Chapter 47: Storm (8)

In a highly futuristic city, heavy rain poured down from the dark clouds. Fires rampantly burned multiple buildings, the smoke rising so high it could be seen from miles around. Ships flew throughout the sky with fast speeds, some of them mysteriously going out of control and falling towards the ground.

Explosions would occasionally go off in the chaotic streets, as if a war was going on. Aliens of all shapes and sizes were running away from their fellow brethren. However, blood dripped down their face and they had a savage aura surrounding them.

When they caught up to the fleeing ones, the rabid infected tore them to pieces, ripping their flesh out and eating it. But sometimes, the ones bitten would rise back up and join their new brethren, attacking their friends and families with no remorse. Such brutal scenes were happening all over the planet as the epidemic ravaged this world.

In the South Side, inside a now trashed sector littered with hundreds of corpses, a large transport ship came down from the sky and hovered in the middle of the bloody street. From both sides of the ship, an elite squadron of fifty Lorkins dropped down and cleanly landed on the road.

On their jawless face was a gas mask and on their large bodies were custom made suits designed to keep the virus at bay. As soon as they landed, the surrounding infected charged at them, but met a swift demise.

The plasma rifles in their four hands blasted through their heads, killing them instantly and leaving a sizable hole. When they cleaned up the rest of the street, another Lorkin dropped down from the ship. The difference between this one and the others however, was the lack of an arm.

"Captain, the area is secured. But I must remind you sir, the Planet Crackers are already in orbit and will not wait for us long." Jara nodded his head, his eyes filled with worry as he looked at the damaged pure white building in front of him. His beautiful home, now tarnished with plasma bolts and blood.

"I understand. Tell the men to hold position here and wait for me to return. I won't be but five minutes." Without waiting for him to respond, Jara bolted inside the house by crushing the door with his shoulder.

"Ali'ar?! Where are you?!" He called out to his wife, receiving no answer. The two hearts in his chest tightened when spotting some blue blood on the floor in the living room.

One of his hands reached for the plasma revolver in his holster. He moved forwards slowly, following the bloody trail that took him deeper into the house. Soon, he arrived in the garden his wife loved dearly. Personally, he never understood the fascination with taking care of plants.

There she was, standing there with her back turned towards him. She seemed to be admiring her favorite flower, the Purple Moonfire. A beautiful plant that when exposed to moonlight, would light itself with a purple and harmless flame. She had even joked one day about being buried with it when her time came.

"Ali'ar? Thank Zah'Cret I found you! Come, we must-" The words in his throat stopped as his beautiful wife turned around.

Her eyes were bleeding and her lower jaw had formed. In her teeth, scraps of flesh could be seen as a guttural roar came from her mouth. She charged at him, flailing her arms wildly as Jara raised his pistol with a shaky hand.

"Forgive me, my love." With closed eyes, he pulled the trigger. A single plasma shot was all he heard, followed by the sound of a body dropping.

He turned around, tears flowing down his eyes as he stumbled away. There was the desire to bury her, right next to the Purple Moonfires, but there was no time. He needed to find their children first and leave before the Planetary Bombardment.

Jara shut off all his emotions and became a numb machine as he searched the entire house. However, misery soon charged through his defenses and gripped his hearts, squeezing them so tightly he thought they might burst.

There, down the hallway, he saw his son of only five years old banging his head on a closed door. Blood seeped down from his eyes and forehead, him too having a lower jaw.

His son hadn't seen him yet, preoccupied on the door instead. Jara raised his revolver and pointed it directly at his head, but couldn't pull the trigger. A war of emotions was going on inside his mind as memories with his child rose to the surface.

Just then, he saw as his son's head turned his way and charged towards him like a demon from hell. When in range, he lunged for him but was grabbed by the throat in mid-air by Jara's left hand. He held him up with little effort, a look of deep struggle on his face as his son thrashed around to escape his grasp.

With a shaky breath, Jara placed the end of the revolver to his forehead and fired immediately. His body shook uncontrollably, eyes wide as he watched the life within his son fade away. A giant hole was in the middle of his head, the ends of it charred black due to the plasma.

He gently placed the body down and tightened his fists, palms bleeding due to the force.

"AHH!" A primal scream of rage, loss, and sadness came from his mouth as he punched the wall with all his strength, creating a hole that went through to the other side.

