The Abstract King - Newbie Village Villager, Theo

Two kilometers east of Illy Village lay a small grassland. Xia Mi and Theo herded the village's dozen or so sheep there, then settled on a hill overlooking the pasture, watching the flock graze.

"Xia Mi, the Demon King has reincarnated again."

Suddenly, Theo diverged from their casual conversation to this topic, with a blade of grass hanging from his lips and his eyes wandering aimlessly ahead.

"And then?"

Xia Mi, seated next to him with a half-meter gap between them, had been pondering how to resurrect his slimes when Theo's words snapped him back to reality. It was rare for Theo to discuss something serious.

"At last, heroes and adventurers will visit our village again." Theo spat out the grass, looking earnestly at Xia Mi. "We will once again see those female adventurers with ample bosoms and long legs, wearing scant clothing. It's been so long since I've laid eyes on them that the memories are fading."

Xia Mi shot Theo a sideways glance.

[Name: Theo Kiel]

[Race: Human]

[Status: In Heat]

[Job: Villager]

[Level: 4]

Ah, he was in "In Heat" status.

It made sense to Xia Mi, who just brushed off Theo's antics with a sigh. Theo Kiel was the only villager in Illy who spent nearly 350 out of 365 days a year in this state. Given his peculiar, Picasso-like features, it was no surprise women avoided him. Village women steered clear upon seeing him.

Xia Mi found Theo pitiable, so he would occasionally indulge his fantasies and complaints, intervening only when Theo seemed on the brink of crossing a line.

"I really, really want to see those women from the adventurer groups soon," Theo sighed wistfully. "Then I can sneak glances and reward myself."

Xia Mi judged the situation to still be within manageable bounds.

"By the way, Xia Mi, what does it feel like to spend the night with a woman?"

Suddenly, Theo looked at Xia Mi with genuine curiosity.

"How would I know? I've never experienced it," Xia Mi deflected, not wanting to delve into that topic.

"Right. I read somewhere that the reason sheep are considered demonic by Westerners is because of ***. This morning, I went to the sheepfold, and ***."

Theo began to narrate with great gusto, making bizarre gestures and producing censor-like bleeps in his story.

Xia Mi's expression shifted to one of profound shock. "Wait, surely people shouldn't engage in such acts?"

"No, no! I only touched with my hands. I didn't do that." Theo rushed to clarify. "No wonder the heir to the Demon King has a thing for non-human beauties. Disgusting!"

How dare you insult me like that! Loving non-human exotic beauties and sheep are completely different things! And who are you to judge?!

Xia Mi's worldview took a hit.

"Theo, you might want to consider the widow at the village entrance."

"Huh? That stinking fat pig? Other than her rear resembling a sheep's, why would I pursue her?"

"Based on just that... Also, isn't she human? And single?"


Theo smirked, about to retort but then paused, sinking into deep contemplation.

Don't tell me you're seriously considering it!

Indeed, Theo looked deep in thought.

Xia Mi was genuinely alarmed. While Theo could be revolting at times, he didn't deserve to be squashed to death by the widow.

After some thought, Xia Mi decided to share a piece of village gossip. "Theo... Have you heard the other implication of cucumbers?"

"What?! That darned pig! She dared to do such a thing! I'm going to kill her!" Theo exploded, then covered his mouth. "No... No, Xia Mi, I feel sick..."

"Don't vomit here!"

By noon, the next shift of villagers arrived, and Xia Mi and Theo headed back to the village. Theo's face was flushed, and he even suggested they confront the widow with a cucumber, but Xia Mi firmly declined.


After achieving the highest level as a farmer, Xia Mi could complete tasks at a much faster rate than others. Fields that would take others a morning to till, he finished within an hour.

After finishing his work, he sat on the ridge of the field, contemplating how to leave the village and attain what he desired.

According to the Monster Codex, resurrecting a slime required three items: Natural Tree Sap, Water of Life, and his magical power. He could easily obtain the tree sap from the nearby forest, but he was clueless about the water of life.

Suddenly, Theo, who was still tilling his field, remarked, "Xia Mi, you're so fast."

"Hmm," Xia Mi responded nonchalantly.

"I've still got a lot left to do; I'll probably have to come back this afternoon."


"By the way, I had lunch at the widow's place today. Want to join next time? I've realized humans are better than sheep for... Certain things. Though it strains my back. Can't let her be on top; she's too heavy."




Suddenly registering what Theo had said, Xia Mi was taken aback.

"Hold on, it's only been two days since your... Incident with the sheep. How did you progress so quickly with the widow's story? Didn't you confront her?"

Had he missed some crucial plot development?

"What do you mean by 'progress in the story'? I don't understand."

Confused, Theo continued, "It's a long story. I originally went to confront her at noon. But when I was returning from tending the cattle, I found her visiting her deceased husband's grave. She asked for help, and I, seeing her distress, decided to assist. I thought I'd settle scores with her afterward."

So far, the story seemed plausible.

"But then, the widow began sobbing profusely by her husband's tomb, lamenting her loneliness and despair. She expressed gratitude for meeting someone as gentle as me, giving her hope in the village." Theo touched his nose sentimentally, "I never realized she recognized my gentle nature."

Shouldn't the focus be on her "loneliness and despair"? And saying such things in front of her deceased husband's grave?

Xia Mi was perplexed.

"The widow cried on my shoulder. I took a good look at her and thought, apart from being a bit overweight, she's quite pretty: garlic-nose, oval face, and full arms."

Knowing the widow's actual appearance, Xia Mi struggled to suppress his disbelief.

"As you know, it's been a while for me, and she's been without her husband for a year. One thing led to another, and right in front of the grave, we... "

Xia Mi was frozen in disbelief.