New Skill and Talent System

After listening to Yang Yongle's introduction, Lao Yao could only sigh. Although this studio was small and did not have much fame, when he really understood it, it had business in every aspect and had a lot of potential. In addition, the studio did not randomly recruit people. It was just some close sisters playing together. There would not be any shady things like snatching monsters or killing people. Therefore, its reputation had always been relatively good. It was often able to maintain long-term businesses with some customers. This was the reason why the studio could be profitable.

However, due to the limited scale and foresight, and the girls in the studio were unwilling to make any drastic moves, the studio's reputation had never improved. Otherwise, it would not be a problem for the studio to become big.

After Lao Yao joined the studio, Yang Yongle gave Lao Yao a job mission due to the strength that he had displayed in the game. It was to maintain an advantage in strength.

This thought lingered in Yang Yongle's mind, but he was also a little hesitant. It was a good thing that the studio was famous. Yang Yongle also wanted to be famous, but once it was famous, many things were not as you wanted them to be. What Yang Yongle wanted to maintain was the current simple atmosphere in the studio. She only wanted to be with a group of good sisters and live happily. Too many benefits would attract trouble.

Just like that, a strange relationship was born between Lao Yao and the girls. Lao Yao was clearly their landlord, yet Yang Yongle had become Lao Yao's superior. As a result, no one knew the master-subordinate relationship between them…

These were not important. What was important was that Lao Yao felt that it was fine as long as he was in a good mood. Instead of renting the house to those so-called white-collar workers who looked glamorous on the surface but were actually stingy and calculative, he might as well rent it to these girls who had ambitions and ideals that suited his taste, right?

Lao Yao lay on the bed happily and fell asleep very quickly. He even had a strange dream. The characters in the dream were all girls from the studio. One moment, they turned into Ning Jing, the next moment, they turned into Yang Yongle, and the next moment, they turned into Meng Di…

When he woke up early in the morning, Lao Yao sighed to himself. Ever since the girls moved in, it had been a long time since he had a dream that made him happy. It was rare!

Lao Yao's morning exercise had already ended, and the girls gradually got up. To them, it was a blissful thing to be able to have a beauty sleep, so they were usually unwilling to wake up too early.

After breakfast, Yang Yongle said to Lao Yao, "Your mission is to level up quickly. We can learn life skills after Level 15. Try your best to learn the gathering class skills. The sisters will need you to provide the raw materials for their life skills in the future!"

After entering the game, Lao Yao found an Assassin mentor and prepared to learn new skills.

The mentor of the Assassin class was a Dark Elf. Lao Yao remembered that someone on the forum said that the NPCs in the main city had low-level intelligence. However, Lao Yao couldn't see how such low-level intelligence could be displayed.

A long list of skills was displayed in front of Lao Yao. It showed the skills that Lao Yao could learn at this stage.

"Stealth Level 1: Able to be used when not in combat. Enables the character to become invisible and not be discovered by the target. Movement speed decreases to 70%. No energy consumption. Will be detected by monsters 5 levels higher than the player. Will be seen through by the Hunter's profession skill, 'Eye of Truth'. After making an attack, it will automatically cancel. CD time: 30 seconds. Learning cost: 25 silver coins."

"Assassination Level 1: Can be used while in Stealth. Deals 150% damage to the target and gains 2 combo points. If you attack the target from behind, you will gain an additional 30% critical hit rate. Energy consumption: 35. CD time: 10 seconds. Learning cost: 50 silver coins."

"Ambush Level 1: Can be used while in Stealth state. Hit the target's head with a fierce force and gain a combo point. Deals fixed damage of 30 points and stuns the target for 30 seconds. The target wakes up immediately after being attacked. Consumes 30 energy points. CD time: 60 seconds. Learning cost: 75 silver coins."

"Shadow Sword: Final Skill. Consumes 4 combo points and deals 3 combos to the target at an extremely fast speed. The damage is 100%, 110%, 120% respectively. After the combo ends, the target will enter a weakened state for 5 seconds. Damage will be reduced by 5%, physical defense will be reduced by 5%. No energy consumption, no cooldown time. Learning cost: 1 gold coin."

"Poisoned: Adds poison to an Assassin's weapon, causing poison damage or poison effects after attacking the target. No energy consumption, no cooldown time. Requirement: Poison. Learning cost: 50 silver coins."

Rush Level 1: Increases movement speed by 50%. Cannot be used in Stealth. Costs 20 energy. CD time: 30 seconds. Learning cost: 50 silver coins.

"Lockpicking Level 1: Passive skill. You can open treasure chests of the corresponding level. Currently, you can open Bronze Treasure Chests. Learning cost: 50 silver coins."

Currently, Lao Yao was at Level 10 and could only learn these few skills. The original skills and newly learned skills needed to be maxed out in proficiency before they could be upgraded. Lao Yao looked at his skill proficiency and realized that it was still too early to upgrade them. The proficiency of the Forehand Sword was only 35% now, while the Backhand Sword was slightly better. As he used it more often, his current proficiency was 55%. As for the Obliteration Ultimate Skill, it was even less. It was only 15% now.

