Whispers of Intrigue and Hidden Agendas

They strode together to her chamber, discussing the horse breeds and experience they had had in the past. They reached her chambers in what felt like an instant.

"I guess I will see you later Alexander." Isabella smiled up, gazing into his blue eyes.

"Yes, I will meet you there, don't be too long," he smiled, brushing his hair back nervously.

They greeted one another and Isabella popped into her room. She felt exhausted from walking around all day, but it had felt so worth it spending so much quality time together. She plopped on her bed trying not to wriggle from happiness, until she heard a knock on her door.

"Oh Isabella," Lady Sophia sang as she entered the room. "How was your dreamy walk with the Prince?"

"It was fun, this place is just as big as our palace back home." Isabella smiled at her friend, patting the bed for her to join her. "We got to know each other, I have to say, I really like that he is so passionate and caring. I could be happy here."

"Ooh, you know how your father will react to that." Sophia wiggled her eyebrows. "Besides what if this is all for show."

"I know I know, that's why I said 'could', if it were real, and less complicated." Isabella sighed, pulling her knees to her face. "It's just, he is so sweet, and handsome, I love how easy it is to talk to him."

"Well I wish it was real and uncomplicated but for now, at the very least, we know it is complicated, so don't go falling for him too bad, okay?" Sophia said, rubbing her friends back. "Maybe by some miracle things will turn out better after the king finishes all these dispute meetings with the queen, speaking of, you should probably go and see him, he came back early."

"Did something go wrong?" Isabella jumped to her feet.

"No," Sophia chuckled, "with the grand opening this evening the Royals of both families would want time to get ready and be prepared and presentable. Go see him, he seems less frustrated than yesterday at least."

With Sophia's persuasion Isabella went to see her father. She knocked at his door, her heart racing as she anticipated their conversation.

"Come in," the king replied.

"Father, I wanted to come and see how you were doing, and how the meetings had been going with the Queen." Isabella spoke softly, as if speaking too loudly would upset him.

"I want to apologize to you Isabella, you have only been a good daughter, you have only wanted peace, and I am proud to be your Father." He sat at his desk defeated, his tone somber. "The meetings have been difficult, Queen Helene is demanding things be her way, with little leniency to compromise. I was also provided the full detail on the terms of the political marriage they have proposed. By accepting and marrying him, it would mean we give into all of their terms, they would take all the smaller villages that we have been fighting over for centuries and all trading routes open up for free movement, and as for the main capitals we would have 50/50 rule, so that would mean that we would practically merge and I would lose half the kingdom and my daughter to Arcoi dogs. But it would also mean peace. As for the meetings today, we simply went through the proposal. Naturally I tried to compromise on the proposal but they are not willing to accept anything other than those terms."

"Father, I have always been on the side of peace, but their proposal seems biased, surely they cannot expect so much." Isabella touched her father's shoulder. "Could we not provide a counter proposal?"

"Perhaps in the future, but tomorrow we will discuss what will happen should we reject the proposal, but I already suspect she would declare the start of a war." He said as he sipped on whiskey.

"Father, what is going on? You were more determined yesterday, what else happened?" She sat by him, holding his hand as she pleaded to know more.

"Isabella, I suspect that all will be revealed to you soon, but please, don't think less of your father. I have done everything for the sake of our kingdom." He pleaded as he chugged the last bit of whiskey in his glass. "Go now, I will speak with you tomorrow."

Reluctantly she stood and obeyed, she went to her room to get Sophia and they walked together to the bathhouse. They bathed silently as Isabella turned the words over in her mind, trying to understand what was wrong with her father all of a sudden.

"Mother, I was told you were looking for me?" Alexander entered Queen Helene's study.

"Yes, how was your tour with the princess?" She smiled lovingly at him, as she sat at her desk, pen in hand.

"It was lovely, she is a very charming girl." He chuckled nervously, glancing away.

"I'm glad that you are getting on so well with her. Let's take a walk?" She rose from her desk, Alexander instantly at her side offering to accompany her.

They walked together to Queen Helene's private garden, which was completely restricted for Queen Helene's use only. She nodded toward her garden to let him know to enter so that they may have a private conversation.

"Mother, I know you love your garden, but must we come here every time you want to discuss something?" He groaned as he sat on the stone bench.

"Do you know why no one is able to get information out of Arcoi? Because of the protocols I take to ensure true privacy when I need it." She sat opposite him on another stone bench. "Alexander, I have some things I need to discuss with you about your princess."

"I am aware you are meeting with their king to discuss the terms of the proposal." he stated as he fumbled with a leaf.