Furniture was tossed, pictures of their happy family knocked off the wall, and more holes were placed in the wall during his fury filled state. Suddenly, he paused as the door creaked opened. The same one his son had been trying to get into. There, he saw a tiny head peek out. A healthy little girl, no older than seven.

"Cai'er!" Jara rushed for her and embraced her tightly as she did the same. Tears flowed down both of their eyes as they reunited with one another.

He moved back slightly, checking her over for signs of infection. All of a sudden, her mouth opened as if to say something. However, what came out was the sound of an alarm

"Warning! Black Death Virus detected! All personnel are advised to wear their Vaar-Suits and Vaar-Gas Masks. If you are showing signs of the infection, please report to the nearest Exterminator."

Suddenly, Jara's eyes opened as he woke up from his reoccurring nightmare. The alarm and warning was still going off as he jumped to his feet. He rushed towards the locker and put on a specially designed suit and gas mask.

They were created by the Vaar Corporation to block out the virus from infecting the person wearing the gear. Despite his dislike for the scummy organization, their effectiveness was unmatched.

Once suited up and ready to roll, Jara immediately ran out of the Captain's Quarters and made his way to the bridge. Along the way, he saw other crew members frantically running around to their stations, already in their suits.

His hearts beat out of his chest, anxiety pouring through his very being as his legs carried him to his destination. Despite never admitting it, he had a deep rooted fear of the infected and the virus itself. Eventually, he arrived on the noisy bridge.

"Captain on deck!" Jara waved his hand to the saluting crew members and took his seat on the Command Chair.

"What the hell is going on?!" A pink fur ball, a Xalo'ir, sitting in front of a computer stood up, saluting him once more.

"Sir! Some of the virus managed to escape the shield and arrived in space! Luckily, it was only a tiny amount and dissipated quickly!" Jara's eyes widened as the alarm cut off. Suddenly, he pointed at some of the crew, barking out orders.

"You! Go get those damned egg heads and tell them to get their asses here! As for you, quickly establish contact with Lord Gair'lin!" They immediately went off to complete his orders as he leaned back in his chair and sighed, trying to calm his shaky hands.

Soon enough, a group of scientists arrived to the bridge, slightly fearful looks to their faces. They loved researching the virus, but this was too close for comfort.

"You called for us Captain?" The one who spoke was a male centipede, a Hatitia, who received a light hum in response.

"Care to explain this?" The dozen scientists conversed with one another for a few minutes before arriving at the same answer. The Hatitia stepped forwards, explaining their hypothesis.

"We believe this is because of the adaptability of the virus. Just like how infected Lorkins developed a lower jaw and teeth after the first few couldn't bite anything. Perhaps the same thing is happening here." He placed on leg on his 'chin', thinking hard.

"But what doesn't make sense is why now? The virus had never been able to get past the shield previously. Then again, their creation was made towards the end of the war, so maybe it didn't have enough time? But it…" A look of horror appeared on his face as he came to a chilling realization.

"Hm? What is it?"

"It's almost like it's evolving. We've already seen previously that the infected are developing far faster than what we went through. The Alpha Titan is proof of that. However, something on that planet seems to be expediting the virus's growth dramatically." He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Then there's the Purple Miasma. Although beforehand they were able to develop a resistance, it took them far longer. Now? A couple of hours at most, which seems to be shortening as time goes on. Soon, all of them would be immune regardless if they came into contact with it or not."

A short and grey looking canine, a Pran'hu, spoke up with a shaky voice, showing the others how scared she was.

"Could it be another one?" The Hatitia shook his head.

"It shouldn't be the case. No… this must be something even worse." The atmosphere became tense and solemn.

What they were referring to was the Devil that appeared ten years after the first outbreak. Before his arrival, they had lost over twenty worlds with trillions of citizens dying or becoming apart of the growing horde. 

But after his sudden appearance, world after world fell into their hands swiftly. Within the next ten years, he had carved a path deep into the heart of The Alliance itself. Nothing they threw at him worked, and even if it did? He came back stronger than before, his previous weakness gone.

Finally, they decided to wing it and throw everything they had at him. With the sacrifice of their greatest Super Soldiers, and at a heavy cost they still haven't recovered from, they were able to put him into the ground for good.

Using that momentum, they pushed back the rest of the infected and the virus itself, finally purging it from their society. This was the main reason why the Gorgs were currently attacking their outer worlds, probing them for weakness.

