Chapter 43: Storm (4)


If there's one thing I've learned, it's that Acid Spitters… aren't too strong. Maybe I'm just a bad mashup for them though.

My speed was just too quick for the thing to hit me. And besides it's corrosive acid that it could shoot out from multiple parts of it's body, it didn't have anything special about it. Deciding to end things, I shot a single bone spike into it's forehead and watched the fat disgusting thing fall backwards.

I came up next to it, looking at it's wide eyes as green blood flowed out of it's head.

"Damn, you are one ugly bastard. I suddenly feel pity for your existence." A shiver went down my spine seeing it's horrific face. It's just… so ugly!

Gritting my teeth, I bit the bullet and got down next to it's thick greasy arm. Picking it up, I took a single bite and felt a massive amount of pain shoot through my mouth!

"Ahth futh!" I stood up and backed away, my blood mixed in with green snot pouring out of my ruined mouth. Luckily, my regeneration kicked in and began healing me in no time.

"Even your blood is acidic? Such nonsense." This is a bit of a problem. I mean, I could brute force it, but I'm not some masochist that loves pain.

But I don't want to let this go. Having acid for blood would be a good boon. Hell, I would probably be immune to acid from now on. Now, how do I go about this?

After thinking for a few minutes, the only thing I could come up with are my black tendrils. Maybe I could use them is such a way, that I could consume something in a fast pace with them. Kinda the same thing I did to Robert when I copied him. At the same time, perhaps I could remove any pain receptors within them.

To change my arms, I did the same thing that always happened when changing my fingers. It wasn't too hard and in fact, was mostly instinctual. Unlike my fingers, shape-shifting my arms into black tendrils was kind of weird. They felt very liquidy so to speak, sort of soft and boneless. Which was kinda true. There were no bones in them.

Anyway, I shot my new tendrils towards the lifeless corpse and encompassed it entirely. Inside the black cocoon, little mini-tendrils immediately began splitting up and branching off to every corner of the body.

A closer look revealed that at the end of these tiny tendrils, were little openings similar to mouths. However, there were no teeth within them.

As the corpse began to dissolve and be absorbed into the countless tendrils, a rush of pleasure blasted me, making me moan slightly. Is this what it feels like to shoot up on heroin?

Fortunately, I didn't lose my mind like some junkie. If I could, I'd pat myself on the back for my self-control over my desires. After thirty second of bliss, there was nothing more that remained. Bones and all were completely consumed.

"That fast?" This was much more efficient than getting down on my knees and eating the corpse with my mouth like some mindless barbarian. Now I see the truth! That I was nothing more than some filthy peasant! Trash!

But I shoved my incoming madness into a corner of my unused brain and went over the good stuff. Taking out my claw, I made a little cut over my forearm and watched my red/black blood drip on the road. Hmm, definitely a tad more black than before. Wonder why that is?

Instantly, a sizzling sound could be heard as the asphalt melted visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, it stopped after ten seconds. Still, this was good progress. I'm getting closer and closer to becoming a true Xenomorph!

Next up, I opened my mouth and felt the new bile in my stomach travel up my throat. It flew out of my mouth and went a good distance away. I must have shot it at least ten meters before it landed on the ground. This time, the road melted for double the duration and had a greater potency.

"Awesome! Wait a second…" I just thought of something brilliant!

What if I somehow hollow out the inside of the Bone Spikes and fill them with acid? I've already had a few ideas for them even before this. For example, I thought about decreasing it's toughness and size while increasing the sharpness and penetrating power. When it hits the opponent, it would dig deep inside their flesh and explode out like shrapnel.

But if I could do that and fill the inside with acid, what kind of damage would that produce? I'm getting goosebumps just thinking of it!

Just then, another idea creeped up. Could I combine different powers together and make something stronger out of the two?

