Lao Yao's First PK (1)

These five players who appeared in front of Lao Yao all had the clan name of "Battlefield" above their heads. After players reached Level 10 and entered the main city, the PK system was also activated. If their names turned red after killing someone, then the names above their heads could not be hidden. That was why Lao Yao could tell their names at a glance.

This group of Battlefield Clan's players had probably become red after killing so many people previously. Now, they had specially come to a sparsely populated map like the Death Swamp to clear their red names. However, they did not expect that there would be an unconventional Lao Yao standing in a place where there was no one.

Lao Yao looked at them and did not say anything. He wanted to see what they were up to.

These Battlefield Clan players were not fools. The red names on their heads were so glaring. It was better to avoid people as much as possible. Seeing that Lao Yao's attitude was a little cold, they turned around and wanted to leave.

However, at this moment, a Hunter in the team called Battlefield@Wandering Soul saw the wolf fang dagger in Lao Yao's hand.

Blue grade was an intermediate and high-grade equipment. Not only did it have powerful attributes, but its appearance was also relatively unique. The wolf fang dagger in Lao Yao's hand was like this. There was a circle of sharp barbs on the back. The Hunter had sharp eyes and could tell at a glance that the dagger was different from ordinary white or green weapons. Although he did not know what quality it was, it was definitely a small top-grade weapon.

Hence, the Hunter quietly pulled Battlefield@Fierce Tiger and the five of them whispered to each other in the team.

Originally, when Lao Yao saw that they were about to turn around and leave, he did not want to cause any trouble. Unexpectedly, not long after these guys stopped in their tracks, they actually walked towards Lao Yao again.

"Hey, brother!" Battlefield@Fierce Tiger greeted Lao Yao. "It's not easy to meet someone in this godforsaken place. How about we add each other as friends and form a team to level up? We happen to be short of a person in our team here. Do you want to come?"

Lao Yao could not help but laugh. F*ck, this fellow did not even know how to lie. Although he wanted to form a team with Lao Yao, his eyes were fixed on the wolf fang dagger in Lao Yao's hand. How could Lao Yao not tell what they were thinking?

The so-called teaming up was just an excuse, right? Once he agreed to join the team, they would be able to see his name. At that time, they would use various excuses to borrow the dagger from him to take a look. In the end, they would directly snatch the dagger.

Although Lao Yao had never played any games before, it did not mean that he did not know these tricks. One look and he could tell that these guys were up to no good.

However, Lao Yao, who was doing the main storyline mission, did not have the mood to argue with them now. He immediately put on a straight face and scolded, "Scram! Don't be an eyesore here! If you want to level up, go find a place yourself. You're not allowed to come here!"

The five players from the Battlefield Clan were instantly stunned. The words that Lao Yao said sounded very familiar. In the past, they had often scolded other players like this. They did not expect that the tables would turn. Today, they had enjoyed it from someone else's mouth…

Lao Yao did not want to waste his breath on them, so he directly scolded them. He could imagine that if he rejected them nicely, these guys would definitely continue to pester him shamelessly. He might as well make things clear.

Battlefield@Fierce Tiger was fuming from Lao Yao's scolding. Just as he was about to retaliate, he was pulled back by the Mage called Battlefield@Little Steel Cannon. Not only was this Mage's name a little vulgar, but he also looked a little sinister. He smiled and said to Lao Yao, "Brother, is there a misunderstanding? Don't think that we are red-named. We only became like this because we killed a few fellows who were snatching monsters. We didn't want to either. Now, we have to come here to wash our red names. Brother, help us. Let's form a team and level up together. We can wash our red names faster."

Little Steel Cannon's acting skills were much better than the Warrior called Fierce Tiger. He had a smile on his face and looked very sincere. If Lao Yao didn't know what they were thinking, he might really believe him.

"Don't call me that. Who's your brother?" Lao Yao rolled his eyes at him and spun the wolf fang dagger in his hand. He sneered and said, "Grandson, don't think that I don't understand. You're here for my weapon, right? Let me tell you, give up. Otherwise, I don't mind killing people, especially those with red names!"

After Yang Yongle had given Lao Yao a battle mission, Lao Yao had deliberately tried to understand the PK system. In this game, not only would killing a red-named player not result in a crime value, but it would also result in an Honor Kill Reputation. Of course, such a Reputation could only be obtained by killing a player whose level was similar to one's own.

To be honest, Lao Yao was also a little eager to give it a try. He had activated the Free Mode and had been fighting monsters in the game for so long. He had never tested it on players before. If these guys did not know what was good for them, he could try it today.

Lao Yao's rude words made the Battlefield Clan's players' expressions turn ugly. They had always been arrogant. It was rare for them to be so polite, but they were actually scolded by him. It was already good enough that they didn't fly into a rage.

