Keeping Up with Casmir

Isabella found that the Valerosa palace was far busier than what she was accustomed to in comparison to her leisurely schedule in Verdesant. She quickly realized that Casmir's role as adviser to the King meant he was continuously involved in every matter of governance and diplomacy.

She was determined to be a supportive partner and continued to observe and study as Casmir discussed each situation, hoping to give him valuable insights. She spent her time in the palace library familiarizing herself with the kingdom's policies and history.

Although, she often felt like a fish out of water. Conversations filled with trade agreements, agricultural policies, and foreign relations were overwhelming at first. Her determination to grow into her role as a future queen never waned.

Casmir often thanked her for her determination, which only grew her hunger to learn more. They bounced several ideas off of each other, often discovering solutions to their problems together.