Blocking the Gate

Currently, he had no use for the Talent System, so Lao Yao could only put it aside and turn around to look for the mentor. Even if he wanted to add Talent Points, wouldn't he have to accept the main plot mission from the mentor?

However, in the following morning, Lao Yao searched almost the entire Van Tarost City, but he still couldn't find the Shadow Race's mentor…

"Goddamn it!" Lao Yao stomped his feet in exasperation and scolded in the city. "Why can't we find it!?"

The gamers who passed by him looked at him sympathetically before walking away. Such things often happened in the game. Although they didn't know why Lao Yao was cursing, they had seen it many times and no one cared.

Helpless, Lao Yao could only ask Yang Yongle for help. He sent her a message and asked, "Why can't I find the professional mentor of the Shadow Race? Other races can ask the guards for the coordinates, but why can't the Shadow Race?"

Yang Yongle thought for a while before replying, "I think this might be because you're a privileged race. Why don't you try asking all the NPCs in the city?"

Lao Yao was instantly dumbfounded. "No way!? I'm going to die!"

Yang Yongle was also a little helpless, but this was the best solution she could think of. Who would know that it was so difficult to find the mentor of a privileged race? After all, their racial talent was so strong, so they had to pay a price, right?

"Damn it!" Lao Yao had no choice. He looked around resentfully. He did not expect that after walking around, he would actually return to the place where he learned skills.

'Forget it. In that case, I'll ask this skill instructor first.'

Unexpectedly, Lao Yao really managed to get the answer out of him. That skill teacher said, "Ah, so it's you, Lao Yao! Why didn't you ask me earlier? I thought you already knew. Seeing that you've already learned all the basic skills, I'll tell you. Some time ago, I saw a Shadow Race member who looked very similar to you in the Death Swamp outside the city. Perhaps he's your race mentor."

Lao Yao was so angry that he wanted to rush up and kick this skill teacher to the ground. Damn it, why didn't you tell me earlier if you knew? Why did you have to make me run through the entire city! Was it easy for me!?

After gloomily telling Yang Yongle about this matter, Yang Yongle was so amused that she started giggling. She said to Lao Yao, "I finally understand why there are people on the forum saying that the NPCs in the city have low-level intelligence."

The so-called low-level intelligence referred to the emotional judgment of the NPC. If it was a program without intelligence in the past, regardless of whether Lao Yao asked or not, the skill teacher would tell Lao Yao about the matter according to the program settings and give him pointers. However, after adding emotional judgment, the NPC would generate a simulated emotion based on the things the player had done. If this emotion was positive, the NPC would choose to tell Lao Yao after he asked. On the contrary, if the emotion was negative, the NPC might very well refuse to answer.

In other words, if Lao Yao had casually badmouthed the NPC when he was learning the skill, saying that the guy was black-hearted or something like that, or if he was stuttering and could not fork out much money to learn the skill, then it was very likely that the NPC would be unhappy with him and would not tell him the position of the Shadow Race's mentor.

It sounded simple, but writing such an emotional program was a rather complicated matter, so it was called low-level intelligence.

After understanding the whole story, even if Lao Yao was angry, he did not dare to vent it out on this skill instructor. Who knew what other useful information this fellow had? If Lao Yao made him unhappy and he made Lao Yao miss out on something else, he would be wronged.

Hence, Lao Yao could only curse in his heart. "F*cking Dark Elf! F*cking low-level intelligence!"

He pulled out the map and looked at it. The Death Swamp was on the east side of the city. Even if he left the city, he would have to run far. Although he didn't know why that damned race mentor wasn't in the city and ran so far away, he had to lower his head. NPCs wouldn't take the initiative to look for him. He could only look for them.

When he arrived at the east gate, he realized that it was filled with people. There was no way out.

"What's going on?" Lao Yao felt a little strange. He casually pulled over a player beside him and asked.

"The way out of the city ahead is blocked by a bunch of guys!" The player said gloomily.

