Unveiling Hidden Agendas

"Yes, the King is obviously very dissatisfied as always. We are only asking for a few of the villages, and for the princess to stay here in our palace, but he claims we ask too much." The Queen grimaced. "But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I think it's time you heard the whole story of your father's death. You see, back when I was young and a princess of a small kingdom that later became part of Arcoi, I was betrothed to your father, the King of Arcoi, so that he might grow his Kingdom. But shortly after the betrothed was confirmed, the prince of Verdesaint at the time, who is now the King of Verdesaint, became jealous. He is known for his obscure ways of obtaining smaller kingdoms to grow Verdesaint, and so he was envious of not thinking of asking my hand in marriage first that he became enraged. Your father sought to finalize the marriage as fast as possible as he was growing older and none of his previous wives had been able to bear him a son, and with that we wed shortly after he proposed that I could fall pregnant with you. The Midwives promised us that you were a boy, we were so happy, but urgent word was sent from one of the outlying villages of Arcoi that Verdesaint was overstepping. So your father set out to cease the needless fighting, and then a message came, news that your father had died on his way back on the convoy. I had informants investigate the truth, and they confirmed that it was by the current King of Verdesaint's hand that your father was assassinated."

Silence fell over the garden, even the wind was still. Prince Alexander felt as though a bomb had been set off in his mind and chest. All this time his father had been assassinated by Verdesaint out of jealousy. All his life everyone had warned him of the ruthless, selfishness of Verdesaint, but when he met Isabella it felt impossible for any of it to be true. He felt his blood turn cold as the disbelief turned into outrage.

"WHY?! Why would you only tell me this now!? I have been conversing with that princess! You expect me to marry her?!" His mind raced, unable to settle on a single topic.

"Alexander," She hushed him. "Trust me as you have always had. The Princess is just a pawn in the great scheme of things, if she falls in love with you and can convince the king to let her marry you, we will get back all the parts of Arcoi that rightfully belong to us, maybe even more. And we can get rid of her once you wed, he took your father from you, what better score than to take his daughter!"

"I can barely stand the thought of marrying that girl now." Alexander grimaced at the thought, pulling out the small dog statue from his suit pocket. "And to think she gave me this dog statue as a gift."

"Let me see that," Queen Helene ripped the statue out of his hand, once she looked it over she laughed hysterically. "My boy, you are such a fool! Do you know what that Verdesaint king calls us? Dogs! And the princess clearly chose the poorest of Artisans to make it as well! She probably knows the truth behind your father's death and is playing you for a fool!"

Queen Helene placed the poorly crafted dog statue before Prince Alexander, he had no words to utter. His mind reeling, playing through each moment with the Princess searching for clues to her deception. He knew he would need to dig deeper into the matter on his own accord. They left the private garden shortly after their discussion, only for Alexander to find Prince Lucian for help.

"Please, I need you to find out the truth, I have to know what is really going on." Alexander pleaded to his best friend and right-hand man.

"You know Queen Helene has the best informants in the realm, what she said is likely true," Lucian said somberly, resting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "But I will send my informants to confirm the facts for us."

Later that evening, Princess Isabella and King Alaric were accompanied by all their attendants to the Opening of the Grand Artisans Exhibition. They arrived early so that Isabella could meet with Lady Nuria and the other artisans that came out to help with the event. Upon arriving Sophia came to Isabella's side, they had barely spoken since they met at the bathhouse. They walked together, separating from her father, so that he may meet with the royals of Arcoi in the meantime. Isabella and Sophia walked in silence whilst watching the merchants and artisans setting up their stands. Lights ran above the stands as if to imitate the stars above. Pot plants and flowers were neatly placed all around the area, giving the appearance of being surrounded by nature. A warm breeze blew through Isabella's loose hair, and lightly tugged at her silver gown made of lace and a few clear crystals. Isabella pulled at her quartz hairpin, adjusting her hair to look neater.

"Are you okay Isabella?" Sophia asked softly, grasping her friend's hand.

"Yes, I just wish father would tell me what is going on, and that Arcoi didn't have to be so demanding." Isabella replied, squeezing her friend's hand.

"What are you going to do now?" Sophia wondered as they got closer to the Verdesaint stands.

"I decided to ask lord Edmund to help me, he was reluctant at first, but he agreed that my father cannot keep acting this way." Isabella was determined to get to the bottom of the problems between Arcoi and Verdesaint, and quell the age-old dispute. "But until I get the information I need, I will continue to remain peaceful and friendly to everyone, including the prince."

"I don't think I have ever seen you so determined princess, but please stay alert, we don't know what any of them are up to." Sophia warned her solemnly. "But enough of that for now, Let's go have fun, I can't wait to see what you and Lady Nuria planned!"