Yet, I Still Exhausted Myself

Why am I apologizing? Clearly, I was the one being threatened!

Xia Mi put down the basin he was holding. He had managed to collect four basins of tree sap in half an afternoon, a satisfactory harvest.

"How did you find me here?"

"When you touched me, my scent remained on you. I followed it here," Lureia fabricated.

"Are you a dog?" Xia Mi raised an eyebrow, uncertain whether to believe her.

"Why are you here?"

He cast a side glance at Lureia.

Under the warm sunlight, the skin of the flat elf looked as delicate as fresh snow. Her silky golden hair seemed to shimmer with a layer of luminescence, and her pointed ears, a distinct characteristic of elves, peeked out from the sides of her hair.


Lureia wanted to voice her grievances about how hard the past few days had been. But, remembering their conflicting statuses, she closed her mouth and kept her complaints to herself.

She had journeyed a long way to be here, not to whine but to stay by Xia Mi's side. Any complaints would make her seem weak, and if she lost ground now, their relationship would worsen.

Lureia quickly masked her expression, keeping a relaxed demeanor.

"I have nowhere else to go."

"Isn't it common for an elf to survive easily on the continent for at least five years?"

"But... I sneaked out... And didn't bring much money."

As Lureia stuttered, her pointed ears turned slightly red. Elves' ears tend to turn red when they lie or feel embarrassed.

But Xia Mi, who had never left the beginner's village, wouldn't know that. Otherwise, he would've recognized the flat elf's reactions back in the dungeon.

"So, what's your plan?"

"I intend to stay with you for now... Don't get me wrong... I mean in this village... Once I have money, I'll move somewhere else... Besides, it's a nice change from the Elven Forest. Staying in a human village seems like a good choice."

"Suit yourself. As long as you keep our secret, I won't interfere with where you go."

Xia Mi wasn't particularly interested in Lureia's decision to stay. However, having her in Illy Village would mean he could better control her, which could be beneficial.

"What are you doing?"

After Xia Mi's agreement, Lureia felt more at ease and voiced her curiosity.

"Collecting tree sap."

"What for?"

"Just a villager's daily life."

Xia Mi loaded the collected sap onto a cart and headed back to the village. Lureia quickly followed. After a brief silence, she glanced at him and whispered.

"Hey, you're the Demon King's heir, right?"

Without any change in his expression, Xia Mi looked back at her.

Lureia quickly zipped her lips, making a zipping motion in front of her mouth.

"I'm just a villager."

Lureia smirked. Even if he wouldn't admit it, she had her ways of making him submit. She remained silent.

Upon their return to the village, they went their separate ways. Lureia's sudden presence, with her golden hair, undoubtedly attracted the villagers' attention.

Lureia quickly visited the village chief's house and introduced herself as an adventurer from the Elven Forest touring the continent. She expressed her desire to observe the local customs, traditions, and weather. Given the elves' long lifespan and their reputation for traveling, the village chief readily agreed, offering her the best room in the village inn.

Thus, the golden-haired elf officially became a resident of Illy Village.

Although the inn's luxurious room wasn't up to her standards, she was content knowing Xia Mi was nearby. Her curiosity about his true identity and her desire to retrieve her necklace kept her spirits up.

Back in the villager's house, Xia Mi completed his task of collecting tree sap.

[Natural Tree Sap Collection Completed.]

Now, the only thing left was the elusive [Water of Life].

What exactly was it?

Frustrated, Xia Mi skimmed through the Monster Codex, finding limited information.

[Water of Life: Often referred to as the water that aids in nurturing life. Typically sold in underground markets in major cities.]

Without a clear location provided, Xia Mi realized he might need to visit a city to find it. But then, he thought of someone else who might know what the Water of Life was.


After three tiring days, Lureia was ready to sleep. After setting up a simple level1 Spirit Protection Barrier outside her room and taking a bath, she sprawled out on the bed, ready to doze off.

However, just as she was about to turn off the lights, she felt a vibration from her barrier. Someone was approaching her room.

Lureia instantly became alert. She tiptoed to the door and peeked through the peephole, spotting Xia Mi.

He tried to knock, but an invisible barrier stopped him.

[Name: Level 1 Spirit Protection Barrier]

[Type: Elf Magic]

[Function: Provides a slight protective space with an alert system for the user.]

[Note: A level 2 Demon King heir can easily destroy any level 1 magic barrier.]

Understanding dawned on Xia Mi. It seemed that the flat elf did have some protective instincts.

From the peephole, he could see the sneaky golden-haired elf peeking out from behind her door.

Inside, Lureia squirmed excitedly, thinking this was the perfect opportunity to test Xia Mi.

If he were just a villager, he would leave upon encountering the barrier. But if he was the Demon King...

Suddenly, Xia Mi swung a hoe, shattering the barrier.

"Elf, are you in there?"

Lureia flung the door open, her golden hair disheveled, and angrily exclaimed, "Why did you break my barrier with a hoe?! Aren't you just a villager? And where did you get a hoe in an inn?"

"I brought it with me."