Tensions and Intimacies

Whilst Isabella's advisers continued to negotiate deals with the allies of Arcoi, news of rebellious acts in Valerosa became a prominent problem. Isabella and Casmir met to discuss their options to handle the growing threat.

"What information have you found out regarding the reason for their rebellion?" Casmir demanded as he paced up and down the war room.

"Sire, pl- please be pa- patient, we are still trying to find more information." the head adviser stuttered under Casmir's furious gaze.

"I am done waiting! This threat is growing whilst you fools sit and twirl your thumbs!" Casmir yelled at the group of men, now cowering together. He rested the palms of his hands on the table as he looked over the map.

Isabella stepped beside him, taking in all the marked areas that were being affected by the rebels. She gasped at the shocking increase of riots that had taken place over just a few short days.