Chapter 44: Storm (5)

(Still Jason)

Because of my All You Can Eat Buffet which involved the deaths of a couple hundred spiders, my newly gained powers were far stronger than before. Unfortunately, my eyes stopped increasing at about the two dozen range. It's not that they hit a limit per se, but the common infected spiders couldn't upgrade them any further.

The same goes for my webs and poison. Although they lasted longer, they still capped out at around the seventy area. Even though my Spiderman template seemingly couldn't increase any further, that didn't stop me from doing my civic duty and wiping out the rest of them. Am I not a great hero doing such a kind deed for no reward?

Well… that's not completely true. See, I had this grand idea about focusing all the excess energy within the spiders and forcing them on one particular ability. For example, the eyes.

Thanks to my brilliance, they were able to break past the limits imposed on them by their common origins and go towards a higher existence! And since that worked, why not do the same with every other power in my vast arsenal? Now, I didn't need a specific infected to improve upon a certain weapon that was lagging behind the others.

Anyway, enough about all that. I was currently on the move down a long corridor to my new and final prey, The Queen. Her loyal subjects and children were kind enough to point the way after I brain fucked them to death. That, and I just went to the location where their connection was coming from.

After a few more minutes of boring walking, I saw a clump of webs surrounding a humanoid figure. Knowing what this was I tried opening the webs with my hands, but found it unmoving.

"Ex-fucking-cuse me?" It was only after I put all my strength into it did the spider cum finally allow itself to be ripped apart.

"Oh boy. That's not a good sign."

Inside, I could see the corpse of a shriveled up Night Hunter. It's organs were gone, leaving nothing more than an empty husk. I had come across such 'graves' before hand, but they were filled with nothing other than humans or common infected.

Thinking about it, it made sense. The other victims were caught, killed, and eaten by the common spiders. While this one, if I'm not mistaken, should've been the meal for the Queen. As I moved down the corridor, spotting more and more husks of special infected, I thought about the name these spiders should have.

"Silver bodies, silver webs, silver... everything. Tougher and stickier silk than other spiders. Hm, something that really pops..." Another dead Juggernaut, practically a mummy now. Big bastard too, almost 12ft tall.

"Ah! The Silver Webspinners! Brilliant as usual!" Good times never last long, and that was especially true in my case.

Just before getting to the source of the connection, I saw a few hanging cocoons that weren't too large. About the size of an above average man. Opening them up, I could practically feel the frown on my face grow with each unboxing.

"There goes my speed advantage." Dried up husks of Bolters, numbering around four. Why is my luck such nonsense? Can't have an easy go of it? Do the Gods love my pain?

Based on this new find, plus all the others, I'm already 100% positive this is going to be a tough ans grueling battle. Oh well. I do love fighting after all. And, it gives me a good opportunity to try out my new and improved Bone Spikes.

It wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but I was able to hollow out the inside and fill it with acid. At the same time, I lowered it's toughness and increased it's penatrative power. Thankfully, despite the brittleness, the acid wasn't able to eat through the bone.

Hopefully when it makes contact, it digs deep into the flesh and explodes outward, sending bone shrapnel and acid through the inside of their body.

I wanted to do the same with my webs actually, lace them with the acid. But that just simply didn't work. Maybe I need some more practice or something, because the poison lacing wasn't working either. Although, there were some hints of the two powers fusing together. Practice makes perfect I suppose.

Eventually, I came upon an absolutely massive parking space. But this no longer belonged to the humans. Silver spiderwebs, a deeper color than the others, were placed here and there sporadically. In the corner of the room, way in the back, a cluster of a couple hundred eggs surrounded by webs were sitting there quietly.

Hiding around a corner I saw my prey in the middle of the room laying eggs, which was soon taken away by a drone and placed with the others. And holy hell, this was one big fucking spider.

It was easily triple the size of the others. By others, I mean the five car-sized creepy crawlers surrounding the Queen like bodyguards. Which is probably what they were. Royal Guards.

They looked like actually knights in the form of spiders. Their legs were similar to swords, especially the way they would occasionally gleam with a dangerous light. They had heavy silver armor surrounding them, making them seem like an Arachnid Paladin. They were super badass looking if I had to be honest.

However, the Queen was much more beautiful than I was expecting. There was no armor on her, but her deep silver colored skin had intricate and stunning designs across it. Just like the Royal Guards, her legs seemed to be made for slicing. At the same time, there was an odd gentleness to them.