"What should we do?" The Hunter Battlefield@Wandering Soul asked in the party channel, "That guy won't fall for it!"

The Hunter was the one who coveted Lao Yao's dagger. The idea just now came from his mouth. Other than using bows and arrows, Hunters also used daggers in close combat. That was why he was greedy when he saw Lao Yao's dagger.

"F*ck, who cares? Let's just kill this guy!" Battlefield@Fierce Tiger cursed. "I think this guy only has a few pieces of equipment on him. He's probably trash. If we kill him, he might really drop equipment!"

Little Steel Cannon agreed. "F*ck! Even if he doesn't drop the equipment we want, killing him once is enough. Damn it, he actually dares to curse us."

After these guys finished discussing, they immediately ran past Lao Yao and pulled out their weapons.

"Hehe, you can't hold it in anymore. Are you going to shed all pretense of cordiality?" Lao Yao laughed. "The few of you are really despicable. Couldn't you have done this earlier? Why did you have to provoke me to curse you before you're satisfied!"

"Cut the crap!" Battlefield@Fierce Tiger's face turned ashen from Lao Yao's words. After cursing, he directly charged towards Lao Yao.

Fierce Tiger was an Orc Warrior. His racial talents gave him additional Strength. Coupled with the green sword in his hand, his Attack was not bad. In his opinion, he could basically kill an Assassin with one hit. Therefore, he did not think twice and used a Heavy Strike skill.

Lao Yao saw the direction of his attack and slid to the side, easily dodging to his right. The wolf fang dagger in his right hand aimed at the man's neck and slashed.

This was a subconscious reaction that Lao Yao had honed over many years of being a mercenary. The dagger was like a venomous snake, carrying a cold glint as it brushed past the neck of Battlefield@Fierce Tiger on the battlefield. At this moment, Battlefield@Fierce Tiger actually forgot that this was in the game. When Lao Yao attacked him, the cold gaze in his eyes that looked like he was looking at a dead person actually frightened him so much that he broke out in cold sweat.

"Critical hit! -450!"

"Yo! Your defense is not bad!" Lao Yao shook his head and sighed. When he attacked Fierce Tiger earlier, he subconsciously thought that he was fighting with the enemy and forgot that this was in the game. Therefore, that attack was only a normal attack and not the damage after using a skill.

However, after making some calculations in his heart, he realized that the defense of this Warrior called Battlefield@Fierce Tiger in front of him was actually about the same as the defense of a Level 13 Death Swamp Fishman. He could not help but sigh.

The Warrior class could wear Chain Mail Equipment, and their Physical Defense was outstanding. If they added points to Agility, the increase in Defense was also higher than that of the Assassin class. Furthermore, after adding 1 point of Strength, it would increase 10 HP. Therefore, most Warriors distributed their free attribute points in a ratio of 7:3.

Fierce Tiger was currently at Level 13 and had added points according to this ratio. His current Strength was 108 points and the Warrior's HP increased by 30 after leveling up. His total HP was 1,440 and his Defense was around 120. Although he was not a powerful MT, his strength was not bad. He was indeed worthy of Lao Yao's praise.

He reached out and touched his neck. There was still the feeling of a dagger slashing across it. The moment he thought about it, he felt cold sweat dripping down his back. The cold gaze from Lao Yao earlier really made him think that he was dead for sure. The feeling of death brushing past his shoulders made him feel a chill. He flew into a rage out of humiliation and roared at his teammates, "What are you waiting for?! Attack together! Explode this guy!"

Actually, it wasn't that his teammates were willing to be stunned. It was just that they realized that when Lao Yao was attacked by Fierce Tiger earlier on, there wasn't any damage value. There wasn't even a miss. They were thinking about what was going on and naturally forgot to work together.

After Fierce Tiger roared, they finally reacted and fired at Lao Yao.

The two Warriors surrounded Lao Yao while the two Hunters drew their bows and nocked their arrows. The Mage began to channel the spells. The Priest was also preparing to use his only attack skill. It could be said that this group of players from the Battlefield Clan had quite a tacit understanding.

At this moment, Lao Yao also realized the problem. There were simply too many of them. Just as he concentrated on dodging the attacks of the two Warriors and was about to counterattack, two arrows flew towards him at a pincer angle. Left with no choice, he could only lower his head and dodge again.

Before Lao Yao could stand up and attack, the Mage's "Flame Arrow" also shot over. Lao Yao could only dodge again in a sorry state.

However, this time, Lao Yao did not manage to dodge it. The spell landed on his body and the words "-300!" appeared above his head.

Lao Yao was instantly shocked. What was going on!? Although he had dodged a little awkwardly just now, he was still confident that he could dodge it!?

The scene from before flashed across Lao Yao's eyes. The "Flame Arrow" that the Mage had shot out seemed to have turned slightly when he dodged it…

Could it be that… magic attacks could not be dodged?!