Encountering a Red Name

The monsters that appeared in the Death Swamp were between Level 13 to 15. Although it was not a problem for Lao Yao to kill monsters now, the attacks of the monsters here were already relatively high. If he was accidentally touched, he might die and return to the city. Therefore, Lao Yao had always been very careful.

This map was a wilderness map and it would spawn a Boss. However, Lao Yao had no intention of looking for it now. Just like the name of the map, this godforsaken place was filled with soft mud. If he was not careful, he might even fall into the swamp and lose half of his HP. He really did not know why the officials would create such a map. There were not many players who were willing to come here to level up. Looking around, there was no one at all.

"F*cking race mentor, I curse your entire family. Why did you come to this place?" Lao Yao cursed as he killed a Level 13 monster beside him.

Fortunately, when the skill teacher gave him the information, he also roughly pointed out the location. Otherwise, it would probably be very difficult for Lao Yao to find his race mentor on such a huge map.

When he saw a figure lying on the ground, Lao Yao's eyes turned red. It wasn't easy! I've finally found you…

The race mentor of the Shadow Race was the same as the one that Lao Yao had seen when he first established his character. The guy had a pair of dark black eyes. However, this teacher looked very disheveled now. He could not even stand steadily. When he saw Lao Yao, his face immediately revealed a hint of surprise.

"Ah! God of Shadows above, to actually be able to meet a clansman in such a godforsaken place, there's nothing more fortunate than this!" The mentor of the Shadow Race cried out exaggeratedly, "My dear clansman, I wonder if I can ask you for some food? You have to know that I haven't found any food for three whole days…"

Lao Yao knew that he had triggered the plot. The guy wanted food? He wondered if the bread he had on him would work.

Bread: Recovers 20 points of HP every second for 10 seconds. It only works when you sit down. Lao Yao bought this when he was looking for this brother in front of him in the city. He didn't expect it to come in handy.

After receiving the bread from Lao Yao, the Shadow Race mentor hurriedly ate it. After a moment, he finally recovered his strength and could stand up. He patted his clothes and said to Lao Yao, "Thank you, my dear clansman. If I hadn't met you, I might have starved to death here."

Lao Yao couldn't help but roll his eyes. He also knew that this was just a dialog of the plot. Actually, even if he didn't appear here, this brother in front of him probably wouldn't die even if he starved for half a year.

"Those damn Swamp Fishmen, they stole my luggage!" The mentor of the Shadow Race said angrily, "Dear clansman, I wonder if you can help me teach them a lesson and snatch my luggage back. Otherwise, I might not be able to reach Van Tarost City…"

A system notification box appeared in front of Lao Yao, asking him if he wanted to accept the Shadow Race mentor's mission. Without thinking, Lao Yao chose yes.

What a joke. Didn't I come all the way here just to look for you to accept the mission?

"Received the first step of the main storyline mission: Help the Shadow Race mentor kill 50 Death Swamp Fishmen and retrieve the mentor's luggage."

Lao Yao couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He didn't expect the level of the main storyline of the privileged races to be quite difficult. He was asked to kill level 13 monsters. One had to know that the first few steps of the main storyline of Yang Yongle and the others were just to look for people. Even if they killed monsters, they would only kill level 11 monsters.

Fortunately, Lao Yao's attack was high enough, so it was not difficult to kill them. He just had to pay attention to dodging the attacks.

Lao Yao returned to the respawn point where he first encountered the Death Swamp Fishmen and started killing monsters.

The Death Swamp Fishman was a humanoid fish monster with 8,000 HP, 130 Defense, and a physical attack type. While killing monsters, Lao Yao also began to familiarize himself with the new skills he had learned.

Squatting down slightly, Lao Yao recited "Stealth" in his mind and realized that his body had become blurry. It was exactly the same as when Wang Ke had demonstrated it to him back then. Lao Yao knew that he had succeeded in using the skill.

The talent of the Shadow Race was to permanently increase the Stealth skill by one level. Therefore, Lao Yao's Stealth skill was actually Level 2 now. His movement speed was reduced to 75%, which was 5% faster than when he was at the first level.

After carefully experiencing the feeling brought to his body by the Stealth skill, it seemed to make his body a little heavier and he was unable to run. This made Lao Yao feel a little unaccustomed and he could only slowly adapt to it.