Having her head on my wall would be an excellent addition. I'd love to have her on my side, but I doubt I'd be able to brainwash her. In fact, the difficulty was slightly lower when working on Webspinners. Their nerve tissue wasn't as complicated as the regular common infected brain.

However, I still failed every time I tested it on them. It's frustrating to be sure, but it's not that big of a deal. Just gotta try again and again is all.

It didn't take me long to come up with a foolproof plan that would guarantee victory. Unfortunately, I left my molotovs back with Killgore like a proper moron. Despite wanting to use them, I just keep forgetting. How pathetic of me.

Anywho, I backtracked all the way to the entrance and gathered the little group of forty infected standing there. When we returned to the Nest, I sent them forward with only a single order.

"Kill them." A whisper was all that came out, but they roared like monsters and rushed directly for the five giant arachnids. It would have been better if they did so quietly, but that was my mistake. I've been spoiled by Trixie's competence.

Obviously, they got destroyed as if they were toys. The Queen didn't even attack and just let her Royal Guards do all the heavy lifting. When the knights saw the mini horde coming, they rushed forward with a burst of speed that was similar to a cheetah.

Their armored forms slammed into the group, directly crushing half of them in one go like a cavalry unit. From there, they used their sword legs to chop up the rest as if they were made of butter. Even though a few infected did jump on top of them, their teeth shattered when they tried biting through the thick armor.

Unfortunately, their meaningless lives didn't have much use. The only good thing they produced was showing the power of the Royal Guards, which shouldn't be an issue for me. They didn't seem all too special.

The problem, was the Queen. I don't know how strong, quick, or smart she is. Well, I can take a guess based on how cautious she is now. I wonder if she's suspicious that a group of random common infected could push so far deep into the Nest.

I'm confident I can sneak up, but trying to Assassin's Creed her might not work out because of her heightened and alarmed state. Instead, taking out one of the Guards at the start seems much more likely.

My cords erupted out of my back as I jumped thirteen meters high and pinned myself to the ceiling. I climbed forward towards my prey slowly, actually becoming Spiderman. I made sure to crank up my Shadow's Embrace skill to the max, quite literally melding in with the shadows.

When I got close to the Royal Guard furthest away from the Queen, my claws unleashed themselves quietly as my black armor enveloped my skin. My cords released their hold on the ceiling, and I began falling towards my target. At the same time, I shot over a dozen new and improved Bone Spikes at the other four.

The Queen was the first to notice the attack instantly, immediately turning around and dodging them by jumping backwards. And for something over 7 meters tall, the bitch could move.

As I raised my tightened fists above my head, I could see the other Royal Guards curling up in a ball to block the spikes. Although their armor cracked and blood flowed out, the decrease in toughness made the bone shatter instantly upon contact.

When the acid fell on them, they screeched out and thrashed around. Unfortunately, it only lasted for three seconds. Oh well, still did good damage though.

The enemy beneath me looked up just in time to get two fists of justice to the dome in a downward strike. A massive explosion took place as the ground underneath us cracked open and spread spiderwebs throughout half the parking lot.

The Guard wasn't even able to scream in pain, almost immediately dying at first contact. Getting off it's crumpled up corpse, I was barely able to put up my arms in a defensive position. Despite my readiness, I was blasted twenty meters back and crashed through multiple cars as if they were made of paper mache.

Pulling myself out of the ruined Tesla with a grunt, I saw the Queen next to the dead Guard as the others surrounded her protectively. Must have been her who knocked me on my ass. While she mourned and wailed, I took a peek at my arms. The armor was severely cracked, almost broken. One or two more strikes like that would destroy it completely.

"Jesus Christ almighty! I can feel my organs shaking after that blow. What kind of steroids are you on?" Suddenly, a deafening scream traveled throughout the entire underground area, echoing and bouncing off the walls.

There, the Queen glared at me with pure anger and killing intent. Well, that's an understandable reaction to watching one of your closest children get slaughtered in front of you. Just as I was about to rush forward, they beat me to the punch.

The Guards all ran straight for me like living breathing tanks. At the same time, the Queen moved way faster than her form suggested and stopped just a few meters in front of me. It's a good thing my reflexes increased after eating the Speedster Cat, or I would absolutely die to her.