"Goddamn it!" After silently calculating the cost of learning the skills in his mind, Lao Yao could not help but curse. "To learn all these skills, it actually costs me four gold coins!? I thought I was already very evil, but I didn't expect the game company to be even more evil than me!?"

4 gold coins. Based on the current market price, this bit of gold coins would cost at least 100 yuan. And 100 yuan was just to learn these few skills. Moreover, they were the initial level 1 skills. No wonder the rich Lao Yao thought it was evil.

At this stage, players did not have much money to learn skills. Other than fighting bosses, normal monsters would not drop money at all. If they wanted money, they could go and do quests. The problem was that the money earned from doing quests was pitifully little. Although it was a little more than when they were in the novice village, the monsters around them had become much stronger after they reached the main city. They had to prioritize equipment and potions. Otherwise, they would not be able to kill monsters at all. How could they talk about doing quests?

Therefore, when the players wanted to learn skills, they were surprised to find that they did not have enough money to learn all the skills. They could only learn one or two skills for the time being.

The forums were also filled with curses, but the game company did not give any adjustments at all. In their words, this was to recycle gold coins and maintain the healthy operation of the financial system in the game. This was to prevent the overflow of gold coins from causing the price of goods to depreciate. Although the players were protesting, they could not change anything.

If not for the fact that he had earned some money from helping people through the novice dungeon in the novice village, Lao Yao would definitely not be willing to learn all the skills. However, now, he gritted his teeth and learned everything he needed to learn. As for the criticism in his heart, he could only bury it for now.

Damn it, this was only a Level 1 skill. If he learned more and more high-level skills in the future, wouldn't the cost become astronomical?! Lao Yao secretly hated it.

In the game, each skill could only reach Level 10 at most, but no one could level up that high in a short period of time. The experience gained for proficiency was very slow, so he could only let it increase naturally. If he deliberately practiced proficiency, the feeling would drive him crazy…

After learning the skill, Lao Yao opened the talent system that he had just activated and looked at it.

In the Era of the Gods, there was no such thing as class advancement. When a character was created, its class could no longer be changed. Therefore, in order to prevent the classes from being the same, he used the Talent System to make up for it.

Take Lao Yao's current Assassin as an example. There were three branches of talent, namely, Stealth, Control, and Assassination. Each of them required a large amount of talent points to gradually take shape. Therefore, it was impossible for a person to cultivate all three at the same time. If he insisted on doing so, the character would only end up as a trash account.

The reward of Talent Points was not like in the previous games, where one would gain a point from leveling up. Instead, it required the player to complete the main missions. According to the completion of the main missions, the system would give Talent Points as a reward. There was also an evaluation. If the system determined that the completion of the main missions was high and perfect, it would give more Talent Points. Otherwise, it would give fewer.

The completion rate of the Main Missions would become a benchmark to widen the gap between players…

As for Lao Yao, he did not understand this point. While he was drooling over the talent attributes, he was also thinking happily about how he should add points in the future.

"Stealth, hmm, I don't need to consider that! Sneaking around isn't my style! Assassination, I feel like it should increase damage or something like that. My damage is already high enough, so it can only be considered as the second target. Then, the only thing left is control-type."

"Wait, that's not right. Damn it, the Assassination Class's skills are very abnormal! I should add Assassination Class…"

What Lao Yao saw were two of the Assassination skills, both of which were passive skills. One of them was the Eternal Shadow, which required 5 Talent Points to level up. Every time he leveled up, his backstabbing damage would be increased by 5%. The highest level was 5. In other words, if he maxed out this skill and attacked from behind the target, he would be able to increase his damage by 25%. This was an incredible temptation for Lao Yao, who was dedicated to pursuing high damage effects.

The other one was similar. It was also a passive skill, named Assassin's Will, which required 5 Talent Points to level up. With every level up, Critical Hit Damage would increase by 5%. It was also the highest level of 5. At the maximum level, it could increase Critical Hit Damage by 25%. It was also a powerful damage skill.

Although these two skills attracted Lao Yao, they could only be learned after Level 30. Moreover, it was stipulated that one had to invest at least 45 Talent Points in the Assassin class to light up the icons of these two skills…

"What a dilemma! It's hard to make a choice!" Lao Yao's face was covered in tears. Although he wanted to learn the talent of the Assassin class, there were also two skills of the Control class that made him greedy.

Smite: Passive skill. Requirement: 5 Talent Points. Maximum Level: 5. Grants a 10% chance to stun the target for 2 seconds. Every level-up increases the probability by 10%. Level Requirement: 30, and at least 40 Talent Points must be invested in control skills.

Shaking: Passive skill. Requirement: 20 Talent Points. Maximum Level: 1. Extends the stun effect caused by all skills of the Assassin by 2 seconds. It also has an effect on Talent Skill Bonus. Requirement: 40, and at least 40 Talent Points must be invested in control skills.

If these two skills were maxed out, coupled with the reward skill "Backhand Sword" that Lao Yao had obtained, theoretically speaking, he could directly knock his opponent out to death. It was indeed a little heaven-defying. However, it also required a lot of talent points. Although Lao Yao really wanted to add both classes, talent points were rare. He reckoned that he would not be able to do it in a short period of time.