Although the level of the Death Swamp Fishman was higher than Lao Yao, it was still very difficult to be discovered under the Level 2 Stealth state. Lao Yao approached the back of the Fishman and stabbed out with the new skill, "Assassination".


The new skill was not very convenient to use, so Lao Yao could not find the feeling of a critical hit. Therefore, only a non-critical hit damage appeared. However, this also made Lao Yao feel a little good. The damage of this Assassination skill was 150%, which was much higher than the Forehand Sword and Backhand Sword. The damage value was quite considerable.

After using the Assassination skill, one could obtain two combo points. After Lao Yao used the Forehand Sword and Backhand Sword, he had accumulated four combo points. Hence, he used the final skill, "Shadow Sword!"

As the skill description was three consecutive attacks, Lao Yao obediently attacked three times.




The three damage effects did not result in a critical hit. However, Lao Yao could tell that the damage was indeed increased according to 100%, 110%, and 120%. With Lao Yao's attack, three attacks could cause about 700 damage. Other players would probably be able to cause around 400 to 500 damage with this final skill. It seemed that the Assassin profession was indeed a profession with high damage.

Not only that, after Lao Yao's final skill was completed and the damage value appeared, a ball of black light suddenly appeared on the Fishman's body and lingered around its entire body. Lao Yao knew that this was the weakening effect attached to the final skill.

He casually dealt a normal attack on the Fishman, and the damage he dealt was slightly higher. Although this Weakened state only had a 5% defense reduction effect, it was better than nothing.

After verifying the skill, Lao Yao again changed it according to his own habit. Although the three consecutive attacks looked gorgeous, it really did not conform to Lao Yao's simple and fast style. Therefore, according to the previous experience of changing the final skill "Obliteration", Lao Yao planned to combine the three attacks into one.

The first Fishman that was attacked was quickly killed. Lao Yao found the second Fishman and used Stealth to sneak behind him and assassinate him.

"Critical hit! -610!"

Lao Yao shook his head. The additional 30% chance of critical strike from behind was actually useless to him. As long as he focused his mind and thought of a critical strike, the additional critical strike chance would be completely useless.

Forehand Sword!

"Critical hit! -360!"

Backhand Sword!

"Critical hit! -210!"

He had enough combo points, Shadow Sword!

"Critical hit! -1410!"

An extremely high damage that was enough to make anyone who saw it faint instantly appeared above the Fishman's head! Lao Yao had successfully combined the three slashes into one slash!

The Shadow Sword dealt around 700 damage to the Fishman, which was around 1,400 damage if it was a critical hit. Although the actual damage to the Fishman did not change, if it was three consecutive attacks, the damage would rise separately. It was not as shocking as the combined damage numbers.

This number also made Lao Yao very happy. Goddamn it! A damage value of over 1,000! This was the first time something like this had happened!

Although it felt good, these few attacks combined only took away about 2,500 HP from the Fishman, and the Fishman's HP was 8,000. He still needed a few more attacks. In the game Era of the Gods, the damage value of players looked quite high, but the monster's HP was correspondingly greater.

For the following attacks, Lao Yao could only carry out a normal attack. The combination of these few skills, from the accumulation of combo points to the final attack, had already used most of his 100/100 energy.

Assassination consumed 35 energy points, Forehand Sword consumed 30 energy points, and Backhand Sword consumed 35 energy points. These were almost emptying the energy pool. Although the energy points recovered very quickly, at 25 points in a second, they still couldn't keep up with the consumption.

Although the Assassin profession had high damage, it could be seen from this that the weakness of the profession was the short stamina. It would only become better when they reached Level 30 and learned skills that could increase their energy recovery.

Just as Lao Yao was slowly farming monsters, a sound came from not far behind him.

"F*ck, there's actually someone leveling in this godforsaken place? I thought no one would come!"

Lao Yao turned around and realized that a group of players was walking over. In this group of players, there was a Priest, a Mage, two Warriors, and a Hunter. There were a total of five players and the team was not full.

When he saw this group of players clearly, Lao Yao immediately became alert. This was because he saw that these players all had red names! Furthermore, their names seemed a little familiar.

The Warrior at the front had a red name above his head: "Battlefield@Fierce Tiger"!

Lao Yao suddenly remembered. Wasn't this the Battlefield Clan that the players who had blocked the gate earlier were cursing?