Suddenly, her big ass abdomen shot sticky silver webs at my direction. Having no choice, I dodged out of the way quickly. However, as I did that, a sword-leg came from my left looking to slice me in half.

Just before it reached me, I grabbed it with my outstretched left armored hand. Ignoring the pain, I used my right claw to cut the leg off. The Guard screeched in pain and backed off. Before I could follow up, I curled up defensively as another one rammed into me, sending me flying a good few meters away.

In mid-air, I shot a couple more bone spikes at the injured Guard. Most were blocked, but a few managed to get lodged into his eyes. When the spikes exploded, the acid and shrapnel blinded him, destroying the majority of his head. He wasn't too far from death.

I landed on the ground a couple meters away and had no time to breathe. Again, the Queen made me dodge another barrage of webs sent my way. I don't know what her plan is, but I have no time to think about that. The other three Guards rushed me and attacked from different angles, intent to slice my fine ass in half.

Surprisingly, they had great teamwork. But that didn't mean jack shit in the face of absolute power!

I stepped back just slightly, letting the sharp leg miss me by a hair. At the same time, the cords on my back shot out and wrapped themselves around four of my attacker's legs. I picked up that Guard with my cords and threw him through the air at the injured and dying one.

There was no time to see the collision as I had to dodge another bundle of webs from the Queen. The other two Guards were right on me, trying their hardest to cut me apart. I jumped back a few meters unexpectedly, widening the distance between us.

My wrists shot out my own sticky web goodness and latched itself onto one of the guards. With a grunt, I pulled him towards me and jumped forward. While in mid-air, I tightened my grip on my webs and used all my strength to pull the attached Guard over my head, slamming him into the second one.

The Queen tried her best to get there before me, but I was much closer. Taking two steps, I was already right next to them as they tried to get off each other. However, my webs kept them in place long enough for my claws to rip them apart. With a single strike, both of my hands went through their bodies and put them on the cusp of death.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the enraged Queen speeding towards me. Just as I got off their bodies and was about to dodge, I could see something behind me. The Guard I had thrown away with my cords. There was no time for me to get out of the way, so I did my best to harden myself as the bastard rammed into me.

Because of his actions, I was sent flying through the air at a collision course with the Queen. Taking a page out of Spiderman's book, I used both wrists to shoot webs up at the ceiling. Grabbing onto them, I was barely able to swing myself out of harm's way.

Sticking myself to the ceiling, I used both of my legs to shoot off at my fastest speed, becoming nothing more than a blur as the concrete above me shattered. My target was the last remaining Guard. The first one I injured lost his life when his brother slammed into him.

Fortunately, the Guard couldn't react in time and got a building destroying fist right to the head, killing him instantly. Standing up off his lifeless corpse, I turned around and was in for a nasty surprise.

"So that was your plan all along?" I couldn't figure out why the Queen was so hell bent on shooting her webs everywhere instead of just coming right at me.

But now that my focus was off her children, I saw it. I watched as she set up the last of her trap, making the entire room full of her incredibly tough silk. The only place not affected, just so happened to be right where I was standing.

As I saw her tank-like form coming right towards me, I realized how fucked I was. She had cornered me completely, forcing a head on collision. If I want to dodge right, left, or up? I would be stuck like a fly on her intricate web that takes my entire strength to break. What a cunning bitch.

When she was close, I got ready as two of her sharp, dangerous legs wanted to impale me. I grabbed onto them before they reached me. However, her momentum was too much for me to handle and pushed me all the way back to the end of the parking lot. The wall I crashed into broke into pieces at our impact, shaking the entire place as if an earthquake appeared.

"How the fuck are you so strong!" I gritted my teeth as I used all my strength to stop her legs from killing me.

In response to my comment, her deadly jaws snapped at me threateningly. As they opened, I already knew some special treat was coming my way. And after seeing the yellow acid fly out, I knew I had to dodge. But… there was nowhere to go. Every path was blocked.

I suddenly released both her legs, surprising her enough that she fell forward and impaled the wall behind me. With incredible flexibility, I ducked under the acid and quickly jumped on top of her back. Just as her legs left the ground, I pierced into her with both claws and started tearing apart her insides.

As soon as I did so, I felt a massive amount of pain on my back as we collided with the ceiling. Not only that, but my claws felt like they were being melted off. Clearly, her blood was acidic and was of a higher strength than mine. Luckily, my own resistance defended me from losing both my hands.

