human's bones shake.

He had black fur all over his skin and had a couple of wounds that were being healed by his regeneration. Although he lack armor, everyone there knew just how durable he was even without it.

His face wasn't that of a human, but more of a canine. That, along with the hair, made him look like a proper werewolf. The inside of his mouth was filled with teeth, but the four canines were the largest and most dangerous by far.

There were powerful muscles all across his body, packed with enough strength to knock down a building. His hands lacked any claws like Night Hunters, but his sharp nails and strong fists were more than enough to make up the gap.

At a moment's notice, he could transform his arms into whips and use them to attack at long or medium range. The entirety of these whips were barbed, and could cut steel apart as if it was paper.

Inside his body, there was a special hot and red gland that could allow him to spit out fire. Underneath his skin, there was acidic blood running through his viens. Unfortunately, he did not have the ability to spit out acid.

His words made some people feel a degree of relief. If they could survive just three more days, they could retake the entire city with his help. It also filled them with terror. If Fenrir was growing so fast, what about the other infected?

But then, the short handsome virologist spoke up with an interested face. 

"What do you mean you can't get any more powers? Have you hit some kind of limit?" Fenrir nodded. Although he was helping the humans out his sense of justice, he disliked this little one. He kept wanting to poke and prod him like he was some kind of animal. Though, technically, he was one. But they didn't need to know that. 

"That's fascinating! It seems the infected do have an actual limit, and can't grow endlessly like we originally thought!"

"Oh! What about-" Conversations started unfolding as President Jones leaned back into his chair.

In fact, he knew exactly who the mole was. He had met the man responsible just a short while ago by complete accident, but didn't expose him. He liked Crazy Seven and thought the truth should be out there, so he gave the man secrets he shouldn't have been allowed to know. 

Suddenly, the secure door opened and a soldier rushed in frantically. He came to President Jones and whispered into his ear. Everyone waited patiently, but became worried when seeing the President's eyes widen.

"Sir?" Larry was the first to speak up as the soldier left in a hurry after getting his orders.

President Jones sighed and spoke with a troubled voice.

"Start the evacuation." His words shocked those present.

"Why? What's wrong sir?" A complicated expression marred Jones face.

"Ours scouts have spotted an Alpha Behemoth at 110 meters tall on it's way here. At it's current pace, it will reach us in a day. Maybe two if we are lucky." That was the worst news they could hear. Because there was no way they could get all the refugees out in time.

Fenrir frowned, his fists tightening and a wolfish growl coming from his throat at the thought of more death and destruction.