forming the team

Bruce who came back with empty hands is shaving his beard while talking to Alfred about the boxes and they both discussed about their power and the team Bruce wanted to form, while Bruce also said he is guilty as he can't protect superman who fought beside him.

Diana and me goes to the place the arrow landed and grabbed it while making a torch from the things there and jumped inside, we inserted the arrow into the passage and goes inside to find the history of war.

we saw the pictures if gods, Amazon's, Atlanteans and men who fought against the armada appered here at the time, even green lantern is existed like in the movie and participated in the war, we saw dark side and the history written in there.

Diana is terrified when she saw all this and said," we have to warn the others we need the team now". I just nodded while we grasped everything mentioned on the walls and here I saw something a weapon which isn't mentioned in the movie, darkseid weapon, the axe, halberd or the spear thingy, I saw its broken and placed in my inventory, I also saw the axe of Ares that is in there and smiled, it's a good upgrade and Diana saw that I'm grabbing the axe and didn't say anything, she didn't saw that I took the snapped weapon of darkseid.

the system show the description of the two weapons while I also searched for Artemis bow, but couldn't find it, there is nothing more there:

[ staff of darkseid(broken)

description : a weapon combination of a staff and axe head made from body parts of a god.

state : broken

effects : can't be determined as its broken.


[ axe of Ares

description : this is an axe made for Ares the god war by the cyclopes from tartarus, it is said this can smoothly cut the body of a god in two pieces.


war's anthem: gives more valor and morale to friendly forces.

war god rage: gives the user ability of berserk mode.

sharpen and harden : if channeled divinity through this it will be more sharp and durable.


he is surprised the description and smiled, but it's a pity he can't use the weapon of darkseid, but he isn't disappointed as the axe is enough to scare darkseid when he saw that, he can't wait to see the face of darkseid when Damian absorbed all his powers, absorb can also strip away the powers of others and make his powers stronger, so he'll strip off the powers of darkseid and his goons then like yuga Khan he'll absorb their life force as he has energy absorption on that level now.

Damian and Diana exited the cave and took away the arrow of Artemis, they visited their apartment and put the arrow there while Damian placed the axe in his inventory. they both held hands and flew off to Bruce, and landed near the bat cave, but he has to say destroying all the defense system felt good like Diana does in the movie.

they both arrived to see Bruce building a troop carrier while Diana asked him about the toy, and we began to talk while walking and Diana started to tell him the story," a great armada appeared in the sky, the invasion from outer space, to stop that all came together, men of all kingdoms, Amazon's before their enslavement, Atlanteans before their descent into the sea, Ares along side with zues and other gods, gaurdians from outer space all came together to face the invasion".

Diana continued," the one who led the armada is known by the name darkseid, a name feared and cursed in many universes, as darkseid waged war on earth he brought 3 mother boxes", Bruce interrupted saying," wait, mother boxes", Diana replied," indestructible living machines, made from a science so advanced that it looks like sorcery, together the 3 mother boxes will form a unity, cleansing the planet with fire and turning this into a copy of enemy's world, but befor eit can happen they fought back, a golden age of hero's defended earth and destroyed the unity , separating the boxes, darkseid who is injured in the battle swore he'll get back for the invasion on earth".

" the 3 mother boxes are given to men, Amazon's and Atlanteans each, which they sealed, but now we can't unite, men are separated, Amazon's can't get off their island, Atlanteans are in the sea", Bruce who understood all this said," we will form the team, I'll get Barry Allen, you both can go and convince victor stone", Diana looked ta Bruce and said," the cyborg", Bruce nodded and walked away while Diana sighed and we both goes to the place of cyborg, I felt cyborg gaze and looked around but couldn't find anything.

while in an apartment victor is feeling someone is talking about him through the technology, he saw Bruce, Diana and me, and also surprised when I looked around like I felt something.

like in the movie victor approached Diana through technology and show her the location, while I with Diana went there and all the lights and cameras went off, victor came from the darkness and looked at me intriguly while I smiled and said," I'm Damian Prince, nice to meet you victor",

[ absorbed technomancy, and technopath abilities]

nice I thought while Diana also introduced herself and victor replied," I know I looked through my database and found that you're both a couple, and about the team I'm not interested in joining", as expected he rejected and when Diana tried to convince him he flew off.

I said," well that's rude", Diana sighed and we goes to the airport to see Barry who is stunned by the beauty of Diana and a sudden rage filled me while killing intent leaked out,

[ absorbed speed force ], yes purpose complete, Barry awkwardly introduced himself as Diana making Diana also awkward while I'm thinking," yep, let's kill this bastard", I'm smiling with a scary expression which Bruce noticed and laughed while Barry felt this and gulped while I introduced myself with a pissed off expression," hello, I'm Damian Prince, her husband and maintain some distance when your near her or else", I said with a sadistic smile which shuddered Barry.

Diana smiled at me while Bruce looked at this like a movie and Barry is shaking uncontrollably as I placed my gaze on him, Diana said," don't scare him Damian, he's just a kid", hearing her words I changed back to normal, Barry breathed a sigh of relief while Bruce said," a reminder, don't go near Diana when he's around, or he'll kill you, that man is overprotective of his wife", well I can't blame him he didn't know we're siblings.

Barry just nodded heavily while looking at me nervously which I replied with a smile that is scary, he shuddered and walked with Bruce didn't even looked back. while Diana couldn't hold her laughter anymore and laughed out loudly while whispering," my brother is so overprotective and jealous, thnking that someone will rob his sister", I replied," well you can't blame me, I'm just keeping away some pests".