Song of the Minotaur

During the evening, Xia Mi left the tavern with some meat dishes and headed to the inn room where the flat-chested, blonde elf stayed.

This elf was looking forward to meat every day now.

Both of them sat beside the round table in the room to dine.

"Xia Mi, when the villagers were gathering, you asked me to accept the request. Did you already think of a good solution?" Lureia curiously looked at Xia Mi while picking the meat pieces from the dish with her chopsticks.

"Not at all."

"What? Then why did you confidently let me accept that task? A Level 45 Great Swordsman is downright lethal for someone of my status!"

Lureia suddenly lost her appetite for the meat, looking at Xia Mi with widened eyes.

"Unless you leave the village, there's no way you can refuse that request. Instead of going back and forth, it's better to just accept it. It might make the villagers feel a bit more at ease."

Lureia had an expression of resignation.