Unfortunately, a single asteroid with barely enough life to support the virus had gotten passed them. By the time they found out, it had already traveled deep into the galaxy and was nearing a planet chock-full of sentient beings.

Instead of destroying this world and all life on it so the virus couldn't spread, the Lords chose a different path. Perhaps their greed for the virus's power and desire to unlock it's secrets for their own pushed them into making such a risky decision.

Jara himself at been at the final battle, a trace of fear could be found within his eyes when remembering that terrible slaughter. The piles of corpses, both infected and healthy, were stacked so high they created their own mountains of flesh, blood, and bone. Now there was potentially something worse?

"You know, now that I'm thinking about it, isn't the virus eerily similar to the Varnids? Their desire to consume everything in their path and the unnatural ability to evolve and adapt?" The female Pran'hu's words made them all think deeply, terror within their hearts at the mere mention of the Varnids.

Suddenly, one of the naval officers sitting in front of a computer turned around to face Jara.

"Sir, I have him. Should I redirect the line to your Echo-Device?" He nodded and soon heard a light ping come from his wrist.

Within a few moments, a gruff voice appeared in his mind and a black shadowy figure popped up in his vision.

"You have something to report Captain?" Jara straightened his back and became serious.

"Yes My Lord. Just a moment ago, a portion of the virus managed to slip through the shield. Luckily, it was only a tiny amount and soon dispersed on it's own before reaching any nearby ship." The figure hummed lightly, deep in thought.

"Is the shield itself compromised?" Jara looked at one of the officers who shook his head when he asked them.

"No sir, it's working as intended. The researchers have come up with a theory that-" He repeated all the information told to him by the Hatitia.

"I… see. Give us a some time to discuss the matter and the future of this parasite. I shall contact you in a few rotations." Without waiting, the unknown figure cut the communication. Jara sighed and waved his hand.

"Go back to whatever you were doing." They did as he said, leaving him to his own traitorous thoughts. 

They paid no mind as they passed a few of their colleagues. A male Lorkin and a female Hatitia, looking in the direction of the bridge with a mixture of hatred and fascination.

"How much longer?" The Lorkin said to his companion.

"Not long. We've bribed a few guards in the Control Center for the shield, but the leader is proving difficult. Even my honey pot strategy failed." She shook her head, baffled at how her beauty didn't immediately make him fall to his knees.

The Lorkin raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her, but ignored her delusion. Hatitia were considered ugly among The Alliance. That, along with the females strange desire to rip their mate's head off after being impregnated, made them poor choices for relationships. Of course, there's always a perverted freak that finds it arousing.

"Hm, kill him then. Wait until we're about to leave before you do so." His eyes burned with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Their plan was nearing completion and they would soon touch down on that primitive world to truly study this virus.

Already, the Lorkin could see his future. Hailed as one of the greatest geniuses of his Era. The one who figured out how to counteract the Black Death and bend it to his will! 

Countless riches, any women of his choice, and unlimited power that would be on par with the Lords themselves! They would tell his tale for generations, every child aspiring to even touch the robes of his genius!

'As for you, simpleton, your fate has already been sealed when we return home...' His eyes glared at Jara, dark and evil thoughts within his mind.


( Jason )

My 'glorious' dreams with a surprising amount of tentacles were cut short by a wet sensation on the lower and most important part of my body. My eyes opened slowly and I looked down at the troublemakers who dared to disturb my beauty sleep.

Instantly, I was stunned when two pairs of beautiful emerald gems stared up at me. There, Lily and Alice licked my erect cock. The way they treated it was like a lollipop, dragging their tongues across it while looking seductively into my eyes. That only made me harder, which apparently they could feel.

They giggled a little, Alice swallowing my meatstick up while Lily crawled towards me, butt naked. Spurts of dried cum were still on her as her lips found mine. A gentle, loving kiss while Alice slobered on my cock, trying to push herself deeper but gagging due to it's size.

"Morning, you wild beast. Do you like your alarm?" Lily smiled, her eyes staring directly into mine and capturing my very soul. Holy shit was I lucky. Two hot girlfriends, who happened to be blood related sisters, all to myself to play with however I damn well please. Life was good.

"Very much so. Who's idea was it to do that?" She moved back down next to Alice who came up gasping for air. Lily's mouth took over her place, making my breath hitch. Wow!

Not only was she much better, practically an expert cock sucker, but she had no gag reflex! I could see my dick bulge in her throat as her lips touched my pubic region. There was a little smile on her face as the succubus moved up to my glans, rolling her tongue around it, before shoving her head back down.