As we fell towards the ground together, I shot my tongue directly at one of her eyes, blinding her as an agony filled screech echoed out.

While she was stunned, I unlodged my claws from her back and swiftly went to her head, impaling them into two other eyes. She tried her best to fling me off, but I didn't budge in the slightest. That was, until her two front legs came up and smacked me off.

I could feel my organs scream in pain as my armor broke apart. I didn't fly far, but did get stuck in a bundle of webs. Tearing myself out of it, I was just in time to see her fury filled face right in front of my own. With peerless instincts, I moved my head out of the way, but was powerless to escape her jaws clamping onto my arm.

"AHH!" I was in massive agony as I felt my arm leave my body! She had ripped my fucking arm off!

Even though my brain was filled with pain, I shoved both my cords and right claw into her head once again. I could see the light in her uninjured eyes start to fade, death approaching her quickly. But her last 'Fuck you', was impaling me in the chest with one of her front legs.

"You bit-" I couldn't finish my words as I coughed up some blood. She had just so happened to pierce my heart, destroying half of it.

Taking my claw and cords out of her dead skull, I used the remaining strength within me to pull out her leg. I clenched my jaw, not allowing myself to scream out again. My breathing was heavy and labored as I looked at the carnage.

Potholes and cracks were all over the place. The entire parking lot looked like it went through a war and was on the brink of collapsing. That'd be a real awkward death. But then, my eyes rested on my missing arm.

"I hope this heals." Suddenly, my vision started getting blurry as my insides began to burn. I was confused, before realizing what happened when my limbs started to freeze up.

I glared at the Queen's dead corpse, already changing my arm into a tendril for consuming. I had to be quick, or I'd die. 

"You fucking poisoned me? Asshole." It was strange I wasn't immune to it, but I'm no expert on giant zombish mutated spiders after all.


Along a lonely and desolate street, one man walked alone. He paid no mind to the blood staining the roads, painting a dark and grim picture. Nor did he care about the bones he crushed under his foot for fun with a happy smile on his face. This man, was Jason.

After his close call with the Queen Webspinner, he had gained far more than he hoped for. All three of his new spider powers had increased dramatically.

His eyes became much clearer, allowing him to count the amount of hairs on a fly a hundred yards out. Also, seemed to gain some other sort of vision, but hadn't experimented with it much yet. All he knew was that he could now see a whole new spectrum of colors.

His webs and poison underwent a massive transformation. His sticky silk had changed into a deeper shade of silver, becoming just as tough as the Queen's webs. The poison hadn't changed in look, but became far more lethal, faster acting, and a greater capacity.

Another big boon, was the acid. His own green goo was replaced by a more dangerous yellow acid, which also included his blood. Other than all that, his basic attributes had undergone a massive increase as well. There was something else he had found, but sent it away with Trixie for safe keeping.

However, the best thing that happened was the regrowth of his arm.

"You have no idea how much I missed you darling." Jason spoke to himself as he caressed his left arm, speaking to it like a lover would.

At the moment, he was on his way to the Docks, being only a few minutes away. He had sent the healed up Killgore, Trixie, and the horde back to the apartments.

When she first saw him missing an arm, Killgore was beyond concerned and worried. But when Jason explained that it would regrow, she calmed down immensely. What was surprising though, was that Trixie reacted the same way.

"Ah, my little worker bee truly is the best! I couldn't ask for a better slave!"

Suddenly, a commotion could be heard from ahead of him. Looking slightly to the left, Jason could see a terrified man rushing out of an alleyway. He ran out into the street and went towards Jason's direction when he saw him.

Behind the random stranger, two infected rushed out and chased after him like rabid dogs.

"Help me! Please help me! We can take them together!" The dirty man screamed out, having every intention of running past Jason and leaving the infected to him. What he didn't see, was his pursuers behind him slowing down before eventually stopping.

As soon as the man arrived in front of Jason and was about to sucker punch him, a hand grabbed his throat. He could feel his feet lift off the ground as his eyes bulged out. Looking at Jason's face, he was shocked to see the lack of any emotion within his inhuman eyes.

"Just a filthy thing like you. Don't struggle too hard, or I'll rip your brain apart." There was a teasing smirk on Jason's face as his other hand came up and gripped the man's head.

"What the fuck?! Let me go you psycho!"

