Charging at Trees

"After it was done, we cleared the grass from her husband's grave, and then we left."

Theo's reminiscence came to an end, a lewd blush still evident on his vague features, a blush that nobody would want to know the reason behind.

"By the way, Xia Mi, didn't you say you wanted an elf or a succubus as a wife? Actually, instead of such daydreams, it's not bad to find a slightly plump woman."

"I thought you only had a problem with your looks, but it turns out your preferences are quite questionable too."

"Isn't that normal? Love is like that; it's all the same in the dark!"

"The emphasis is on the latter part, right?"

Xia Mi saw the defeated expression on Theo's face.

"Well, I wish you and the widow in the village... Grow old together..."

"Don't say that. I never planned to be with her. She seduced me, and I just couldn't resist. By the way, do you know what 'ice and fire' means..."

"Just focus on your farming." Xia Mi decisively ended that topic.

From the topic of sheep to the widow, their conversation was definitely not meant for others' ears. Otherwise, it would be social suicide.

Theo could afford to face social suicide, but he definitely didn't want to bear the title of a 'sheep lover' in the future.

At noon, seeing many villagers returning home with their farming tools, Xia Mi blended in and headed towards the village tavern.

Although Xia Mi was now the Demon King, he still retained his identity as a villager. He needed to maintain a similar routine and habits as other villagers to prevent anyone from suspecting his actions.

The village tavern.

It's also the biggest bragging spot in Illy Village. Many villagers come here to drink and brag.

However, aside from the exaggerated boasts, one could glean some useful information.

Xia Mi ordered a beer.

The forty-year-old man, Diel, dressed as a bartender, was the owner of the tavern. With his exquisite long gray hair, he resembled the village's wise elder.

When heroes and adventurers come to the village, he, along with the village chief and the blacksmith, had the most quest indicators above their heads.

Diel, who was always amiable, passed the beer to Xia Mi and asked, "What have you been up to lately, Xia Mi?"

"Just the usual farming."

"Really? Then try my specially brewed wheat beer."

"Thank you. By the way, Boss Diel..." Having listened around in the tavern without any useful information, Xia Mi inquired, "Have you heard of the 'Water of Life'?"

Diel stroked his chin thoughtfully, "Water of Life? It sounds familiar... Oh yes, I heard the hero mention it once. He said it was a sacred water beneficial for nurturing life. I don't know the details."

"Thank you." Xia Mi took a sip of his beer and thanked him.

"Why are you asking about it?"

"I heard a passing hero mention it once. I thought it was some kind of fancy wine. Just remembered it now."

Diel's doubts were quickly dispelled by Xia Mi's response.

"Haha, I see. If you're curious, you can ask around in the city? You might find more useful information there."

However, considering that the 'Water of Life' was mentioned by a hero and possesses the powerful ability to nurture life, it's probably hard to obtain.

Still, Xia Mi now had a rough understanding of the current situation.

Although the Magic Tower recently announced the emergence of the Demon King's heir to the entire continent, such a grand narrative doesn't affect the lives of common folks.

This distant news quickly faded from the villagers' conversations.

"How could the Demon King appear so quickly?"

"Exactly! Even if he does, he'd only appear in the capitals of major kingdoms. Why would he come to our small village?"


Xia Mi quietly finished his beer, left two copper coins, and exited the tavern.

In the afternoon.

The mission to resurrect the slime species officially began.

Xia Mi changed into casual clothes, donned a straw hat, and went to the woods outside the village to collect tree sap.

He made an incision in the tree bark, placed a container underneath, and waited for the sap to drip.

However, much of the resin flowed out as well.

Did he really want this resin? Xia Mi definitely didn't!

Waiting took much longer than the actual work.

Xia Mi held the container under the tree, occasionally adjusting its position to prevent the sap from going astray.

Not far away.

A blonde elf wiped the sweat from her forehead, her cherry lips slowly uttering elegant elfish words.

"Damn it, it's definitely here."

Having traveled from the Demon King's castle, taking three days and nights, she finally arrived in the outskirts of Eden City, following the guiding light to a small village.

That deceptive Demon King didn't tell the truth. Fortunately, she left a mark.

However, the distance was too vast. The mark she placed on Xia Mi was barely visible this morning, so she had to search while following its faint glow.

Her perseverance paid off as she eventually found the place where the guiding light disappeared — Illy Village.

Yet, Xia Mi managed to return to Illy Village in an instant. He must have a faster transportation method than the portals connecting cities!

Lureia massaged her sore shoulders and approached the woods.

Then, she saw a man wearing a straw hat, hands in front of him, occasionally adjusting his stance in front of a tree.

She paused, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion.

Do villagers nowadays have such bold customs? They "charged" at trees?

Lureia gulped audibly, realizing the several containers of tree sap next to the man, and understood her misunderstanding.

Oh, he's merely collecting sap.

"Excuse me, is the village up ahead Illy Village?" Lureia cautiously approached.

The voice sounded familiar, but Xia Mi, already yawning from boredom, didn't care much.


"Are you a villager here?"


"Do you know someone named Xia Mi?"

Upon hearing his name, Xia Mi slowly turned, "Xia what Mi?"

"Xia Mi."

The forest was silent for three seconds.

"It's you!"

Lureia pointed at Xia Mi's face, exclaiming without her earlier politeness, "I wondered who would dare to charge at a tree in broad daylight. So, it's the Demon King's heir."

"Your attitude changed too quickly! And don't make up baseless accusations!"

Xia Mi frowned, looking at the blonde girl before him, quickly recognizing her identity.

The flat-chested elf from whom he had taken something vital from.

"Also, don't casually call someone the Demon King. I might destroy that necklace at any time." Checking that no one was around, Xia Mi sternly warned her.

Lureia quickly closed her mouth, retracting her pointing finger, her shoulders slumping.

"I'm... Sorry..."