Chapter 46: Storm (7)

Jason ran down the stairs of the apartment at his fastest speed, a worried expression on his face as he passed by all the hibernating common infected.

"Can't believe I'm late! Fuck!" It was currently half past midnight and a full moon hung high in the sky, it's beauty blocked by the growing swarm of dark clouds. The storm was approaching, getting closer and closer each day.

His reason for being so late was because of his work on the Queen Webspinner Egg. He had gotten so immersed in trying to change her undeveloped brain that he had lost track of time.

Thankfully, it wasn't a complete waste of time and effort as he managed to make a breakthrough in his brainwashing technique. He was still far from anything concrete, but it was a step in the right direction and showed him a beacon of hope.

Unfortunately, he had to be better as she was close to hatching. Based on the rate of growth, he estimated there was only a week left until birth. 

As he exited the main doors and came out into the street, he paused. A frown appeared on his face as rage started building up inside his heart.

"Tonight is when you bastards want to stop me? You're lucky I'm in a hurry, or I'd skin you alive and wear you like clothing." In front of him, a pack of six Night Hunters stood there with grins on their faces.

They moved quickly, surrounding him from all sides and treating him like prey. Strong prey to be sure, but in the end he was nothing more than big game to be hunted for sport. Jason could read their expression and knew exactly what they were thinking. Such a line of thought only infuriated him further.

"Okay then, let's see just how strong I got. Be sure not to break too soon." This was the perfect opportunity to test his power without holding back like he does with Alice.

His feet pushed off the ground, shattering the asphalt beneath him into pebbles in an eight meter radius. Appearing as nothing more than a blur to them, he soon arrived in front of a Night Hunter and punched him in the chest as hard as he could.

Immediately, the powerful armor broke like glass as the Hunter was blasted away like a broken kite. It crashed into a four story apartment, taking the entire structure down and burying it under rubble. The others were shocked at this display of power as Jason clenched his fist.

"Haha! Holy shit that feels good! Is this what it's like to be a God?!" He laughed wildly, his own armor and claws appearing. However, unlike last time their appearance was different.

Black spikes sprouted up across both his armor and claws, giving them a savage unapproachable look. After trying for a couple hours, he was able to combine his Bone Spikes and two other powers together. It was strange they changed color, but he liked it. His head turned towards the others, a sadistic smile on his armored face.

A small degree of fear passed through their very core as they recalled the power he demonstrated. It made them remember a similar scene from a female Night Hunter. That, was the power of an Alpha. However, they could and would not retreat. Their pride wouldn't allow them. Thankfully, he seemed to be much weaker than the female Hunter. 

Though, it was strange. They could sense he was a powerful foe, that much was sure. However, he didn't give off the same aura that Alphas normally radiated. This did give them some courage, thinking that he hadn't reached that level just yet. 

There was also some kind of strange sensation coming off him. It seemed to almost penetrate into their mind and compell them to follow his will. It wriggled inside their brain like a worm, but they shook it off easily enough.

Without saying a word, Jason ran at them like a man possessed as they braced themselves for combat. Arriving in front of the largest one, Jason swiped his claws horizontally in an effort to slice it's waist in half. Unfortunately, his target was able to dodge by jumping back, making the attack miss by just a hair.

At the same time, one Night Hunter used it's tongue to attack Jason from the right side while another shot out bone spikes from it's wrist on the left. Behind him, the two other Hunters tried attacking his blindspot. But they were shocked to see him turn around knowingly.

Jason didn't care for blocking the tongue or bone spikes as they couldn't get past his defense. Instead, he focused on the two in front of him about to attack with a clawed strike. He reached out, grabbing both of their wrists as his cords came out of his back. All four of them struck the Hunter who was behind him in the gaps in his armor with incredible accuracy.

While that happened, Jason spit yellow acid at the face of one Hunter and released his grip. When it landed, the poor target wailed in agony as his head literally melted and he collapsed on the road.