"They're blocking the gate? Why are they blocking the gate?" Lao Yao asked in puzzlement, "How long has it been blocked?"

"They just blocked it!" The player said, "As for why they blocked the gate, I don't know yet. Let's wait and see!"

Lao Yao and a group of players stuck out their heads and looked at the city gate. They realized that there were seven to eight players blocking the city gate. They were standing in a row at the city gate, making it impossible for people to pass through the originally narrow road.

This was still a safe zone in the city, so there was no way to PK. Therefore, although the players who were blocked were angry, they could not do anything to these people. They could only keep cursing.

The group of players who were blocking the entrance did not care about these curses. After they stood properly, they actually spoke in unison, "F*cking Battlefield Clan, randomly snatching monsters and killing people. I'll f*ck your entire family for 18 generations…"

The players at the city gate almost fainted. These guys blocked the gate just to curse!?

Lao Yao almost laughed out loud when he saw this. He had never seen such a situation before and found it very interesting.

In fact, such behavior was not rare in previous games. The group of players in front of him were probably independent players who could not take revenge after being bullied. They could only find such a way to vent their anger.

As for the Battlefield Clan that they were cursing, they were probably the main culprits…

"F*ck, if you want to scold someone, go to the city and scold them!" Some players were getting impatient. It was one thing to scold someone, but what was the point of blocking the gate? Hence, they also started cursing. For a moment, there was a commotion at the city gate.

Just as the players blocking the gate were about to continue cursing, a system announcement appeared.

"Player XXX, Player XXX… As you have maliciously disrupted the order of the game, you are now given a warning. Please stop your actions immediately, or the system will punish you!"

This announcement stunned the players at the city gate for a moment. Then, they all looked at the group of players blocking the door as if they were watching a good show. The group of players had obviously received the system warning and were hesitating about whether to continue blocking the gate.

"What's there to be afraid of! F*ck, I don't believe it. That f*cking Battlefield Clan can kill people and steal monsters without a problem. What's wrong with us cursing here?" A player blocking the gate said angrily, still standing on the spot and not giving way.

The group of players blocking the gate gritted their teeth and refused to give in. In the end, not long after, a blinding white light suddenly appeared on the east wall.

"Ah, look! Look above the city gate!" A player realized that something was wrong and pointed up.

Lao Yao and a group of players looked in the direction he pointed and realized that there were a few Dark Elf Mages on the city wall. The glaring white light was emitted from their hands.

Before they realized what was going on, the Dark Elves had already pushed out the white balls of light in their hands. Their target was the gamers blocking the city gate.


Following a few screams, after the players who were blocking the gate were hit by the white balls of light, their bodies were immediately surrounded by lightning. They let out a few unique screams of death and disappeared on the spot.

At this moment, the system announcement appeared again. "In view of the malicious actions of players XXX and the others, the system has already punished them. It is hoped that players will abide by the game's order and not do similar actions again…"

As the players were killed by the system, the road to the city gate became smooth again. However, the players who witnessed this scene couldn't help but click their tongues. They also saw clearly that the Dark Elves on the city wall were actually Level 60 NPCs. Killing the current players was as easy as drinking water.

Lao Yao could not help but sigh. Those players who were blocking the gate were simply asking for trouble. It was normal for one to be angry after being killed. However, it was not right to transfer their anger to other players by blocking the gate. It was reasonable for them to be punished by the system.

There were also some knowledgeable players who could tell that the system's reaction to the players' actions could be said to be incomparably fast. It was simply unbelievable for the system to respond after the gate was blocked for a short while.

This had happened in many games in the past. Players used bugs in various games to make a mess. Many players had left the game disheartened because of such malicious behavior.

On this point, the Era of the Gods was indeed better. The system reacted quickly and those people did not cause much of an impact.

As for those unlucky players, they would definitely lose EXP if they died.

Lao Yao shook his head and followed the crowd out of the east gate, heading towards the Death Swamp…