Lao Yao's First PK (2)

There was no time for Lao Yao to hesitate. He only had 3 Magic Defense and 330 HP to begin with. The Mage's attack instantly depleted Lao Yao's HP. Not far away, the Priest was preparing to release spells to attack.

Lao Yao knew that it was the only skill that a Priest could use to level up: Illumination! Although it was very likely that the Priest's attack was not very high, Lao Yao only had 30 HP left. It could be said that he would die the moment anyone touched him. He did not dare to compete with the Priest in terms of luck.

"Rush!" The decisive Lao Yao activated this new skill that he had learned. It increased his movement speed by 50%. Not only could it allow Lao Yao to quickly enter the battle, but it could also allow him to quickly escape the battle.

Players' attack range was limited. After Lao Yao started running, he had already exceeded the range of the Priest's attack. The spells that could be released immediately had to be stopped.

Furthermore, an Assassin who had already sped up was not something that players could catch up to at this stage of the game. Unless the Warrior reached Level 20 and learned the Charge skill, it would be impossible. Therefore, the players from the Battlefield Clan could only watch helplessly as Lao Yao left until his back disappeared…

"F*ck! Fierce Tiger! What are you all doing!?" Seeing Lao Yao leave in such a carefree manner, the Mage couldn't help but curse in exasperation. "The two of you surrounded him, but you actually didn't hit him at all!?"

"Brother Cannon!" Fierce Tiger and the other Warrior said aggrievedly, "It's not our fault! You saw our attack, but that guy dodged it somehow and couldn't hit him! There wasn't even a miss!"

The Priest at the back also came forward to speak up for Fierce Tiger and the others. "Brother Cannon, don't blame them. This guy was a little strange just now. Not only Fierce Tiger and the others, but even the arrows shot by Wandering Soul were dodged by him!"

The Hunter nodded at the side. Just now, he had fired two consecutive arrows from behind, but neither of them hit the target.

The Mage said gloomily, "Isn't this too ridiculous? Am I the only one who hit him? Although I also know that the magic hit rate is 100%, your attack hit rates are not low either. Could it be that it was such a coincidence that all of you made a 5%-chance mistake at the same time?"

"Brother Cannon! I think… that guy is probably an expert!" Fierce Tiger's face darkened as he subconsciously touched his neck. There was still the cold feeling of the dagger slashing across it. He couldn't help but shiver. He said with lingering fear, "Damn it, he hit me just now. I was actually frightened by his gaze… If this wasn't in the game, I probably would have died…"

Seeing Fierce Tiger like this, the group of people looked at each other. They were not involved and did not understand Fierce Tiger's feelings at that time. However, they knew very well what kind of person Fierce Tiger was. Fighting was common in reality. Fierce Tiger, who did not take injuries seriously, actually said that he was frightened by his gaze…

"Also!" Fierce Tiger rubbed his neck and thought about it for a moment before continuing, "I don't know if you guys noticed it earlier, but that guy's attack on me actually took away more than 400 HP! Although it was a critical hit, I noticed that it was a white number for normal attacks. That guy didn't even use any skills!"

Everyone was shocked. 400!? And it was normal damage? Didn't it mean that he could kill the Fierce Tiger with about four slashes!?

The Warrior profession added 1 point of Strength and could gain an additional 10 HP. Hence, it was usually a ratio of 7:3 when distributing the free attribute points. The Fierce Tiger was no exception. Coupled with the high defense Chain Mail Equipment on its body, the Fierce Tiger now had a total of 1,440 HP and 120 physical defense. Lao Yao could actually cut the Fierce Tiger with a normal slash and reduce more than 400 points. How much would it be if it was a skill?

"So that's it!" The Hunter Battlefield@Wandering Soul said, "That dagger must be a very powerful weapon. Otherwise, it wouldn't have such high damage! I think it might be a blue weapon with Attack Power!"

Blue weapon?! Hearing this, the few of them revealed greedy gazes. At this stage, a Blue weapon was comparable to a Divine Weapon. Even if they could not use it themselves, they could still sell it for a large sum of money!

At the very least, it could be raised to a high price of 4,000 or 5,000 yuan!

"Brother Cannon, what should we do?" Fierce Tiger asked the Mage. "Should we continue? I think that guy is an independent player. If we inform our brothers in the clan and kill him every time we see him, we might really be able to get that dagger!"