Suddenly, Jason grunted as the other Hunter still trapped in his grasp used it's free hand to strike his chest. However, the attack caused more damage to itself than to Jason. The newly added spikes worked like a charm. With a grin, Jason used his left claw to puncture the Hunter's head through his eye, killing him near instantly.

He released the dead body and jumped forwards, dodging the two other Night Hunters that tried attacking him. Instead, they crashed into each one another, stunning themselves a little. A chuckle came from his throat as he watched the three remaining Hunters charge rush at him.

"Let's dance." Jason waited there with a smile on his face. As soon as the Hunter to his left attacked his head, he easily slipped the clawed strike and brought his fist up for an uppercut. The impact sent the Hunter flying away, most of it's jaw and head destroyed.

He paid no mind to that one anymore and stepped back, letting a downward swipe pass by him. With a front kick, his opponent was sent so far back they crashed into a building on the opposite side of the street. On their chest, a deep foot indent could be seen, most of their insides turned to mush.

Just then, a slight tingling of pain came from Jason's stomach as the last remaining Hunter put it's entire strength to try out gouge out his organs. But it's expression was one of shock as it looked at the minimal damage it caused. A slight hairline crack, barely anything at all.

Instead, it's own hand was bleeding due to the spikes from the armor. Looking up, it saw the monster's face become cruel as he grabbed it's throat and lifted it up effortlessly.

"How sad must that be for you. Always being the Apex Predator and above everything you come across. Then, you meet me. A walking Hercules. Tsk, tsk, tsk." Jason shook his head, the hand gripping the throat squeezing tightly.

The Hunter couldn't breathe, panic setting into it's heart as it clawed at his arm. But the arm was unmoving, like an iron clamp. The other hand came up and joined it's brother in taking a life.

"Bye bye~" In a sing song voice, Jason applied all of his strength. A crack resounded out through the night, bone protruding out of the still alive Hunter's neck.

He dropped the near-dead paralyzed Hunter to the ground, one of his arms becoming a tendril that started consuming the body. As that happened, he looked towards the others. Only a few were still alive and kicking, but had suffered too much damage. Their regeneration would heal their wounds if given only a few minutes.

Of course, they would be dead long before that happened.

As Jason consumed the rest of the Night Hunters, a pair of wide eyes filled with awe and a bit of worship were glued to his form. From inside her new apartment, Jessica was beyond shocked. She couldn't believe what she just saw. A single 'human' taking on six of those unbeatable creatures?

Her breath was heavy and quick, scenes of the battle flashing through her mind endlessly. The raw strength of Jason and the various weapons at his disposal made her heart unable to calm down.

"Could I gain that power?" Her plan to please her captor just increased ten fold. Even if he told her to leave, she would hug his thigh and beg him to stay. Anything, for the chance to become whatever he is.


"Hey! Look alive you bastard! You need to keep your eyes peeled!" A drowsy guard lazily looked to his right as he leaned against a pillar, a yawn coming from his mouth.

"What's the problem? It's not like anything can get inside the walls. How many times have we done this night-watch shit? And how many times has something gotten passed us? Oh yeah that's right-!" His tone became slightly sarcastic.

"A grand total of zero!" His long time friend and partner grew angrier at his lack of responsibility. It was as if steam was rising out of his head.

"How can you act like this? It's our job to protect the camp from invaders, not lounge around doing nothing! You're a goddamn disgrace!" The sleepy guard waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Lighten up would you? Hey, maybe if you get that stick out of your ass Sally would sleep with you instead of spending the night in Chad's tent. Though, we all know they ain't sleeping."

"You fucking-!" Suddenly, the drowsy guard saw something, ignoring his friend's harsh insults. A shadow that climbed the wall and entered into the camp. However, it moved so quickly he thought he saw wrong.

"Hey, did you see that?" The pissed off other guard looked at where he was pointing, seeing nothing there.

"What are you drunk? High? There's nothing there." A confused expression showed up on the sleepy guard's face.

"Really? Could have sworn I saw something scale the wall." His friend shook his head, shrugging his shoulders.

