3rd mother box

the scene continued and I'm with Diana all the time and is searching for clues while Bruce got one, Steppenwolf is searching for victor's father and the scientists with the smell of motherbox, we all suit up to go to Gotham harbour and an abandoned old tunnells as Bruce said.

well here goes the drama I'll have to start acting and before fighting Steppenwolf 2nd time I'll act like I awakened some powers then kill Steppenwolf and when darkseid appeared I'll stop the time and space closing, them I'll kill that potato faced bastard.

as we prepared to go there victor approached us and told he'll come with them, we all goes to the Gotham harbour and looked at Steppenwolf who is asking them one by one, victor saved his father alerting them while the fight goes like in the movie, except me mascarring these parademons, even Diana is on another level compared to the movie.

Steppenwolf who saw me trembled on the spot and said," you how do you have his aura? how do you have my majesty's father power? how do you have the old god's powers?", the league looked at me and I acted like I'm confused, even I'm surprised he can see my power, Steppenwolf escaped form there while damaging the tunnels like in movie, well Diana and I grabbed Bruce and Barry while Aquaman appeared and cyborg operated the crawler and we all escaped to surface, while victor abandoned the crawler and flew off.

he then reappeared in bat cave with a mother box while Bruce said Clark is the key to defeat Steppenwolf, he then looked at me and said," what is Steppenwolf mean my he? his majesty's father? or your power?", I acted like I'm confused and said," I don't know what he said, but I'm also curious as I can sense a hidden power within me but don't know what it is and how to use it".

Bruce looked at me while I looked confused and goes to Diana then whispered," did he has some kind of hidden power, other than lightning, telekinesis", yes only I showed them 2 of my powers, Diana shook her head and said," as far as I know all these he only has the two powers and warriors prowess like me". Bruce sighed and convinced the league to revive Clark, well although he pissed off Diana by mentioning steve's name.

I didn't do anything but glared at him, while Barry and victor are send to retrieve Clark's body, phew, that went well looks like Clark is here again, I didn't approach the mother box because according to system it'll awake the moment I'm near as absorb will copy the abilities by forcefully bringing them out from the target.

I sighed and hoes to a state of meditation saying I want to sense those powers, well let's start the drama, Bruce looked at me and nodded while Diana said she'll be with me, after a few hours they brought Clark body, well time for a next step, I let my power explode a little making them cautious and landed from the floating position.

I opened my eyes and said," let's wake Clark, my power isn't fully awaken yet, we need him", Bruce nodded while Diana and Bruce asked me," what new power did you get", I waved my hand and like manipulated energy around and absorbed it while looking exhausted, and said," I need to master this properly, I can sense other powers, but only this awakened for now".

Bruce and Diana looked at but disappointed while victor is curious and Barry looked amazed, but we goes to the kryptonian ship and placed his body in the fluid, flash goes to end of oath for headstart and victor launched the box.

this is the moment, I'm waiting for this, the moment this box awakens, my absorb will copy it's abilities. and Barry did give it a headstart while I goes near it a moment and returned back but a notification appeared:

[ absorbed advanced technomancy, knowledge absorption, energy absorption, ecosystem manipulation, life manipulation, matter manipulation, boom tubes ].

I smiled while like in movie Clark is ressurrected, all thanks to the life manipulation of mother box. he is confused while victor attacked him, I cared like I didn't awaken much power but me and Diana fought with him and Bruce appeared with Louise, unlike in movie Clark didn't attack Bruce but just focussed on Louise and flew away with her.

the mother box is taken by victor's father and for a chance to fight and track it, like in movie he sacrificed his life, Steppenwolf grabbed it and went away in a boom tube, victor roared while we all gathered at the bat cave and I again goes into meditate state, while Arthur cursed," what is that guy doing? yoga? got a medical problem or someone taught him about dharma so he can take Buddhism?".

Bruce said," he has a hidden power and he is trying to wake it up , don't disturb him, he will awake them", they all gone to other room while Diana like in movie took the lasso and attached it to his leg while Arthur said," phew, you're hot, I heard my people went to a war with you guys, I'm regretting not born in that era, I'm young and don't want to die, I like yo-", Bruce pointed to his leg and Arthur like tsundere threw the rope to Diana while Barry is looking around to make sure I'm not there.

Arthur came to Barry and said," a word to anyone and you'll meet every pirranah I know", while Barry replied," I honestly don't heard anything after you're hot", suddenly a boom us heard and they rushed to my room, well kets continue the drama, I smiled and floated to Diana while placing her hair to the back of her ear, she blushed while Barry said," do tou see that?", everyone looked at him weirdly while Bruce asked," so what do you awake this time".

I smiled and said," enough to deal with the puppy and the potato bag he called his majesty and his majesty is darkseid the potato farmer", everyone chuckled when I called darkseid a potato farmer, while Bruce asked," can you show the power", I just waved my hand and stopped time around us, we can see even a fly is stopped and I replied," many powers are awakened, including the one that puppy mentioned in Gotham, life absorption, energy manipulation, time manipulation and phasing", while saying I go through Barry scaring the shit out of him.

Barry screamed," waaah, he flew past through me", Bruce , Diana and Arthur looked at this while I resumed time and smiled at them," let's go kill that potato head and puppy, shall we?", they all nodded while victor told us about the location, it's in an abandoned nuclear site, where is Anti-life equation you ask, well I absorbed it and don't want others to know so samshed it away by manipulating energy and only gained the skill," fate manipulation", even though the mother boxes sensed the equation in me and notified darkseid.