The poor victim tried to get out of his tight grasp, but couldn't make him budge. Jason sent his tendrils into his head and watched with joy as the man wailed in pain, tears running down his bloodshot eyes. Was he brainwashing him? Not at all. This, was torture.

"Why am I doing this? Why is this happening to me? That's probably what you're asking yourself. I just want to have some fun is all. Is that really such a bad thing? I deserve a little treat for holding back for so long." But his test subject couldn't hear him over the overwhelming agony he was suffering from. All he wanted, was to die.

Which Jason soon delivered by crushing his head like a watermelon after a few minutes of torture. The man's body dropped to the ground, motionless. As Jason walked down the street and past the infected with a smile on his face, he relinquished control over them. At the same time, the aura he constantly emitted seemed to vanish. His proficiency grew more and more with every use.

The two infected shook their heads, but thought nothing of it. They were just glad to have a free meal. Within no time, they jumped on the man's dead body and tore into the flesh with glee.

'New torture technique discovered.' Jason thought to himself as he licked the blood and brains off his fingers.

"Hm! That tastes great!" Already, he could see the wall of shipping containers currently being worked on. It seemed like they were preparing hard for the coming storm.

What he was testing on the unknown man was a way to deliver a massive amount of pain upon a single target, making them wish for death. Unlike what he thought, there were no pain receptors in the brain, so he had to improvise. He latched his tendrils onto the part of the brain that created pain and deceived it into thinking the entire body was suffering unimaginably.

"I'm such an idiot! I should have boosted it up to the max and tried to make him die from pain. Tsk tsk." He shook his head as he approached the shipping container leading into the base.

It didn't take long until he was let inside and went around to look for Alice. The people he passed by would stare and point at him, fear running through them. Jason didn't understand, but hardly cared what the weak humans thought. Disdain was in his eyes as he looked at them. They were beneath him, were they not?

Thankfully, he soon found the beauties he was looking for. The two sisters were waiting right in front of his metal house, deep in conversation with one another. His disdainful expression disappeared, instead replaced with joy.

"Alice! Lily!" The duo looked his way, both becoming happy at his arrival.

When they got close, Alice jumped onto Jason and wrapped her legs around him. They hugged deeply, locking their lips together passionately. Off to the side, Lily watched with crossed arms and a jealous look. But quickly, she shook her head and threw those thoughts away.

Once separated, the two sisters looked into Jason's new eyes with shock.

"What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?" Lily spoke up first, followed by Alice who nodded her head in agreement. The man in question raised an eyebrow, not knowing what she was talking about since he had already hidden his extra ones before arriving.

"Your eyes, they're… pitch black. The pupils are gone too." Jason headed on inside and went to a mirror. Seeing his own handsome reflection, his normal brown eyes had been replaced by a demonic looking black set, similar to a spider.

"Should I change it?" He asked the two stunning sisters who followed him inside.

Because of his Mimic ability, he could definitely switch his eyes back to their normal color. Though, he liked their look a lot, so he was very reluctant to do so.

"I don't think you should. It looks really cool, pretty badass honestly." The one who spoke up wasn't Alice, but instead Lily who said so without thinking. She found his new look quite attractive, her thoughts beginning to go wild once more as she bit her lips.

The little sister raised an eyebrow at her actions, but seemed it ignore it and focused on her lover instead.

"How'd you get it anyway?" As if waiting for this, Jason excitedly told the tale of his adventures as they sat on the newly built bed together. Alice on his left, and Lily on his right.

The two sister listened with relish, finding it fascinating how he could control the infected and how blood pumping his battles were. It was like something out of an action movie. But when he got to the part about killing the baby, Lily found his lack of empathy disturbing.

'Does he feel no remorse? Sure, it was an infected monster baby, but it's still an innocent child at the end of the day.' However, she soon buried that thought in her mind. Piling delusion excuses on top to accept his horrific behavior.

"Oh my god! You lost your arm?!" Alice yelled out, checking his arm and sighing in relief when it was completely fine.

Jason waved his hand, looking unconcerned at the fact he nearly died.

"Nothing I couldn't handle. All apart of the plan really. What about you though? You seem stronger, and taller too." As the two inch taller Alice told her tale, both Jason and Lily were worried but thankful she suffered only minor injuries.