As for Alice, she giggled like a hyena at my weak appearance. Was I making a funny face or something?

"It was mine. Nothing like some family bonding time, am I right?" She moved downwards, her lips soon finding their way to my full balls. I could feel her kiss them lightly, making me grit my teeth to not immediately blow my load.

But when she began sucking on them, rolling them around with her tongue, the dam I was holding back with all my strength broke. I grabbed Lily's hair, roughly shoving her down until my entire meat shaft was inside her little throat.

My hips thrusted upwards, abusing and using her as nothing more than a hole for me to stuff. I could hear her cough as she tapped my thigh, but I refused to relent.

With a grunt, I shot powerful loads of baby batter directly into her awaiting stomach. My vision went slightly black as I painted her insides white with my spunk. It almost seemed like it would never end, but eventually my toe curling orgasm stopped.

Slowly, Lily's lips started sliding up to come off, sucking up any remaining semen within my dick, making me hiss. Alice watched on the side with a serious face, as if studying how to pleasure me. What a diligent little student.

Lily came up for air, leaving her favorite meatsicle with an audible pop. She coughed a little, holding her throat with one hand as the other went to her stomach. A cute little burp came from her mouth.

"Jesus fuck! What are you a fire hose?! I'm so full... And my poor throat, so sore. Though-" She licked her lips slowly, gazing up at me with a sultry look.

"Your hot, sticky, thick cum was delicious~" My deflating cock sprang back to life, making the two of them giggle as Alice poked it. She watched with slight fascination as it swayed and twitched at her touch.

"Do you have an off switch? Your lust never ends does it?" I smiled as I sat up, bringing the two of them into my embrace.

"What did you expect? I have the most beautiful women in the world in front of me. Naked on top of that." They smiled at me sweetly, taking turns to give me a loving kiss.

But then they yelped as I suddenly threw them on their backs and stood up from the bed. They were confused though, as I kneeled down.

"What are you-" Lily's voice cut out as my mouth latched onto her already wet pussy. My tongue went as deep as it could, licking up her delicious juices before stopping for a brief moment to talk.

"It's not fair that only I got some pleasure. Just lay back and let me take the lead." I dug back in with gusto, her loud moans music to my ears. 

Alice soon joined her sister when my fingers began exploring her tight cave, searching for her sweet spots like a miner looking for gold. I felt Lily's hands on my head, trying to push me deeper into her as a pair of legs wrapped around me. Who was I to deny my lover's request?

I basically turned into a starved dog, using my tongue to lap up her pussy and devour her insides. Suddenly, her legs tightened and her hands pushed me down even harder with enough strength to break open someone's skull. Her juices splattered on my face, giving me a nice bath and a delicious drink for my hard work.

"Holy shit." Her limbs lost their power, giving me the chance to back up. She looked up at the ceiling, her breaths heavy as my fingers left Alice's cave, making her whimper at the denial of her orgasm.

"You lack any skill, but your enthusiasm made up for it." Well, that hurt my pride a little. Then again, I'm glad she's telling the truth and being straight with me. Never understood why couples didn't use that one simple trick, communication!

"I'll get better as I practice. You'll help me with that right?" Lily sighed, almost like a hero undertaking a quest to slay a dragon.

"Sure. I'll, reluctantly, help you on a daily occurrence." I couldn't help but chuckle as I shifted over to Alice, her eyes eager as she spread her legs. Life is good indeed!


( Still Jason )

After our steamy little morning, which involved us eventually fucking in an awesome threesome, we left the house and made our way to the radio platform.

Looking up into the sky, the dark clouds seemed to multiply from yesterday. They partially blocked the sun, giving the world a gloomy atmosphere as droplets of water started to fall. To take our minds off this dreadful bullshit, I started a conversation.

"So, what are your plans for the day?" My stunning girlfriends, walking on either side of me and glowing after our passionate time together, looked my way. Alice went first, a finger on her chin as she skipped along a little.

"Hm… I think I'll head out today. Feel like killing something and causing a massacre! Wearing my enemy's entrails and drinking their blood!" She hissed out with her sharp teeth, trying to be threatening. But all it did was make her cuter.

"Aw~ So adorable!" As I ruffled her hair against her will, I took a peek at Lily to see how she handled Alice's words.