"The only things that can climb that well are those armored freaks, but there's no way they can get past the lights. You must've been hallucinating because of a lack of sleep. I guess staying up all day gambling wasn't the wisest idea." The drowsy guard suddenly became awake, anger pouring through his very being.

"I swear Rodrik was fucking cheating! No chance in hell does someone get two Royal Flushes in a row! I lost so much shit!" The duo kept talking amongst each other, completely forgetting about that dark shadow that landed on the ground inside the wall.

'Perfect sneaking, like a ninja. All those years as a sneak archer in Skyrim are coming in real handy.' As Jason got to his feet and took three steps forward, a light was shined his way.

"Who's there? God! What happened-" Suddenly, the person speaking witnessed as the large bloody man disappeared from his spot and was right in front of him within a second.

Before he could scream out, a hand went over his mouth. He saw the unknown man put a finger to his lips.

"Shh. Don't say anything or I'll beat you black and blue. Just pretend you didn't see me and everything will be fine. Nod your head if you understand." The man quickly nodded, his heart filled with fear as he looked at those pitch black eyes.

Jason released the man's mouth, watching as he backed up slightly and followed his orders. His form vanished from his sight, running straight to his metal house. However, he felt his connection to Alice become stronger and stronger, as if she was approaching him. He stopped in place and four seconds later, he saw his lovely companion, a frown on her face.

"Jason? Why the fuck were you so late? And why are you bloody?" She came up right to him, hands on her hips as she berated him.

"Sorry Alice, I got caught up in a little project of mine. Then, some Night Hunter fuckers held me up and spilled their filthy blood on me. What about Lily though? Is she asleep?" Alice smiled, walking away in the direction of the house.

"Nope. She's been waiting for you since nightfall. I've spoken to her and she's on board for this three-way relationship." Jason sighed in relief and caught up to her, grabbing her soft little hand. Squeezing it, he felt his mind become clear as he asked a question.

"So, while me and Lily are doing the... mud wrestling, what about you?" All of a sudden, she became bashful and a little ashamed.

"I… want to watch. But I'll stay outside and let Lily have her special night with you alone. Well, until she taps out anyway."

Soon, they arrived right outside the house. The lights were still on, signifying someone was still awake. Jason calmed his nerves and lightly kissed Alice on the lips, whispering into her ear.

"Are you sure about this?" Seeing her nod with a loving and confident smile, he opened the door and walked inside, closing it behind him.

When he entered, the words he had were caught in his throat as he took in Lily's naked form. She was lying on the bed initially, but stood up when he entered.

A rare shy expression was on her slightly red face as her eyes wandered over his form hungrily. The blood splashed across his muscles and scars made her already wet pussy clench on it's own in a needy fashion.

Jason approached her, his own eyes unable to hide his lust for her. Once in front of her, he had to make his thoughts known.

"You are… beautiful Lily." Those words made her heart beat faster. She was worried that he wouldn't like her muscled body, as some men hated it.

"And you are fucking sexy." She blurted those words out, becoming slightly embarrassed watching him laugh.

"You bastard-!"

Suddenly, he leaned down and took her lips. She was surprised at first, but soon closed her eyes and leaned into it by standing on her tippy toes. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she felt his own reach down and fondle her ass, getting a handful of each cheek.

Their kiss became rougher and more passionate, drinking the other's delicious saliva like they couldn't get enough. Their tongues fought for dominance, one not winning over the other. Unknown to one of them, little black veins transferred from Jason's mouth and into his partner's. They traveled down her neck to above her heart and seemingly disappeared.

Lily felt something change, a sensation she couldn't explain, but ignored it and grabbed Jason's head to push him deeper into the kiss. She never wanted this dream to end.

As for the big gorilla himself, his eyes opened slightly before closing again. It seemed his theory was right. He could sense the virus inside her become activated, but his own power was halting it from turning her. Instead, it was taking things towards a new direction. An outstanding one.