"Hm, you can't gain any new powers, but your current ones can still get stronger? Interesting…" Apparently, Alice had found an Acid Spitter and managed to kill and consume it. Unlike himself though, she did have to go through the pain of a ruined mouth.

Afterwards, she found that her green acid had a slight bit of yellow to it and was stronger than before. Clearly, this indicated that she could still grow. However, Jason was thinking about the way he directed the spiders excess energy into the parts he wanted.

'Could I do something similar and forcibly give her a new power? Like that Gun Squirrel?'

"You know, I could probably let you gain more powers. But I'll have to experiment on some infected first. It should work, given what happened with Trixie." Alice was elated and hugged him, kissing his cheek as well.

But before they could get too lovey dovey, Jason noticed that Lily wasn't all too happy. She seemed a little exhausted.

"You okay Lily?" Being questioned out of nowhere startled her, but she found this the perfect opportunity to unload the day's stress on him. She was also touched by the concern in his voice. He seemed to care for her well-being.

"Ugh, just remembering it makes my head hurt. For context, two people were killed last night. Because of my past job, Edward hand picked me and some bigshot homicide detective to investigate the case. The crime scene had jack shit for any evidence, so we had to rely on witnesses." She massaged her temples.

"And that means interviewing over four hundred fucking people. Our main suspects at the moment are the Reapers. Thus far, their testimonies seem solid, but we won't know for sure until we interview other witnesses to back up their alibis."

As she went on and on, complaining about the stupidity of the helpers and people in general, her body seemed to lean closer to his unconsciously.

While she did that, Jason had a smirk on his face, finding the whole situation funny. Even if they did find out he was responsible, there was nothing they could do.

'They don't like it? Then I'll kill everyone here. Hell, maybe I'll just take this place over for myself.' He didn't even question how wrong that line of thinking really was.

Once Lily finished, Jason held Alice's hand and spoke to her about his plan.

"I was thinking about staying with Killgore for a few days and getting her trained up nice and right so she doesn't attack people. I'll still drop by in the morning to listen to Crazy Seven and visit you, but otherwise I'll be gone." Alice was sad to hear such a cruel fate, but nodded her head in understanding.

Off to the side, Lily felt some ache in her heart when listening to him. She put her hand over her chest, feeling it beat rapidly as she chastised herself.

'Fucking christ, what is wrong with me? Am I a teenager or something? Get a goddamn grip!'

"It's alright Jason. I'll stay with Lily in her tent while you're away. Just, promise me you'll be safe." Her emerald eyes looked up into his own black demonic ones, making his heart melt.

"Of course I will. Don't you know how strong and awesome I am?" He held her cheek as she giggled, bringing her in for a gentle kiss.

Soon, the two sisters said their goodbyes as Jason left the camp and ran down the road like The Flash. When he returned to the apartments in record time, Jason found Trixie waiting there. He walked up to her, patting her on the head as if she were a pet. Well, he saw her more like a slave.

"Good girl Trixie. Did you do as I asked?" She nodded her head happily, seemingly more intelligent than last time.

"Great. Now, I want you to keep the horde inside during the night, alright? Have them hide inside the rooms and whatnot." She nodded her head submissively, going to fulfill his orders. When facing the other infected however, her entire demeanor changed into a cold and harsh general.

They had no choice but to listen to her because of how much she was favored by the Master. There was also her own personal strength that had increased a good bit because of the lizard infected. 

As for himself, Jason walked up the stairs to his apartment. There, he found his prize waiting in the living room, laying on a nest of his own webs. It was a giant egg, almost the size of Killgore who laid in the bedroom. This, was the egg of a Queen Webspinner.

While Jason was consuming the Queen he killed, he noticed she had an actual fully functioning brain. It wasn't anything like a human's, but it definitely worked almost as well. Seeing that, he had an idea about performing brainwashing surgery on this unborn Queen. He hoped the difficulty of messing with an underdeveloped brain would be easier.

He walked up to the giant egg, placing his hands on it as a grin appeared on his face.

"Let's get started." There was a look of anticipation to him. He couldn't wait to have his own army of spiders to control. Maybe even having an Ant Queen and creating an entire insect swarm?

"I really am becoming more and more ambitious huh? What would I even do with such an force? Make the entire planet bend the knee? Kill everyone that gets in my way and refuses my rule?" The more he spoke and the longer he thought about the subject, the more excited he got.