Maybe something like, taking my melee spikes and placing them onto my tendrils. Then, I harden said tendrils and make them into A Spiked Whip! The toughness and strength of the new weapon would probably depend on how hard my skin and muscles are, because that's pretty much what they're are made of.

You know, now that I'm thinking about it, can't I do the same thing with my claws? My armor as well? Ooh! I wonder if I could somehow transform my tendrils into a shield? A Spiked Shield?

"Ah! It seems my genius never ends. Woe is me! It's lonely at the top of the world!" A grin was plastered to my face as I began walking down the street once more, all alone. The feeling of getting more powerful was extremely addictive.

As for why I was alone? Well, Killgore was taking far too long healing up and I didn't want to waste too much time playing musical chairs. So, I left the horde behind with Trixie in charge to guard her.

Speaking of my perfect little worker bee, she had some upgrades after consuming the lizard fucker. I didn't bother giving him a name. He wasn't worthy of such privilege!

My midget was no longer so small, gaining an extra two inches in height. Her muscles started to come in, being a little beefier than before. Of course, she was still worse in that department than Alice from before she even began her Cannibal Arc.

Besides that, there was only the basics that came in like extra strength yada, yada, yada. However, her nails also became slightly longer and sharper, along with a very low regeneration that only worked on the most minor of wounds.

Now, as to how this happened, that was different than ever before. While she got down on her knees to eat the bastard, I came in behind her and placed my hands on her back. My genius vision was to select only the parts I wanted for her, while leaving out the green nasty skin and whatnot.

Thankfully, it was very similar to how I block out the side effects, so the procedure went flawlessly without her exploding! Maybe I could do this for Alice as well, even other infected that come under my control. Make them into my own toys to play with and design them however I like!

"Oh! I could probably make my own infected as well! What if, I make a certain type that flies around, expelling a supercharged version of the virus out that makes the victim turn rapidly?! Then-" I stopped myself abruptly, clarity returning to me.

"Why would I even want to do that? To spread the virus?" A nagging voice in the back of my mind was telling me to keep going. To go further and further down that path. I could feel my thoughts drift, becoming foggy.

"So close, to pure perfection. Stop holding back, and accept your true self." That same genderless, soothing voice had returned. Where had I heard it before?

"Consume everything in your path. Consume… me."

Suddenly, I snapped awake, finding myself in a completely different area. How long had I been walking for? And what was that voice? Looking around, I noticed a trail of infected following me. Based on the number, around forty, I could tell I had been dazed for around an hour.

Just as I was about to order them, I caught something out of the corner of my eye.

"Are those… webs?" In the entrance to an underground parking lot, a bundle of light silver spiderwebs blocked the path ahead. As for what happened before? I'll leave it to my future self to deal with. He's an asshole anyway.

Moving up until I was just a few inches away, I touched the giant web lightly and tried pulling back. To my surprise, it was actually very sticky and tough. Of course, all I had to do was add 3.14% more strength and the beautiful thing was ripped apart. Still, this definitely wasn't some normal spider cum, that's for sure.

"I smell… an adventure! You all! Stay put and don't let anyone inside!" They all followed my orders like the good little slaves that they are. Hm, I'm becoming better and better at this controlling the infected thing. How strange.

Anyway, I charged forward like a heroic knight, getting rid of the rest of the webs blocking the way and went into the lonely and dark tunnel. And by dark, I meant pitch goddamn black.

Even my night vision was all but useless here. Could barely see five feet in front of me. As I walked down the silent and spiraling tunnel, destroying all the annoying silver webs in my path, I heard something.

It was faint, but I could definitely hear the sounds of something moving around. Little, light tapping coming from up above, to the right and left, and finally, up ahead.

However, when I walked just a few more steps, they stopped. If I was a lesser man, I would have thought I imagined it all like some insane psycho. But clearly, I was perfectly sane.