There was a brief instance of struggle within her before it all vanished, as if it never existed in the first place. It seemed like she found her words to be completely natural and fine. Seems my meddling worked better than I initially presumed. Perfect!

But then she caught me looking at her and turned towards me, a stunning smile on her face. My heart skipped a beat, clearly the symptom of being in love. What a dangerous woman!

"As for me? I still have work to do with finding the killer. Ugh, I swear some of those bastards are brain dead. How hard is it to tell me what you were doing literally what? Three days ago?"

A frown appeared on her face as she rubbed her temples, making my chest itch. I... don't like seeing her like that, but I won't tell her just yet. I'll wait until later today.

Or maybe I shouldn't? I don't like keeping secrets from them, as I believe they destroy relationships no matter how small they are, but I am curious to see what she'd do when finding out it was me all along. Besides, is it really a secret? I'm not exactly hiding anything from her if she never asks me about it.

Alice grabbed my wrist as I was distracted, bringing it to her mouth and biting my hand in retaliation for my actions. A tingle of pain came from my palm, blood flowing just a bit which she soon drank like a vampire. Her teeth were able to get past my defense, if only barely? Good progress on her part!

"What about you though?" She asked, looking up at me innocently as her monstrous teeth tried to rip my flesh apart.

"Not sure. Go back to my apartment I guess? Got some work to do there, then I have to feed the people." 

"Hm? What people?" Lily asked. This is another great moment to test her new mentality! 

"A small group of six people that I captured. I'm mostly using them as training dummies for Killgore. But, I was thinking about experimenting on them, to try and create more people like us." I could see a little frown on her face, before it disappeared and she hummed. 

"Any women there that catch your fancy?" Alice, still holding my hand, questioned me with a dark and dangerous look in her eye. 

"There is this one lady, Jessica. Her mentality is cruel enough, and she is my type, but I have no idea if she'll survive the trials."

"Wow Jason, what a proper playboy you are huh? Already have a whore lined up?" She harrumped and bit my hand again, putting more force into it as she tried to rip a finger off. It was cute, if not a little strange.

Fucking your sister in front of you is okay, but having a favorable view of another woman is a no go? I wasn't even thinking about doing anything with her, God's honest truth. But seeing her yanderish jealousy was actually kinda awesome.

Suddenly, a hand tapped me on the shoulder. Looking over, I could see Lily wave her hand, beckoning me closer.

She whispered in my ear, her hot breath making my loins stir. It's hard to control my lust around these two demonsesses.

"Can I ask a favor of you?"

"Of course. You don't even have to ask you know. I'd do anything for you and Alice." She seemed a little stunned, but smiled lovingly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my little she-devil flinch for a split second, before returning to her task of biting me. Though, there was a sever lack of power now and a blush now on her face.

"Can you make a trip over to the police station I worked at? There's something I left in my locker that's… really important to me. I'll make a map for you." Without hesitation I agreed. Only an asshole wouldn't.

"Say no more, I'll make the journey. But if you want, you can come with me. A little bonding experience and you can get off that silly interviewing shit."

I really wanted to get her started on growing her strength. Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing her even more muscular than now. Hm, I might have a fetish. But it's a win-win for both of us. I've seen how envious she is of Alice's growth of her muscles, although it's still a little less than her own.

"Oh! You're a genius!" A look of realization appeared on her face as she grabbed mine, pulling me in for a sloppy kiss.

"Hey! I want one too!" Separating, I turned my head and saw a pouty Alice. A chuckle came from me as I grabbed her head and pushed my lips onto her own roughly. She melted into my embrace, my hands wandering down her back to her bubbly ass.

But then she took hold of my wrists, halting their advance. We stopped our kiss as I looked at her like a wounded animal. How could she do this? Does she like seeing my pain? Based on the teasing smirk on her face, I'd say a definite maybe. 

"Save it for tonight big boy. Besides-" She used her head to point to my left. There, I could see we already arrived at the platform.

Some looked our way with a judging stare. I pulled back away from her, no shame within me. They're just filthy humans after all.

Huh? What a strange thought…

"Welcome boys and girls!" Crazy Seven's yelling broke me out of my thoughts. He was much more cheery than last time.

"I have eyes on the Alpha Behemoth right now and holy hell is he a big fucker! That's right folks! I've been in Washington this whole time! And I am risking my life to report the battle! Currently-!"

He's there right now? What a madman. But one can't deny he makes for a great commentator.