Unknown to him, a mysterious and familiar black entity deep within him wriggled slightly as a piece of itself was devoured. Unlike last time it was far from it's previous self, almost completely gone. Despite the precarious situation, it was pleased.

"Just a little more. A slight nudge is all that's left. Then, perfection shall be born." It's voice was weak, almost as if on the edge of death.


"Ah~! That's it you big dicked bastard~!" Lily screamed out, constantly moaning as she bounced up and down on her partner's meatstick.

The way it stirred up her insides made her mind go hazy and crazy. She looked down at her lover as she rode him like a cowgirl. His perfect muscles and nasty scars made her pussy clench even tighter. Her hands went down, caressing them as she saw a smirk appear on his face.

Before she could ask 'What's so funny?', his hands grabbed her hips and pulled her down roughly, impaling her on his thick cock.

"Oh fuck!" Her tits bounced up and down as he used her like a fleshlight. 

"Harder Jason! Give me all you got you fucker!" She screamed out again, cumming her brains out once more.

Jason obliged, spinning her over so he was on top of her. His dick exited for a split second before he shoved it back inside roughly, trying to ruin her womb for any other man. Lily's arms and legs wrapped around him, trying to push him in even deeper, to get to her sweetest spot.

Suddenly, she felt her lips being taken by him. It made her brain go haywire at how loving and gentle the kiss was. Her eyes closed, leaning in deeper as he mating pressed her into the bed beneath them.

When she felt him separate, her lips unconsciously followed his, unwilling to part for even a second. Opening her eyes with confusion, she stared into his own demonic ones.

"I love you… Lily." His deep voice sent shivers down her spine as her heart sped up even more. Butterflies appeared in her stomach as she reciprocated his confession, another orgasm approaching.

"I love you Jason!" Her juices exploded onto the sheets as she bit her lips to control her moans.

Lily looked down at her fingers that left her special cave, sticky liquid trailing out. Her breathes were heavy as her head slumped back on the pillow. Suddenly, she jolted when hearing some movement.

Looking over, Lily saw Alice in her own bed as she turned slightly. She gulped and waited, but soon breathed a sigh in relief when listening to her snore cutely. Her hand went on her forehead, whispering out.

"I'm so fucked up." That post-nut clarity had hit her hard. A mountain of guilt washed over her when remembering her fantasy. Not only was it not the first time she had done this, but she shlicked herself next to her sister at the thought of fucking her boyfriend.

A groan came from her lips as she silently got up and started cleaning up the mess she made.

"Jesus. There's so much."

Unbeknownst to her, Alice was very much awake. She had listened to her big sister masturbate for the last twenty minutes. All that time, she was imagining having sex with her boyfriend. But, she wasn't as angry or jealous as she'd expected. Instead, a thoughtful look appeared on her face.


Wanted to make this little note for some of you lovely and beautiful fuckers.

So basically, I want to start focusing more on my other two stories. Obviously, this one had zero thought or planning in it, just making it up as I go along. Hell, the only reason I even made this was because I watched The Walking Dead and thought how stupid it was that humans fell to slow ass zombies. 

Originally, this story was supposed to be far more realistic and horror focused, with Jason having no powers. I mean, there wasn't even suppose to be romance and Alice was gonna be some snotty child that gets killed early on due to her stupidity in thinking she's special.

However, that felt too boring so I just kinda went off script. I regret it now and see the irony in my actions. I even want to do a full rewrite, but fuck that. Doesn't feel right to just abandon the story I've already developed and the characters within it. Besides, I kinda like the shit I have planned for the future with the aliens and whatnot.

Now, I've put a lot more thought and world building into my other story. Leagues beyond this one. Have my own power system, Arcs set up beforehand, the works. Just wrote the first chapter and it's made my right ass cheek tingle in delight. 

The second one is far more unique and I am super excited for it, but unfortunately it doesn't really have a decent layout at the moment and is in it's most basic stage. To put it simply, it's pretty much one of those stories where no one has plot armor. A fucked up and dangerous world where death is not the end, and true death is a mercy.

There's technically going to be a main character, but he'll barely appear despite his significance. It'll mainly focus on the side characters as they go through this literal hell on earth. 

I'll still write for this shitstorm of a story, but I do want to focus more on those two instead. I really feel the creative juices flowing deep inside me as I write about those ones.

So if you see the already dogwater quality for this mess start to drop even moreso than thought possible, that's the reason.