Since my eyes were nearly useless at the moment, I closed them and focused all my sensory power to my ears. Suddenly, my hearing nearly tripled, and the silent world I have found myself in had become quite loud, filled to the brim with all sorts of different sounds. A fly buzzing here, water dripping there, the works.

But they were useless and not what I was looking for. I tuned them out, and welcomed silence once more.

I listened and waited, patiently standing in place as time seemed to move slower. My steady heartbeat brought peace to my mind, making the long wait more bearable. Then, I heard it.

It was another faint tapping sound that lasted for a tenth of a second, as if something had simply adjusted it's leg just slightly. But, that was enough.

I jumped high into the air, reaching the ceiling nearly instantly. My cords came out of my back, the one I cut already healed, and they implanted themselves into the concrete above me. Before my foe could even react, my left hand shot out and grabbed it roughly.

Bringing it close, I could finally see it. This thing was a massive spider, easily being the size of a normal dog. Ugh, creepy.

It tried to fight against me, but it was very weak. A little too weak. Besides the physical struggle, there seemed to be something else going on. Perhaps a mental one? Well, I can always find out.

Placing my other hand on top of it's head, the familiar tendrils came out and drilled inside. If I had to be honest, I truly thought spiders had brains like humans. But now I know I was incredibly ignorant. However, there is no doubt this complex 'web' of nerve tissue is more advanced than a regular spider.

Ignoring that, I was able to find out what was happening. Apparently, this spider is already under the control of another. However, my natural and handsome charisma is fighting against this influence and trying to dominate it. And by the looks of it, I'm winning. Which of course, is only natural.

Anyway, this process would take way too long. If I had to guess, probably somewhere around half an hour or so. But, as I was checking that out, I also took a look at the structure of it's eyes. Just as I hoped, they were basically made for this type of dark environment. Lucky me.

I ended it's poor miserable life of not knowing what master to serve by crushing it's head into mince meat. Sigh, what a moron. Obviously, choosing me as your Master, Savior, and God is the most logical decision.

After consuming him via heroin injection, a lot of changes took place. I know I should cut back on the gaining of new powers, but it's just so tempting!

So, first and foremost, the eyes. Having eight eyes just seems like such a good idea in theory. Thankfully, it worked out quite well in practice as well.

When three more pairs of eyes appeared on my face, I audibly gasped in amazement, falling off the ceiling and landing on the floor. I could see everything around me, having a full 360 degree view of the world. The pitch black darkness had disappeared, allowing me to finally see my surroundings.

Currently, I was still in the tunnel, numerous spiders all across the walls standing completely still on their webs. They were likely going through the same problem as the poor bastard I killed.

Unlike what I had heard, my eyes weren't as bad as a normal spider's. Thank God for that or this would have been worthless. This extra sight will definitely take some getting used too, but would be invaluable in battle.

Moving on, my next addition were the webs and poison. Seeing the strength of the webs gave me a couple ideas on how to try them out in battle. Instead of having some weird abdomen and shooting silk out of my ass, I made two special tiny little glands right next to my wrists.

I raised my left hand and turned it upside down, shooting out a jet of silky and sticky webbing at a confused spider. Once it landed, I yanked it and pulled the stuck dog-sized spider right to me. My other hand became a claw and tore it to pieces with a single horizontal swipe.

"Dear God. I'm Spider-Man!" Giddy with excitement, I turned one of my arms into a tendril and consumed the spider, boosting my new abilities slightly.

The last and final boon, was the poison. Honestly, it just seemed too good to pass up. Another gland was created, placed near my stomach that held a deadly, but normal looking transparent liquid. It's attributes were both paralyzing and lethal. Once injected into the bloodstream, the victim would be unable to move as the poison destroyed their body from the inside. Multiple sections would flat out shut down completely.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the poison wasn't all too strong. But, what if I ate every single spider here? Plus the one controlling them which would probably be a Queen?

I could feel a grin creep up on my face as I looked at all the delicious and helpless prey.

"Time to eat."