After a few minutes, they reluctantly separated with heavy breaths due to oxygen restraits, a thin line of saliva still connecting them together. Lily looked into Jason's eyes and could see how much he wanted her. When he spoke, her heart skipped a beat and she could feel butterflies in her stomach.

"I want you Lily. Right now." He easily picked her up, as if she weighed nothing. She was startled, but simply giggled like a school girl as he threw her on the bed.

As she watched him undress his shorts and underwear, her fingers explored her sopping wet cave. Light moans escaped her throat as she sped up. When his rock solid cock sprang free from their prison, she audible gulped. Her eyes were glued to his pulsing manhood, watching it bob up and down in excitement.

"Holy shit! You planning to split me open with that thing you goddamn horse?" He chuckled at her foul language, moving on top as her fingers stopped pumping her cunt.

"Yup. I want to ruin you for any other man permanently. You ready?" Jason grabbed his piping hot breeder, his throat dry at the thought of fucking his brand spanking new hot girlfriend. Life was good.

Lily gave him a challenging look, wrapping her arms around his neck and spreading her legs.

"Give it your best shot you big dicked bastard." Neither of them wanted to wait any longer, so Jason lined up his dick with her pussy and hilted himself in her in one go.

Lily screamed out in ecstasy as she felt her insides get stuffed to the brim. Jason felt an incredible amount of pleasure, but controlled himself. There was something he needed to do. He looked down at the part they were connected and watched as countless black tendril veins traveled from himself and into her.

He pulled his cock out until only the tip remained and then shoved it back inside. It was difficult, but he controlled his strength so he didn't accidentally break her in half. While his hips kept thrusting, Jason closed his eyes and followed along with the veins as they changed Lily forever.

He witnessed as they restructured her body, making her vastly superior to before. Bones became more durable and muscles became stronger. Even on a cellular level, her entire self was shifting to something greater and less than human. Becoming more like her sister and Jason.

He had a feeling something like this would happen, as the same thing happened to Alice. Although he technically didn't need the people at his apartment anymore, grand ideas ran through his mind. What if he created more of them? A new species even?

Jason didn't need to do much and could let the weird tendril veins work on their own. However, he took hold of the ones that went to the brain and began changing Lily's mentality. To make her more inclined to care less for humans. It wasn't brainwashing or hypnosis, just trying to steer her morals towards his own.

Finished with that, he picked up speed and started ramming her, rearranging Lily's guts. Her moans refused to stop as her hands grabbed his head and pushed him down towards her large breasts. Going along with her whim, his mouth took her left nipple while his right hand fondled her free breast. He could get addicted to their soft pillowy feeling.

"Ah fuck~!" Lily's legs wrapped around his waist and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as a powerful orgasm rocked her body. But Jason didn't stop.

"Wait! I'm still-!" She moaned out again, her pleas falling on deaf ears as he grunted like a wild animal. His own orgasm was close, his cock tensing up and letting her know.

Despite the risk, Lily's legs refused to leave his waist. Instead they tightened further, revealing her true desire. Jason's mouth left her nipple and was replaced by his other hand. His lips went to her own and took them roughly, their tongues twirling. With another few hard thrusts, he emptied his entire load of baby batter right inside her awaiting womb.

Thanks to Jason's interference, Lily's body was strong enough to contain his powerful sperm. As she felt the white soldiers bash against her weak walls, another orgasm made itself known, her juices squirting out.

They laid there for a few seconds, lips still locked together as they refused to separate. However, they eventually did after a few minutes. Jason looked down at her disheveled form and gazed into her stunning emerald eyes. There, he could see that same challenging stare.

"Don't tell me that's all you got? Thought you said you wanted to ruin me for other men? Pretty weak I'd say." Jason chuckled as he caressed her thick thighs, feeling her quivering legs that betrayed her words.

"Is that so? Then I guess I have to try harder to please my love." Lily's eyes were excited and filled with lust as his cock unsheathed from her hole. A light moan escaped her throat while he did so.

Jason grabbed her hips and spun her over so her ass was facing up. With his glistening cock, he shoved it back inside her awaiting hole, fucking her doggystyle.