Mage Little Steel Cannon hesitated for a moment before asking, "Did you see his name clearly?"

The Fierce Tiger nodded and said, "Look carefully. He's called Lao Yao. There's no prefix in front of his name. He's definitely not a player from a clan or guild!"

The Mage was relieved and nodded. "That's good. Inform the brothers in the clan. No matter how powerful he is, as long as he doesn't have a backer, he's still a scumbag! It's a pity that he escaped just now. Otherwise, we might have been lucky and obtained the dagger!"

Fierce Tiger and the others also felt that it was a pity. Humans were all like this. They would always fantasize that they were the lucky one. Although they knew that the chances of white-name players dropping equipment were very low, they could not help but fantasize.

"Level up first! Hurry up and wash our red names. This place is too humid. I don't feel comfortable staying here!" The Mage instructed.

"Brother Cannon, do you think… that guy will come back?" The Priest hesitated and asked.

"What kind of joke is this?!" Fierce Tiger continued, "Unless he's a fool! Can he defeat five people by himself? If he dares to come back, he wouldn't have run away earlier! What's the point of thinking so much? Kill the monsters!"

The five of them calmed down and began to level up. However, they did not expect that the Priest's worries would soon become reality…

Lao Yao, who was sprinting all the way, had already left the five of them in the dust after the 15-second skill effect disappeared. Lao Yao sat on the ground and carefully recalled the scene where he was attacked by the Mage. In the end, he recalled what was said on the forum about the magic hit rate being 100%. He temporarily figured it out.

"This is a little troublesome!" Lao Yao rubbed his chin and muttered to himself. "That magic can actually turn corners and can't even be dodged! Looks like if I want to kill them all, the first thing I have to do is to deal with this Mage!"

In all fairness, the coordination of these players was quite good. When they surrounded Lao Yao earlier on, their attacks were almost in tandem. At that time, Lao Yao could not find a chance to attack at all and could only dodge passively.

However, as long as he could kill the Mage, Lao Yao still had a way to deal with a few physical attack classes.

When his HP was fully recovered and his Rush skill could be used again, Lao Yao activated his Stealth skill and slowly returned the way he came, following behind the five players from the Battlefield Clan.

They might not have expected that someone would really return alone after being surrounded.

Seeing that the five of them were farming monsters, Lao Yao couldn't help but feel secretly pleased. The Mage and Priest were all hiding at the back and the Warriors were in the front to tank the monsters. This was equivalent to making it easier for Lao Yao to attack.

Lao Yao carefully approached the Mage step by step and launched an assassination attack.

At this moment, the Mage was channeling the spell attack and did not understand what was going on. He heard a critical hit. Before he could react, he realized that he had already fallen. The system's notification sounded in his ear. "You have died! Please choose a resurrection point or wait for help…"

As for Fierce Tiger and the others who were fighting the monsters in front, when they heard the Mage's scream, they quickly turned around and saw the words "Critical Hit! -880!" and the Mage's soft fall.

"Ah! Brother Cannon!?" Fierce Tiger and the others exclaimed. Then, they saw Lao Yao appear from his hiding state after taking the initiative to attack.

"Bastard! You dare to come back!?" They all roared angrily and rushed towards Lao Yao.

However, Lao Yao did not continue fighting. He picked up the equipment that dropped when the Mage died. Without even looking at it, he activated his Rush skill and fled far away again.

The goal of the first attack had already been achieved. After the Mage was killed, he could only return to the city to revive. At this stage, even if there was a Priest, there was no way to revive him. This was because Lao Yao remembered that Yang Yongle had once mentioned to him that Level 15 was the first team dungeon level. Coincidentally, the Priest had to be at Level 15 to learn the resurrection skill. The resurrection skill could be said to be prepared for the dungeons. No matter how Lao Yao looked at it, he did not think that this group of players from the Battlefield Clan were at Level 15 now…

Therefore, after the Mage was killed, he could only return to the city and revive. However, what did it mean for a red-name player to return to the city? He could only wait to be imprisoned!

The Mage who had fallen to the ground also clearly realized this, so he did not choose to revive. Instead, he lay on the ground and watched as Lao Yao fled into the distance. He gritted his teeth in hatred…