Embracing a New Culture

It had been several days since the last bird tapped on her window, so Isabella decided to sleep on her own tonight. Glancing at the letter she wrote, she decided to give it to Casmir in the morning.

At breakfast, everyone was seated at the dining table, Isabella listened to the chatter between Casmir's father and Elara, whilst Casmir ate beside her stealing glances at her between bites.

"They are already starting to open the markets and preparing the lanterns! Father, we simply must go!" she pleaded as if she were a small child begging for candy before bed.

"Elara, Casmir and I have so much to attend to, especially since he wishes to journey around the kingdom." his eyes glinted with regret, knowing all too well how much Casmir wanted to help Isabella.

"But please father, what's the point in living if you aren't even living!"

After a long silence Casmir and his father shared a nod, their father finally agreed to let them go out of the palace.