"That's it! Fuck me hard!" He gave her what she wanted, grunting like a beast in heat as he slapped her ass so hard it left a red handprint.

His thrusts became harder and harder as his hand grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back and making her back arch. Lily bit her lips as Jason's other hand roughly fondled her breast. She felt his hot and heavy breath on her neck as he bit throat, claiming her as his mate.

From outside the house, a pair of hazy and lustful eyes watched the two fuck in various different positions. Alice couldn't help but finger herself, already reaching her second orgasm. But it wasn't enough. Not even close. Something big and hard was missing.

Just as she walked inside, she saw her big sister riding her boyfriend, bouncing up and down like a common whore. Jason spotted her out of the corner of his eye and grabbed Lily's waist, using her like a fleshlight. Very soon, they came at the same time, Lily passing out. Her stomach was slightly bloated, stuffed to the brim with virile cum and collapsing to the side as he got off the bed.

His cock was still hard, bouncing up and down as he walked towards her. He noticed her damp pants and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Ready to tap in?" Alice nodded her head quickly and submissively. Within a second she shed her clothes and jumped on top of him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Jason chuckled and lined his cock up with her cave, impaling her with one hard thrust, most of his strength behind it. They moaned at the same time, happy to be together once more.


As Alice and Lily took turns to tame the lustful beast, a horrifying event was taking place inside a museum. Right next to the T-Rex exhibit, a seven foot figure was gritting their teeth in pain. Cracking sounds could be head as their bones were broken and repaired, becoming far stronger than before.

The muscles rippled under his skin, visible to the naked eye as they became far more developed. The black armor peeled off, as if he were a snake shedding it's former self. In it's place was a new set of shiny and thicker armor, the previous gaps completely gone.

Grunts came from the figure as their body lengthened, growing taller and wider. Eyes popped out of their skull, a new and improved pair regenerating. Claws and teeth became deadlier, able to tear apart even the hardest metal as if it were paper. Every single part of his body was being replaced. Almost like he was evolving.

After an agonizing few hours, visible steam exited his body as the figure breathed roughly. Their new body was much larger, standing at an impressive 20ft tall.

"This power…" His voice was deep and booming, able to frighten even the toughest of men.

Scarface clenched his fists, watching with awe as his muscles seemed to contain enough power to destroy the world. He was easily ten times stronger at the minimum, able to kill his past self a dozen times over.

"No wonder I trembled before them previously. But now! I am the Alpha!" He opened his brand new mouth, a powerful and loud roar that could he heard throughout the city escaped from deep within.

He put forth all his humiliation from the past, his weakness and powerlessness. This roar came from the depths of his soul, letting all know who he was as his Alpha aura erupted with full power.

From multiple parts of the city, various Alphas raised their head and all looked towards the same direction. Some were solemn, others excited, while one or two didn't care much. But what they all could agree on, was that a new threat had arrived.

Scarface finished his roar, feeling like he could take on anything. For an instant, the thought of finding the cockroach and ending his life via pure torture came to him. But he held that desire back.

He would never underestimate his opponent again. Even though he had evolved, he believed he should keep that mentality. He did not come so far, just to fall due to his arrogance.

A grin formed on his face as he planned to make Jason suffer unimaginably.

"The storm will arrive soon, a few days at most. That is plenty of time to prepare for the worst. Traps, escape routes, anything I can think of." The smile on his face turned sadistic and vicious.

"Keep jumping around for now little rabbit. For your end is near!" His terrifying laughter filled with dark intent echoed out.

Suddenly, lights began filling the museum, pouring in through the windows. Dawn had arrived and brought along with it the full might of the Sun. There was no fear on Scarface as the he let the cursed light shine down upon his form. No pain, no crackling of the skin and armor. Not even a mild irritation.

He burst through the wall effortlessly, making his own entrance to the outside world. His eyes closed and his arms were spread wide as he let the warmth of the Sun bathe him with its unholy light. However, no sigh of content came from him. Instead, a frown appeared on his face.

"This... feels like shit."